Words for Transforming You and Your Contribution:
How to Be in the Soup of Chaos and Know You Are in the Right Place —

Welcome to the new Heart of Creation where:
*All is new and forming and malleable.
*All is possible.
*There is nothing wrong with you.
“Change is nonlinear; it proceeds by leaps and bounds to strange and unexpected places. If you want creativity, you give up predictability…â€
—Margaret Wheatley
Author of Leadership and the New Science
(and most recently, Walk Out Walk On)
From the New Dimensions Perpetual Calendar
The New Heart of Creation
Many are observing and speaking out about the shifts of energies on the planet as we come to the end of the cosmic age. People see things breaking down, deadlocks, impasses in the old models and paradigms, the powers-that-be fighting a vicious fight for survival, deep disappointment in the institutions that purport to serve us and instead are serving only themselves. This is looking at the half empty glass.
Meantime on the other side of the matrix, millions of lightworkers, members of the Turquoise Tribe, self-growth experts, are busy creating anew. We are the ones seeing and building on possibilities and potentialities. WE are the people bringing forth new stories, birthing new ways of working and playing together, renewing and rediscovering the richness of ancient paths of wisdom, community, contribution, and grace.
New paths, many diverse yet congruent paths, are opening their way up and up the mountainside. From the shared “everyday,†we are scaling these peaks together and in new ways, many lamps lit along many pathways. All together, we are illuminating the way — FOR EACH OTHER.
Here from within the heart of creation, ask yourself this question: What if you didn’t have to “attract†anything?  Nothing. At. All. Why? Because with your deep and conscious Presence, (and the confidence to stand firmly grounded IN that Presence) the very act of waking up means that it’s all right there at your fingertips.
It’s not about “Attracting†anymore. It’s about waking up and Allowing. Yes, the new, improved LOA is The Law of Allowing. It’s a matter of unlocking and opening the door, of shining your light of welcome, and inviting in the most perfect relationships for whatever is next for you. From the place of conscious awakening, you’ll realize that even the door itself is an illusion.
That takes trust. And when you are in the cocoon, perhaps even still liquefying, how can you see clearly?
What is the message of transformation from within the chrysalis?
Deep within, from the heart of the imaginal cells, the seed and blueprint of the butterfly lives in perfection. Even when the caterpillar is breaking down inside its protective chrysalis, the message of the existence of butterfly lives pure and true, even in the soup of seeming chaos.
From this invisible world, inside the butterfly blueprint, what comes forth at the most perfect time IS the butterfly — breaking free, stretching and exercising its wings, as it emerges into the physical, manifest world.
Many of us, and I include myself here, feel like we are in a soup of chaos and transformation — and that is on our good days. What if that is true? How do we move forward together, trust the unfolding, especially when that seems completely of new cloth, a new paradigm?
For millenia, the Feminine Spirit has been abducted, spirited away from the public conversation. Patriarchy has been running the show. Now She — The Divine Feminine Spirit in Business, Healing, and the Heart of Creation — is back in this planetary eleventh hour.
The Feminine Spirit in Business holds the blueprints for paradigm-changing awakenings in how we structure work, contribution, service, and bringing the divine and gifts to the clear channels for exchange. It’s resolutely NOT going to look like what came before.
Welcome, Co-creators with the Divine Feminine Spirit in Business. We are in the soup of Transformation, and something new and brilliant is in the process of being born: The birthing of each one of us and all together “Owning Our Greatness.â€
It starts with going inside first, going deep first. It starts with listening to the yearning and longing and allowing what is deeply true to emerge onto the page in your own words.
Your first step in practical creation is making a safe space for your young inner parts to speak their truth to you — without your judging-self stopping the flow. Your emergence is longing for you to be present!
I’ve been called a “vision midwife.†Partnering with the Feminine Spirit in Business means co-creating from a planetary and cosmic space that has never before been accessible. Recently I received a direct message from the Divine Feminine Spirit in Business and asking me to share. “Language is key to manifesting,†she said, “and it’s one of the primary limitations for those bringing their vision into form.†That’s where I support women visionaries and co-create safe spaces for growth and expression inn partnership with the Feminine Spirit in Business.
All our rich contributions and gifts are so needed at this crucial time — especially the hidden and secret messages! So step into the circle and become one of the Conscious Co-Creators. For that, you may indeed want to consciously “Own Your Greatness.â€Â There’s a proven path to follow to strengthen yourself as you emerge from your cocoon.
For your own personal access to a no-charge “Safe Space†Playbook/workbook for “Owning Your Greatness,†for downloading your yearnings and really listening to your own inner messages, please sign up at the top of the right-hand column! Just enter your name and email at the top of the sidebar on the right side of the page.
You’ll receive a link to download your personal guide to owning your greatness — in words. You’ll receive uncommon support in emerging from your own chrysalis as the beautiful butterfly that you are!