I Hold Sacred Space

What’s Lighting My Fire in the Moment?

Together in liveliness and aliveness for me, upleveling a new octave or two:

This is a Thing. For years, I didn’t realize, “This is a Thing.”

In July, #HoldingSacredSpace was my intent. It was directed at a specific project — creating a #WordAltar mixed media collage and poem about sacred land near here and holding that land as sacred space. Due date for the piece was midmonth.

#HoldingSacredSpace … It “comes out of me,” and as I’m now learning — it’s something I’ve always done! Rarely did I realize what was coming forth — thus making it impossible to own it.

In the past few years, blessed with finely-tuned mentors and astutely observing playmates, I’m better able to grok my capacity for this. I’m claiming #HoldingSacredSpaces as a core capacity … and one of my superpowers.

There’s profound hunger …
We radiant beings in feminine form are starving for deep connections in community, with resonant SiStars who are awakening to their own inner divine feminine flows from depths. And with brothers who are likewise awakening their own inner divine feminine.

To truly nourish and answer this call, being held within a safe and sacred space makes a h-u-g-e difference.

At the core … I’ve also wondered:
What is WITHIN that is yearning to be brought forth?
This question arises for me, and I’ve heard it from others …
a deep pang of thirst to bring forth what is within –
that is equal to the hunger to gather in sacred community.

The intent of my work now is to weave together a place where both deep hungers and thirsts can be attended to — a rich garden for each one who comes to play — space to cultivate their own #SelfNourishingHeart.

Safe. Sacred. Spacious.

My gift and greatest joy is creating safe, sacred, spacious gatherings —
with open-hearted, not-necessarily-discipline-specific
processes. We use words, yes, and open to visuals, while some
express in movement or sound. Or something else altogether unique!

What I’m Envisioning …
In real time, you and I, individually and in community, have space to connect with our own inner flows — what I call our #HeartFireMagic. Then create from that inner space. A whole life can be thusly created. Let’s see what happens!

Beyond the seasonal sacred circles of meditative vision journeying, making your journey-notes, falling in love with your own inner wisdom, I envision an onward journey beyond the 8 seasonal gatherings.

For those who are ready and willing, ignited to get on with creating, sourcing those creations from this inner sacred space, I am weaving new fields and groves of support — so we can ALL get on with creating in every possible way…

Specifics are only beginning to unfold. What emerges is likely to be in dialogue with the playmates who are called … Some may feel it most inviting to engage via one-on-one sessions.
Others may gravitate towards intimate group creative practices sessions
I imagine it like CoWorking/CoCreating sessions with mentoring, space-holding, and centerings built in.

It’s creating in community, because I envision my own work coming through as well.
My multidimensional self has many gifts ready to blossom. Gathering in intimate Pods of Conscious Creators feels like such a delicious way to play.
It’s calling to me.
Is this calling to you?
Are you curious?
Wonder how it would work?
What if … you were to be part of the shaping of this sacred grove?
… Of making it your own?

We turn our attention TOWARD the sweet spacious light-filled chamber of our creations. And yes, Now!
It is time for each of us to reveal, bit by bit, in a more public way, the Heart…

of the Stars that We Are.

We will continue to play together and celebrate Mother Earth’s seasonal shifts.

Meanwhile, if you’re hungry to get going on creating your entire life as a work of art ... giving yourSelf permission to do so and getting on with it, be in touch! You can help to shape the clay of this sanctuary with me.

Drop me an email at bjmiddendorf (at) gmail (dot) com if you are curious and want to know more about the supportive field of creation that is emerging.

With big love and bright blessings,


And that #WordAltar created for the July-August exhibit at the Placitas Community Library …

Mixed Media #WordAltar, Holding Sacred Space With Chaco Canyon

Bealtaine: Create from Your Inner Fire & Nourishing Heart

At Bealtaine, Beloved,
We L.E.A.P.
Across Late Spring’s fiery threshold…


The old Celtic traditions had us jumping over the Bealtaine fires to amplify generativity for conceiving and birthing new life.

Welcome to the full-on Springiness of Spring!


