Daily Harvest

“Imagine … consciously entering into a spacious sacred container of support for inner deep listening. … For finding your inner harvest — eons worth of your gifts, gems, and jewels long-hidden behind veils of illusion of separation. It is time.” –with 22 Days of Meditations and Prompts.

22 Days to Deepen Your Harvest…

Explore & Integrate
YOUR Embodied Wisdom
Celebrate Your #HeartFireMagic

Listening for the gifts of your #HeartFireMagic
Listening for the gifts of your #HeartFireMagic Photo by Bobbye Middendorf

“Imagine … consciously entering into a spacious sacred container of support for inner deep listening. … For finding your inner harvest — eons worth of your gifts, gems, and jewels long-hidden behind veils of illusion of separation. It is time.”

With love from Bobbye

Harvest YOUR Inner Wisdom Daily! You’re invited to 22 days of deepening to harvest your own inspirations and ah-ha moments — even while you’re with all of us on this crazy roller coaster of our times.

Amidst tumult and changes, we’re riding incessant waves of ups and downs. It’s time for shifting focus to self-honor, to bring in the harvest of what we’ve done & who we’ve been up until this time.

What happens and what changes when you slow down to gather your inner wisdom? You might experience coming back to your own sacred center and finding new, delicious ways to be “home for self.” In my experience, this is the answer for creating self-stability amidst all the everythings.

Harvesting from your own unique field of dreams, wisdom, and HeartFire Magic + Medicine, turns out, is the most vital sustenance available to see you through and out the other side.

Daily Harvest carries a sacred intent: to open hearts, heads, eyes, hands, and bodies to what is already present, alive, vibrant within the field … There’s so much from deep within you that’s ready to be recognized and harvested — what is ready and ripe — right now — to feed you on profound levels. … AND for seed-planting into future gardens of your creations & your Being!

Over 22 days (including both the Equinox Seasonal Circle and a final Harvest-Celebration Sunday), here’s what will happen, when, and how:
> Each Sunday for 3 weeks, you will receive a brand new audio centering meditation in your in-box.
> Each day– for 21 days including Sundays — you will receive a prompt (or inspired quote or visual)… something that will unlock new harvest-pathways for you, inspired and drawn from the one centering audio each week. And you can listen as many times as you choose!

Dates for your calendar:
Sunday #1 — 18 September– First message — audio centering and prompt delivered to your in-box — followed by 6 more days of prompts to examine, harvest, inquire, and explore different aspects or threads from first-Sunday’s rich, multifaceted audio grounding-centering-visioning experience.
(Audio link will be re-sent in each day’s email.)

Sunday 25 September — EQUINOX Celebration & Deepening Circle — Welcome to the Seasonal Sacred Circle marking one of two balance points on Mama Gaia! (This gathering is included in the registration for Daily Harvest.) We meet on Zoom at Noon MDT for 90 minutes. Be assured … The harvest theme will still be very much alive … and other aspects/themes will also make themselves known as we get closer.

Sunday #2 — 25 SeptemberSecond message — Second audio centering and prompt delivered to your in-box — followed by 6 more days of prompts to examine, harvest, inquire, and explore different aspects or threads from second-Sunday’s rich, multifaceted audio grounding-centering-visioning experience.
(Audio link will be re-sent in each day’s email.)

Sunday #3 — 2 October — Third message — Third audio centering and prompt delivered to your in-box — followed by 6 more days of prompts to examine, harvest, inquire, and explore different aspects or threads from third-Sunday’s rich, multifaceted audio grounding-centering-visioning experience.
(Audio link will be re-sent in each day’s email.)

Each day’s prompt** over these 21 days opens a portal, a new access point, door, window, or pathway for you from within the centering — so you access hidden treasures from within YOU.
**Also inspiration may arise for me to “mix things up” a bit, including an image that is relevant or an inspiring quote — in addition to or in lieu of the prompt … All will be “food for thought” or grist for your mill of deep inner harvesting.

Sunday #4 — 9 October — Day 22 — Celebrating our 22-Days of Harvest — A sharing circle, gathering on Zoom. Consider this our community “barn-raising” to honor each other, acknowledge the harvest, and recognize the gifts emerging. This will primarily be a time for sharing YOUR wisdom-harvest, plus stories, discoveries, and feedback on the process.

In sharing, a next level of integration alchemy shows up — so that the ah-ha insights, inspirations, and inner wisdom become even more deeply embodied in your head, heart, and core. From within you and together, we explore ways to LIVE the harvest and have it sustain you now and — through seeding — to offer sustenance onward into the future!

Additional invisible, invincible support … Each day, you are held in the alchemical healing field of Belvaspata, and its angelic heart wholeness. This, my daily practice, offers support, inspiration, and wind under your wings to keep the harvesting alive and lively.

Each Day over the 22 Days of Harvesting …

You can deepen into your own awareness that recognizes, honors, appreciates … all your gifts, gems, and jewels long-hidden. It is time for them to rise, for you to gather and harvest from this rich lode of experience.

Designed to be doable daily (although life does happen … & missing a day won’t derail the process), this Daily Harvest Practice grows from within, from your unique inner field and its rooted foundation of your embodied BEing.

