What if I wrote a love letter to my Divine Audience?
Before I do, it’s time to acknowledge Jeffrey Davis of #TrackingWonder. This is part of a mid-2015 challenge, #DareToExcel #1of1 and number 1 is considering a #BurningQuestion. Specifically, “What burning question of possibility will influence what & how you create during the next 30 to 90 days?“ There’s one for me, above, and one for you, below.
Plus a bunch of bonus “What ifs…?” to play with as jump-starters for your own sacred vision quest.
About that love letter… It sounds something like the following.
My Beloved,
What if … the impossible really does take just a little bit longer?
Lean in here with me. Consider if that which looks impossible and appears unlikely, is the game we play to strengthen our ability to give birth to the Great Work that is ours to do in this great shared playground.
Sixteen years ago, at the beginning of July, I started a new chapter, leaving behind a corporate job in publishing. Did I ever imagine what has transpired? And how long it has taken to feel like myself, and finally to write from a place of interconnection, inner and outer, you and me, in community, with collaboration and with sacred solitude …
I sing to you, darling and beloved multi-faceted creator, as you inhabit the murky land of the crossroad, the tumbled place called the #ChaosOfReinvention. There, seemingly in the void, your purpose, essence, your very BEING — all of these bump up against the DO-ing of your Great Work, the creative you, creating life as art and work as art in this world of a billion paradoxes.
You know you are here to make a difference.
How do I see you?
I see the difference you ARE making by showing up. It’s revealed in the poetry of your presence, your healing, your art-making, your art-full life of cooking and reading, children, beloveds, and fur-companions, writing, singing, meditating, dancing, dreaming, making home, building, nurturing, nourishing, flourishing in your full-sensory goodness.
You ARE the difference you came here to make. My deep joy is seeing you, hearing you, and amplifying the YOU that is coming forth as apprentice to the Great Work that’s also coming forth. And all of it along a path of joy that’s both sustainable and sustaining — and no longer just out of reach.
When something isn’t fully aligned, there is discomfort, even pain.
Finding a way to honor your integrity and deep compassion, your vision and joy and divine spark, your commitment to life in all its sacred interdependencies, has ignited a flame of yearning so powerful in your tender heart that you are compelled to address it.
Take a moment at this #InterDependenceDay to consider what is beyond the edge of your current vision. Beyond activating the vision, ponder what more is possible when you step into the knowing of what is calling to be created next, what longs to be born as your next art-full creation in the world.
If this is you, sweet and often solitary maker-of-art, ask yourself if the following are next up on your menu of life-as-art-making:
* Creating a new story
* Birthing the next version of your gifts
* Putting rooted resonance and strong foundations under visionary and paradigm-shifting new approaches and processes
* Cultivating your change agency — clarifying your purpose, why you are here, and how you are meant to change and bless your Divine Audience
* Authoring the next narrative to uplevel your and others’ expression in the world
* Fresh iterations of your purpose, message, art, and work in the world
The book of your gifts and infinite potential hovers nearby, accessible to you in the #MultiVerse. Reach out, grasp this fist full of shadows, and dream them into being.
You are one intrepid explorer. Here, one-by-one, a community of conscious co-creators assembles, finding nourishment and connection, sustenance like an oasis and clear spring for a thirsting traveler.
Like-hearted. Full-sensory. Healing-intent-focused. Sacred impeccability. Book-writing. Message-expanding. Co-creating a world that works for all. Co-creative and collaborative community.
For I see in your story the fractal essence of my journey.
You are smart and multi-tiered, a complex, many-faceted, and deep-thinking visionary-creator on many levels. You are change-maker and shero, delving deeply into the inner energies, the emergent of what-is-yet-to-be. Determined to bring it forth and make the difference (finally) that you were called here for.
Rebel and trailblazer, purposeful and art-full, a dash of entrepreneurial crossed with maverick, a journeyer and healer, heart-infused, soul-based: You are someone who stayed well-hidden wearing protective coloration, navigating an uneasy alliance with parts that felt fraudulent, unworthy, not enough. And an outer world that didn’t get it (you) on so many levels.
I, too, have walked the path of trying to do practical things and gaining no traction. I see you and know the heartache of dreams untended because the siren songs of distraction became overwhelming. Or dreams tended that don’t bring themselves out into the world.
Here are some of the “What ifs … ” to consider
I ponder these for me, for you, for all of us called to the path of purposeful messenger, change-maker, sage-hearted evoutionary. These “What if …” questions are the coin of the realm for the Creator. Examine these “What ifs…” and tailor them to your own inquiries.
* What if the creating you’re called to do now or next, whether it’s writing, authoring, art-making, book-creation, blog-building, curricula-writing, speaking, even marketing, can carry the energetic essence of the healing imprint you’re here to offer?
* What if the stuckness was simply a message to yourself about connecting in with all levels of your being in the most perfect timing for your essence to come forth?
* What if you could connect with a gentle yet spacious container for creating your book (or web site or speaker’s sheet or …?), in a creation process deeply connected with your inner psyche, your gifts, your sources of guidance? And finally come out with the words that connect deeply to the heart of your people, words you didn’t even know you knew?
* What if you could bring mind, body, spirit, heart essence and soul-purpose all to play together at your creative table?
* What if you connected with a foundation of purpose, magnified mindfulness, amplified your conscious intent, in partnership with a guide through the depths of creation process that is calling to your yearning? And then bringing it all back out into the manifest world?
* What if you could magnetize your very being into deep and purposeful alignment with your change-making vision for your creation?
* What if you felt both free yet supported, liberated yet in safe and sacred partnership to create from that place where you allow your wisdom and the process to have its way with you?
* What if your process for connecting your story with the heart of your people and their yearning nourished you and them?
* What if engaging with your people was a sacred trust?
* What if surrender and trust were your watchwords?
* What if you really surrendered and really trusted?
* What if it IS really finally SAFE to bring your sage-hearted creations into the light of day?
* What if you could do what you do in a co-creative and collaborative container, while being seen into the YOU you are here to be?
* What more is possible if you bring it alive through the magic of “What if…” and it is so?
Are you willing to breathe into what more is possible? Can you entertain the possibility that the impossible might indeed be possible with TLC and a re-frame? How about holding a new, shiny “What if…” in your heart of hearts that yearns to believe the impossible only takes bit longer?
Divine creator, you, consider these. Explore. Inquire. Hold the infinite possibility that you are right now strengthening your ability to give birth to your Great Work, whatever is yours to do. And don’t do it alone!
I’d love to connect for a conversation if that seems like a fun next step. Email me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to inquire about setting a time for conversation.
You are loved, and you ARE love!

P.S. Or consider joining me for a deep immersive creative vision quest on the train journey playshop from Chicago to Albuquerque. Read more at the link and contact me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to learn more.