Bring on your sincere devotion to kindling, exploring, and CoCreating with your inner #HeartFireMagic. At this seasonal turn with Bealtaine’s fire, bring your potentized intents for creating in the CoCreation Fields … Dreaming in new flourishing for you, me, us and all life as we play in these DreamFields …

Because at the heart of it all, Creation is always a Co- …

Creating isn’t done alone in a vacuum! If “lone wolf” was ever true (& I doubt it!), that’s expired w-a-y beyond its sell-by date!

Bealtaine (Gaelic spelling, though don’t ask me to pronounce it!), also known as Beltane and May Day, is celebrated around the first of May. As we approach this Bealtaine threshold, approximate midpoint between our Northern Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, Spring is unfurling in all her glory. The “Merry Month of May” is coming on strong at all the latitudes.

When we awaken to the possibilities alive at this Threshold, we experience magical moments and places of the eternal everywhere and everywhen. We become the Leap … like this:
** Go to the threshold.
** Still your inner being.
** Express your pure #IntentToCreate.
** Then… Listen for what is there, at Threshold, awaiting your Presence and Attention.
** What is calling you into your greater BEing?

Get ready to Love, Explore, Activate, and Play!

Every Moment, a Threshold Moment

Several years ago, I trained to offer sacred Medicine Walks in/with Nature. My experiences with this practice illuminated the astonishing realization that “threshold moments” and awareness of boundary-crossing don’t happen just at beginnings and endings of such journeys.

Every eternal present moment of Now delivers a new threshold — if we can bring ourselves to the moment in newness, freshness, aliveness, every sense tingling in glad anticipation of what’s next along the journey. We CoCreate with every breath and with every present moment when we consciously engage.

This is the magic that shows up in seasonal circles with our shared centering meditations, grounding practices, and meditative visualization journeys that open your own portals to discovery. You’re invited into deep receptivity to commune with your own inner wisdom and the answers that await you within — maybe to questions you didn’t even know you were asking!

Listening, writing/creating, celebrating, — all in ceremony with community– amplifies this threshold field of pure potentiality.
Gathering at a “midpoint marker” like Bealtaine, around the year’s wheel, opens exponentially more possibilities.

We gather potency together, with pause, inquiry, exploration, deep listening, CoCreating, and luxuriating in an elevated and magnified #CoCreationField ripe with your own unique inner wisdom ripples.

These gatherings CoCreate a shared coherence field, a space within Infinite Mother’s Infinite Ocean, here to deepen into listening and receiving what is yours.

Is it your time to tune in to your own inner field? Nurture your own blossoming, fruiting, birthing? Cultivate from depths within so that all of you flourishes?

Details for 2024
‘s BEALTAINE Gathering
Spring’s unfolding continues on our journey around the wheel of 2024 on 
We gather at 4 PM MDT for 90 minutes.

To check time in your world…
Meeting Via Zoom
(Link to come after your PayPal registration.)

Replay message with prompting questions
(everything you need to immerse in the gathering
within your own divine timing!
comes your way shortly after each event.

Join the Bealtaine circle at 2024’s suggested $30
In Sacred Exchange From The Heart.
You are welcome to offer another amount that is do-able for you without hardship– above or below that threshold– to support this emerging sacred temple space.
Link to pay and register for BEALTAINE only
in Sacred Exchange from the Heart:

If you feel called to suggest something else as sacred exchange, send me a message with your proposed sacred exchange. (bjmiddendorf at gmail dot com)

Your unique Soil-of-Soul awaits! Make your own inner connections in community within this safe and sacred Seasonal Writing-from-Soul, Seed-Nurturing Celebration!

With love and appreciation,

P.S. 2024’s full invitation is designed to inspire and uplift you and all who read it — all by itself, whether or not your heart-guidance leads you to participate at this time.
I would be honored if you feel the resonance here that inspires you to explore the larger story of Seasonal Circles around the Wheel of the Year at the link below.

Please share this invitation with resonant friends and colleagues.

P.P.S. Be held and blessed before, during, and for 6 months after the gathering, in the magical alchemy of Belvaspata, radiant angelic healing of the heart, unfolding into its greatest wholeness. Belvaspata is a healing modality received from Infinite Mother via the Seer Almine of Spiritual Journeys, and into which I have been initiated.

