Summer Solstice Beckons

Listen for Your Calling &
Save the Date to Celebrate — 22 June!

Beloved Magical BEing!

Summer Solstice is upon us, with all the joys of playing together
in spacious expansiveness of Mama Gaia’s longest Midsummer Day!
I’d love for you to share in the power of our #SacredSpace that
emerges in community around these seasonal circles.

Is it time for your refreshed infusion of inner-depths connection?
The Circle Gathers! Your Cushion Awaits!

Reserve the time and make your commitment to immerse in
our shared field of self-discovery, self-love, and deep self-replenishment.

Sunset at Haystack Rock, Pacific City, OR

Engage with this Potent Time of Transformation & …

> CoCreate yourSelf anew in the resonant inner listening field.

> Connect with your #BEing.

> Feel into new tendrils of YOUR #InnerWisdomWay.

> Explore and evolve within a community of radiant kindred spirits.

> & celebrate your innate blossoming wholeness within this season of flourishing!

I’m SO SO grateful and excited to invite you into the Sanctuary of
Mama Gaia’s longest day/shortest night — Summer Solstice
(in our Northern hemisphere)…

We gather in this seasonal circle to celebrate, honor, and mark it with
shared deep-self-listening-in-community-moment together
a day or two after the actual Solstice.
Don’t worry! The sun lingers at its farthest reaches–
at both Solstices.
We’re still in that radiant field of goodness.

Details For Your Calendar:

Our gathering is scheduled for:
at 12 Noon MDT – 1:30pm
via Zoom.

(Link sent from me after your registration.)
To confirm the time in your world:

Sign Up!
For the rest of 2024, you’ll receive support to root
into replenished
soil of soul for a year of growing
your greatest BEcoming and nurturing your unique
#HeartSong seeds from your essence of Joy.

To journey across the entire (rest of the) wheel of the year 2024,
I invite you to say YES to Your UNIQUE Flourishing …
when you sign up now for the remaining 5 [FIVE!]
Seasonal Circles in 2024
— From Summer Solstice Through Winter Solstice 2024!

It’s an immense privilege to hold these sacred spaces …
CoCreated with YOU!
Feel into the pure potentialities that are flowing right now,
and say YES to showing up for yourSelf in our
Solstice Sanctuary on Saturday, 22 JUNE at 12 Noon on Zoom.

A replay always comes your way shortly after our gathering,
for you to revel in your deepening journeys again and again …
or in case you are not able to be on the live Zoom.

Love and appreciation,

P.S. If you feel the call and want to sign up for Summer Solstice only …

If you prefer to join the circle one-at-a-time, the 2024 suggested
<<In Sacred Exchange From The Heart >> is $30.
You are welcome to offer another amount that is do-able
for you without hardship– above or below that threshold–
to support this emerging sacred temple space.
Link to pay and register for Summer SOLSTICE only
One-circle-at-a-time in your most perfect Sacred Exchange from the Heart:


If you feel called to suggest something else as sacred exchange,
send me a message with your proposed sacred exchange.
bjmiddendorf (at) gmail (dot) com.

P.P.S. Remember: You are held– before, during, and for 6 months after our Solstice gathering …
through my daily Belvaspata practices and sessions.
I hold our group field in partnership with the radiant angelic realm,
Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart, so that we are each blessed in our
greatest unfolding into ever-evolving wholeness. Sourced from
Infinite Mother, this healing modality was received by the Seer Almine.

P.P.P.S. Do you have a friend or two who would resonate
with our seasonal circle gathering?
Please feel free to share the invitation:
(All the future Save-the-Dates for this year’s Seasonal Circles are listed there too!)

Bobbye Middendorf
Inner Wisdom Keeper

Author: Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, partners with evolutionaries as mystic-catalyst, healer, and poet -- evoking experiences of hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy. Spoken Word Alchemy opens portals for Yin Arising via mentoring; she offers inner wisdom guidance and word altars. With WayMakers, this award-winning wordsmith regenerates their clarity and expansive expression to live life as a work of art.

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