What’s Lighting My Fire in the Moment?
Together in liveliness and aliveness for me, upleveling a new octave or two:
This is a Thing. For years, I didn’t realize, “This is a Thing.”
In July, #HoldingSacredSpace was my intent. It was directed at a specific project — creating a #WordAltar mixed media collage and poem about sacred land near here and holding that land as sacred space. Due date for the piece was midmonth.
#HoldingSacredSpace … It “comes out of me,” and as I’m now learning — it’s something I’ve always done! Rarely did I realize what was coming forth — thus making it impossible to own it.
In the past few years, blessed with finely-tuned mentors and astutely observing playmates, I’m better able to grok my capacity for this. I’m claiming #HoldingSacredSpaces as a core capacity … and one of my superpowers.
There’s profound hunger …
We radiant beings in feminine form are starving for deep connections in community, with resonant SiStars who are awakening to their own inner divine feminine flows from depths. And with brothers who are likewise awakening their own inner divine feminine.
To truly nourish and answer this call, being held within a safe and sacred space makes a h-u-g-e difference.
At the core … I’ve also wondered:
What is WITHIN that is yearning to be brought forth?
This question arises for me, and I’ve heard it from others …
a deep pang of thirst to bring forth what is within –
that is equal to the hunger to gather in sacred community.
The intent of my work now is to weave together a place where both deep hungers and thirsts can be attended to — a rich garden for each one who comes to play — space to cultivate their own #SelfNourishingHeart.
Safe. Sacred. Spacious.
My gift and greatest joy is creating safe, sacred, spacious gatherings —
with open-hearted, not-necessarily-discipline-specific
processes. We use words, yes, and open to visuals, while some
express in movement or sound. Or something else altogether unique!
What I’m Envisioning …
In real time, you and I, individually and in community, have space to connect with our own inner flows — what I call our #HeartFireMagic. Then create from that inner space. A whole life can be thusly created. Let’s see what happens!
Beyond the seasonal sacred circles of meditative vision journeying, making your journey-notes, falling in love with your own inner wisdom, I envision an onward journey beyond the 8 seasonal gatherings.
For those who are ready and willing, ignited to get on with creating, sourcing those creations from this inner sacred space, I am weaving new fields and groves of support — so we can ALL get on with creating in every possible way…
Specifics are only beginning to unfold. What emerges is likely to be in dialogue with the playmates who are called … Some may feel it most inviting to engage via one-on-one sessions.
Others may gravitate towards intimate group creative practices sessions…
I imagine it like CoWorking/CoCreating sessions with mentoring, space-holding, and centerings built in.
It’s creating in community, because I envision my own work coming through as well.
My multidimensional self has many gifts ready to blossom. Gathering in intimate Pods of Conscious Creators feels like such a delicious way to play.
It’s calling to me.
Is this calling to you?
Are you curious?
Wonder how it would work?
What if … you were to be part of the shaping of this sacred grove?
… Of making it your own?
We turn our attention TOWARD the sweet spacious light-filled chamber of our creations. And yes, Now!
It is time for each of us to reveal, bit by bit, in a more public way, the Heart…
… of the Stars that We Are.
We will continue to play together and celebrate Mother Earth’s seasonal shifts.
Meanwhile, if you’re hungry to get going on creating your entire life as a work of art ... giving yourSelf permission to do so and getting on with it, be in touch! You can help to shape the clay of this sanctuary with me.
Drop me an email at bjmiddendorf (at) gmail (dot) com if you are curious and want to know more about the supportive field of creation that is emerging.
With big love and bright blessings,
And that #WordAltar created for the July-August exhibit at the Placitas Community Library …