Your Values: The Key to Living with Power and Purpose

Knowing and living your values is a foundational step if you are a messenger, visionary, thought-leader, and make-a-difference change-maker. Join a community of change agents at The Gathering to tap into the power and purpose of values.

Values work is potent. There’s great richness in going deeply into the foundational building blocks of values as part of the inner shift we are here to usher through in our work and with our clients. Working with values is the first step if you, like me, care deeply about making a significant difference in the lives of your clients, and so, by extension, inviting that big difference to show up in the world.

It’s most effective when values are shared, and so building community around values is one of the great challenges we face in co-creating a new society and the upgraded institutions needed to serve it.

I have been called into a hugely productive partnership and collaboration with The True Purpose Institute. Their “first Wednesday of the month” tele-seminar, called The Gathering, invites change makers in all arenas to come together to learn and strengthen the inner game that will make us more effective in the change we are here to support in the world.

This Wednesday, 5 June, is the call that focuses on Values.

It is part of the True Purpose Institute monthly “Gathering” calls, and is being offered in partnership with the Barrett Values Centre. I invite you to join us if you can. I urge you to sign up to receive the recording, even if you have a conflict with being on the call live.

Here’s a bit about the “inner requirement” for knowing and living your values as change makers.


When wielding great power, you must be guided by
clear principles that ensure your actions are in
alignment with your purpose. As Mahatma Gandhi
said, “The means are the ends in the making”!
How you go about creating transformation is every
bit as important as the transformation itself.
Moreover, the values you choose must be consistent
with the world you are creating. This ensures that
your actions will continually model and reinforce
the new paradigm (assuming your behavior aligns
with your values, of course!)

Below is the link to sign up to receive the call-in details about The Gathering calls. There is no charge for the call, though there is a place to “pay it forward” via a True Purpose Institute-affiliated nonprofit.

The Gathering for Change Makers offers a year+ of monthly, high-level change-agent and inner-game strengthening conversations and community calls.

Here’s the link to sign for to get the call details (and also get access to this call recording as well as past and future call recordings):



To sharing values in community!


Summer Camps for Conscious Creators–Part 1

A shout-out to you, Conscious Creator: A lifetime feeling like a misfit, aching for the joy and refreshment of being replenished from deep within, longing to make the connection with like-hearted others… Make this summer your time to shine your light. Solstice, called Midsummer, is the start of summer, so DECIDE that this is your summer to create momentum and connect with your tribe. Here’s a start-of-summer listing of summer camps for Conscious Creators. En-JOY!

For Conscious Creators -- Summer Camp Creations
A believing mirror for Conscious Creators; Image by Bobbye Middendorf

What will YOU make of this remarkable summer?
Ask yourself if it’s time for your own Summer
Camp. If you are a Conscious Creator, this is
YOUR time. Replenishment and creative play are
key to your health, wealth, and personal growth.

Take time to look into one or more of these
supportive communities/classes. You’ll play with like-
hearted others and build your impetus and
momentum with the wealth of information,
inspiration, and guidance to move along
the Dreams of Your Heart’s Desires!

Lots of rich and delicious opportunities to
create your future — starting THIS weekend!

It’s no secret that time seems to be moving at
warp speed and everything is changing almost
before it’s born.

That said, you’ll discover a
spacious creativity available when you step
into the Kairos time of the Conscious Creator…

The eternal present remains uncluttered and
focused, a place where you can step into
your fertile phase of BEE-ing!

1. Saturday June 23:
Bring Your Inner Vision — Out!
Virtual Vision Boarding with Sherry Murry

This event is the first of several fantastic outlets
for energizing your vision, purpose, projects, and
conscious connections over this summer 2012!

Get started here with my friend Sherry Murry’s
virtual workshop to sharpen up your Vision for the
rest of 2012 by creating your very own tailor-made
Summer 2012 Vision Board.
Details at:

(Tell Sherry that Bobbye sent you!
It’s a soul-replenishing process from the
Songstress of Soul!)

2. Sunday June 24:
Live and in person in Chicagoland!
Gathering Chicago’s Change Agents:
Cultural Creatives Unite at
Chicago IONS.

This is an event for you if you’ve always felt
like you never quite fit in. You may be on a
path of Change Agent, Thought Leader, or Messenger.

Even if you don’t call yourself that (yet),
Paul Ray gave us a name: Cultural Creatives.

On Sunday, Adam Shames of Kreativity Network
updates the community with the latest
research based on his interview with Paul Ray.
Most important of all: It’s a
gathering of the Cultural Creative Tribe on 6-24.
(and you can connect with me live if you are able to
come out for it.) I’ll be scribing our community
town-hall findings, discoveries, and conclusions
on the flip chart.

If one-people-one-planet resonates for you,
we would love you to join us. Details:

3. Monday June 25 at 5pm Eastern Time is the LAST
DAY and MOMENT for you to sign up
for Web Site Campwhere you get the hands-on
know-how to bypass a webmaster and go live with your
WordPress website.

Just Imagine how you feel.. fall is in the air,
the kids are back at school…
and you are confidently posting new content and
programs and updates on your OWN WordPress website !
What a relief!
How long have you been waiting?
Wait no longer!

If this is the summer that — no matter what —
your website goes live — then my colleague and
mentor Christina Hills is the best person to hold
your hand and show you the inner workings for
your own D-I-Y WordPress website.

Get comfortable with the basics.
You’ll soon fearlessly go under the hood,
see the Dashboard as a friend, and you’ll
get your web site up — finally!

Imagine building your website with WordPress–
and loving the process! It IS possible. Christina
helped me with my WordPress website.
And this short course is a great value.

Christina’s Summer Program covers the fundamentals
of WordPress for non-techie people who want
to build a website without a webmaster.

It happens live for 4 weeks, but then all
the materials stay online
for you to go through at your own pace.
Full details:

If you sign up for Websitecamp through
my affiliate link,

…then email me a copy of your receipt,
we’ll get you and your site onto
my schedule for a complimentary
“Inspire Your Message” copy review
(a $197 value) once the construction
dust settles.

4. Talk to me!
Leave a comment below (or send me an email
or use the contact form) and tell me how these events
land with you. Are you up for a summer
of letting your creative juices flow?

Let me know what’s up in your life, work,
and heart. How are you faring in refining
and polishing your message, regularly
sharing your great content, and connecting
with your perfect people for
building your tribe? Is it smooth sailing —
or have you hit some potholes?

How may I be of service to you in your
busy life and business?  (Sometimes a
believing mirror can help you see things
that are invisible to you.)

5…Watch for more news, events, and
inspired connections coming soon.

(Save the dates: July 23-August 16 for
a juicy new Write Synergies Circle gathering!)

Happy Summer 2012!
Happy Solstice!

May this dark of the moon
be the seed-starter for the
Dreams of Your Heart’s Desire.
And keep on shining your light — in words!

Love, Light & Laughter,

And be sure to check out the
new 2012 Summer Solstice poem at

I’m just an email/phone call/Skype
session away if you’d love a dose of
creative support and inspiration for
your messages.

Honor Your Dream. Give It Words.

Yes, there it is: Honor Your Dream. How long has it been in hiding? How long have you maintained the silence? How long have you felt “on the verge” of expressing it, yet always pull back at the last minute?

So here sits your challenge: Give It Words.

Does that feel threatening? Scary? Exhilarating? I acknowledge you for even considering that it may be time to open the closet door and dust off the dreams so you can clothe them in words to bring them forth. 

One of the hardest tasks in the world is to tell your own story.


Especially for those of us called to make a difference in the world — to transform, to do something that hasn’t been done, to create anew — bringing forth our message is a doubly challenging endeavor.  The typical models just don’t fit.  It’s discouraging.


Maybe you’ve spent a lot of time trying to create your messages, to shape your marketing, to put together web sites or speaker sheets or articles,  blogs or books. You long for your words to reflect the truth of the potentials and possibilities that are bubbling up inside you.


And yet, you haven’t captured the essence in spite of giving it your best effort. Your words are falling short of saying what you really want to say.


  • But how to put it into words?
  • How to articulate the ineffable?!
  • How to say it so the most perfect people “get it?”


How can you express what you do with authenticity and put it out there in words so that your most perfect people hear your message? There’s the rub.


Even as an experienced writer/marketer, I’ve faced the challenge of saying what I do so that people “get it.”  And when they don’t,  that hurts, especially when you’ve put your heart into saying what you do and it just doesn’t connect.


And it’s not only the message. It’s your WHO: your people, tribe, community. Once the message is ready to be shared, you face  the challenge of putting it in front of your most perfect clients, so they will be able to say, “Yes! That’s me. I want some of that!”


For those of you sharing messages of transformation, take a minute to feel into what it might be like to have a partner, a believing mirror, someone who “gets it” and can help you put words around that vision  you’ve been hiding for so long.


As writer, creation coach, and vision midwife, I help visionaries with the words and writing that bring forth the stories, wrap your gifts in words, and give shape and substance to your visions and dreams.


Especially if you are a woman in the best half of life — whose true gifts have been hidden or are only now coming forth — really take in the possibility that you might be able to express your stories and still feel safe. Feel heard. Feel embraced with understanding…Be held in a sacred container of conversation, content, and creation.


What would it feel like if you experienced your visions and messages coming to life in words?

Wouldn’t that change everything?

To open a conversation that just might change everything for you, please send me an email at bjmiddendorf(at)gmail(dot)com.  Give me the 100-word synopsis of your story and dream to make sure this is the most appropriate fit for you and bringing forth your dreams.

Everyone who responds will receive my BEEing Presence Plan Kit for Messengers.



Chrysalis: Emergence At Hand

Turnarounds 1:

Chrysalis: Emergence At Hand


Pre-emergence before the chrysalis
Photo by MK Salovaara

This is the first in a series of life lesson stories that illustrate the powerful and invigorating TURNAROUNDS that we are all capable of creating for ourselves, in the sacred circle of our words, reflection, and inquiry.


Your Journey

Have you been on a journey of personal growth, spiritual development, and profound transformation for awhile now? Maybe you feel like something just isn’t happening; it’s incomplete; OR you feel like you should be there already?  Maybe you’re tired because you feel like you have been on this journey your entire life. “There has to be a better and simpler way,” you think to yourself.

Like you, I feel as though I have been journeying long and often alone. It’s been a precious voyage of inner discovery. And it has seemed like things have been “so close.” It’s like the mathematical asymptote: The line approaching the curve and never arriving.

A Puddle of Ineffectiveness

One day, I confided to my coach, Alan Hickman, that I felt exactly like a little puddle of ineffectiveness that wasn’t going anywhere. Thanks to Alan’s deep listening, reflecting, and training in inquiry, he stood with me in the sacred circle to turn it around.

First, I owned that, “Yes. It’s true. I’m right now in a space of being not very effective.”  Deeper inquiry told me a different story from what I’d been judging myself about and beating myself up for.

(You know, the old riff of “I’m stuck. What’s wrong with me and why can’t I move?”  And I’m sure you’re familiar with the “WHY AM I NOT THERE YET????!!!!” conversation.)

The Caterpillar Turnaround

The metaphor that arose in our discussion was the caterpillar. It had felt for so long like I was melting down from the inside, and I didn’t know who I was or what I was about. Everything seemed to be shifting and changing.

Then the Ah-Ha.  Suddenly I realized that I was indeed looking at the inside of the chrysalis.

Here’s what I could now see: By loving and embracing the stuckness, the ineffectiveness, the right-where-I-am-ness, I was able to acknowledge myself for exactly where I am — like the butterfly looking out from inside the chrysalis. Observing myself with love and compassion, I can see that I am right where I am supposed to be.

Butterfly on my Ankle

A few weeks after my conversation with Alan, this chrysalis narrative continued, as I continued to “notice what I notice.” As I practiced Qi Gong meditation in the garden on two separate days, a butterfly landed gently on my ankle. That was my signal to share this narrative. The butterfly wings are flapping to strengthen themselves for emerging from the chrysalis and getting ready to fly.

(Interestingly enough, I also observe that my drops of essences from Jane Bell, called synchronistically enough, “Emergence,” are nearly complete.)

The Message from Ovo

Another message reaffirmed my understanding. A visit to Cirque Du Soleil’s brilliant “Ovo” show, provided the image of the chrysalis in an aerial interlude. Pressing against the sheer fabric, the butterfly finally emerged high in the air, flapping its  (her?) gossamer wings.

Affirming Our Shared Emergence

These words too emerged. “Share this story and this image. For many are in the chrysalis and can use a guide, the powerful validation  that where they are is just where they are meant to be.  Help them to understand they are seeing from inside the chrysalis, and that their time of emergence is at hand.”

And so, for midlife, best-half-of-life creators of all kinds, global transformers of consciousness, messengers, change agents, thought leaders, awakeners, authors, and healers: I send greetings and encouragement from the chrysalis.

I’m with you when I say I know you are longing to step into your potential, to create transformative projects, businesses, creations, books, messages, ventures. I know you’ve been feeling for a long time stuck, stalled, scared, not good enough, or like you should be there already. Maybe you feel like you are trying to push the river to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN.

Emergence — Not Emergency

Allow yourself in this moment to relax. Know that you are enough as you are; and you are where you’re meant to be. Allow yourself to just BE in the soup of transformation. Be willing to flap your wings to strengthen them for your own emergence.  (Try practicing in this safe space by bringing your story from your chrysalis into this community of comments.)

Shift the DNA of Your Experience

What has been most surprising for me in this turnaround is that by embracing the stuck, stalled, scared puddle of ineffectiveness, I’ve literally changed my patterns and shifted the cellular experience of myself.

It starts with an honest acceptance of, and even surrender to, exactly where you are right now. Realizing and embracing that you are still taking shape  — you, your project, your creation, all together inside the chrysalis — creates a powerful self-recognition. More powerful still is to embrace your whole seemingly stuck self  — completely free from judgment, and with love, appreciation, and gratitude.

And so you can. It’s the best prayer and meditation ever.

Emergence complete
Photo by MK Salovaara





Information Overload Vs. Discernment

The gifts, messages, and sacred stories are flowing with abundance. If you chose, you could listen in and connect with thought leaders in your niche every single day, multiple times a day. You can follow the teleseminars, webinars, tweets, blog posts of Cultural Creatives on many different parts of the same or similar paths. You can try to comment on everyone who resonates, and so many people do. Their messages are potent for you.

For those of us charged over the years as “Living Libraries of Light,” the ocean waves of messages from thought leaders threaten to swamp us. Information overload is very real. We inhale to take it all  in — and choke. We open our arms to embrace all that seems good and true and beautiful — and we are carried into the undertow because we cannot embrace it all.

The great shift and turning is upon us, the turning of an age. You can read about networks, circles, communities, tribes of people dancing at the edge of transformation, opening the doors, windows, and portals, ushering in new ways of being that are freeing and liberating and connecting us with our true selves, our deepest and  Divine Essence. The forward motion and momentum, unfolding us into our future selves, continue unabated.

Even so, others steadfastly yank on chains of the past that hold us fast in old models and paradigms that are breaking down.  The powerful in the world clamp down on anything that empowers greater numbers of us. That is the old story that the powerful are trying desperately to hold onto. And in this time of disparate and desperate polarities, we are tacking, our small ocean-going canoes heaved first one way, then another.

Discernment is key. How do you discern who to follow, who to listen to, who to invite into your own inner sacred space? I’m not saying I have all the answers, but perhaps together we can access and share some useful questions.

Translate Your Vision into BEE-ing: Your Code

A few years ago, I created a personal mission statement. As a solo-soul-preneur, I am the face and being of my business.  At the end of 2010, I was called to update that document. Usually the word “mission” for me is a non-starter. I’ve read far too many mission statements that put me to sleep.

As the Write Synergies Guru, I teach people the magic of growing their results (in words) greater than the sum of the parts. To do that, it calls for stepping into a level of Being in the World (and in the moment) that can only be expressed as your mindful and conscious Presence.  Sometimes, that Presence yearns to share itself by owning the parts that it encompasses. Maybe my colleagues would benefit by revising their “mission” statements into “Presence” statements…Or what I call the Code.

As a writer and a mentor for those crafting,  honing, and polishing their public messages, writing is one piece of my process. Let me share a secret: Who you are Being, from your deepest essence, is what makes the critical distinction between you and everyone else. So ponder the following questions. Take them to heart. Write your answers. Then share your riches here and with your own community of customers, clients — your circle and tribe.

First, who are you Being?

= From your Being, what is your Vision for 2011?

= What is your process for bringing that Vision to life?

= What are the words, the code that you live by when you are truly expressing from your highest and deepest self?

Please share!

For me, it is out of a place of deep inner space, of silence, of a kind of solitude, of words written by hand and by keyboard.

The Write Synergies Code

Out of the deep inner space of silence and solitude grow discernment, intuition, compassion

Walking a spiritual path, I commit to living these core values:

Listening deeply and with loving attention

Exploring with joy, curiosity, passion

Living mindfully and artfully with health, serenity, abundance

Knowing the sacred flow in all energy exchanges

Promoting peace, creativity, wisdom

Expressing compassion for Gaia, nature, and all sentient beings

Advancing with honesty, integrity, authenticity, gratitude, imagination

Connecting with the highest expression of those intersecting my path

Embodying a focus on the Light within and highest good for all concerned

Such foundational and visionary work is the beginning of declaration — what some might even call the basis for a Manifesto. Rest assured, that is coming. Living and expressing fully from this deep place calls on all our intent, requires that we show up in these new and powerful ways of Being.

I have been able to share, above, acrostic messages as part of my Write Synergies Code. These totems and ways of Being are also part of the code and reminders to me about the deeper forces at play in all aspects of life.

We are being called to wake up and act from a more powerful place. Start by unlocking your Being, shining a light on your Vision, and acting each day in the truth of your Code!

Join me on the Write Synergies Path!
Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru

Heart and the Art of Marketing

Marketing is a way of getting the word out and building relationships.  To take it to a grander scale, marketing is all about building community.  If you feel challenged in expressing your gifts, if marketing is a dirty word, or at least it doesn’t come naturally, then here’s help.

Express your gifts’ value to others authentically, align your marketing messages with who you really are, and you will be creating the connections that resonate with your perfect readers (audience/clients/customers). That authentic connection is what your perfect people are seeking.

Think about it: What if they can only hear it from you? Now is the time to hone and refine your message and your voice to make the connections that your audience needs to hear–as only you can do it — from YOUR heart.

Authentic artful and heart-full communications that resonate with your perfect clients, customers, readers, and listeners are like the “magic wand” that can magnetically attract your perfect audience.

The art of marketing communication (copywriting, strategy, relationship-building) success hinges on you excavating and honing your authentic voice with a message that is aligned with who you are, expresses the heart of your project, and then can connect with your perfect audience.

It starts with a simple realization: All things being equal, people generally choose to do business with people they know, like, and trust.  In fact, they are often most attracted to people most like themselves.  What this means is that the more clearly you express YOU, the heart and soul of your venture or project, then the more likely you’ll connect with your perfect people.

If you are a visionary conscious creator, writer, soul-preneur, author, speaker, artist, or healer, then getting clear on who you are and what makes you tick can be the single greatest and most profound piece of marketing you can do to ensure your success and the long-term success of your project.

Book Marketing Menu

For many years, I worked in the book publishing business doing marketing and publicity. The following Book Marketing Menu gives authors and would-be authors the master list from which they can draw inspiration and their to-do list. It’s big and hairy. There’s a lot to do. BUT, start with what’s easy and comes naturally for you.

Your book is your legacy. Are you ready? Ready to live your legacy? To own the greatness of your vision, message, or project? To express your gifts? To connect with your tribe, so that the people who need to hear your message can hear you?

The following Book Marketing Menu outlines for you an array of ways to add power, presence, and platform to your vision, book or project.

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