It’s an offering for saying, “YES!” to you, and to spaciousness within the day to collect, celebrate, acknowledge the grace and blessings, presence and support ever-present; to gather your lessons & insights … with your own grateful heart.

During the Lughnasadh Seasonal Circle, a few weeks back, we recognized the SEEDS of our wisdom-insights, new perspectives and perceptions. This “first harvest of the grain” is so timely — and of course, depending on your geographic growing zone, the season to harvest can last in some places all the way to Samhain (All Souls’ Day) and beyond.

That’s why I want to get us started on Sunday 18 September, so I hope if this speaks to you, you will immerse in a profound new way of self-harvesting, self-love, self-appreciation, and honoring the flows from within!

Your SEEDS are simultaneously the food and sustenance for you in the moment — as well as the seeding of your future, that we are also planting right now.

Let’s bring forth from where we’ve been — and simultaneously seed our becomings.
Let’s PLAY!

To sign up for the 22 Days of Daily Harvest — starting 18 September — plus the EQUINOX Seasonal Circle (Zoom gathering) on Sunday 25 September PLUS the Harvest Festival (Zoom gathering) on Sunday 9 October, follow this PayPal Link.

This link is for you to register for this Harvest Your Inner Wisdom experience, including the Autumnal Equinox gathering. (Northern Hemisphere)

With love and appreciation,

P.S. Remember: The Angelic Realm of Belvaspata, Heart-Wholeness, Holds You …Before, during, and after our circles as well as throughout the Daily Harvest experience.And for 6 months beyond! This is truly a priceless healing and uplift practice that is baked into almost everything I do! The Belvaspata practice that I offer holds the safe and sacred space that’s called tonal luminosity. It holds each radiant being within that space in an invisible infrastructure of angelic support. This continues for 6 months of daily renewal for the wind under your wings!

P.P.S. The 5-Day Sample-Preview series garnered this message:
“The walking meditation audio plus all of the relating prompts are great tools for shared growth and exploration. Exciting tools! … I do want to say that your prompts are powerful entry points because each person enters using his or her own experience, environment, and imagination… I do continue to unfold and deepen long after having participated in a circle…” (-DM, NM)

Seasonal Circles for 2022

2022 Seasonal Circle dates to immerse into connection with Earth’s seasons in partnership with your own inner wisdom.

Save the Dates to Immerse in the Mystery & Tap Into Your Deep Why

Sunlight on the Nile, flowing, traversing from within a sacred craft, and a life-ring… Thus do our seasonal circles gather all the ancient magic and support, reconstituting it all as lifesaving practices.

“Take the risk of telling a new story, dreaming a new dream, reimagining the soul and its purpose, weaving new cloth.”

Lorna Bevan, Hare in the Moon

Truly, we stand at a pivot point. Beyond what appears on the surface, depths call. Now, more than ever, gathering in a sacred circle, recognizing and collecting our inner wisdom, and sharing within an intimate and safe space — these are the things to “do” that propel our beingness to new octaves and shift the outer trajectory most powerfully.

The seasonal circle gatherings are also deeply replenishing. Taking time and giving yourself the spaciousness to receive — renewal, resting, restoring …

At the core of it all, it’s about Being — and yet the action (“doing”) of coming together brings completely fresh and greatly amplified valences of possibilities into expression.

This expression is likely to be surprising, show up in unexpected ways… and not look like what you’ve been told or thinking it would be. This is new reality co-creation, a re-constellating out of what-has-been. These radical changes are ushering in new potentials…

There IS a New Way

It is being born, birthed through our gathering in a co-creative and shared sacred field. Then it ripples from our sphere’s centerpoint of shared HeartFire Magic. Emanating from that centerpoint, immense potentials sweep like waves into the field of new reality co-creating and re-constellating itself.

At the heart of it all is self-loving, self nurturance; new levels of self-acceptance and radical ways of self-cherishing and self-seeing beyond what we have ever experienced before.

I invite you to experience yourself in new ways in the upcoming Seasonal Circles. In this time that Jean Houston calls “between the parentheses,” we are called to live in the mystery and swim in paradox. Are you up for it?

Are you up for surfing the waves of the unknown, the unknowable, the unfathomable — all with a spirit of adventure, wild-hearted curiosity, and deep surrendered trust that Life has your back?

… While at the same time, you build your own inner muscles of self-trust,
tune into and live from your inner wisdom, and hold
your sweet self in deepest self-cherishing & self-nurturing …

Would you like a safe field/playground and practice space to strengthen the inner muscles to be able to navigate new waters in a completely new way?

Ultimately, it will be YOUR way. But — traveling with a trustworthy guide and kindred beings can give you experiences that reinforce and bring forward what is already within you. What you already “know” on somatic, liminal levels — perhaps invisible and latent — can nevertheless be accessed and unlocked. It’s potent, present, timely, and called forth now — from deep within and into outer expression.


  • 5 February, Saturday — Imbolc*
  • 19 March, Saturday — Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
  • 7 May, Saturday — Beltaine*
  • 18 June, Saturday — (Pre-) Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)
  • 6 August, Saturday — Lughnasadh*
  • 25 September, SUNDAY — Autumnal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
  • 5 November, Saturday — Samhain*
  • >>>>> 18 December, Sunday — Winter Solstice Celebration
    (Northern Hemisphere)

These are the dates of our celebratory seasonal circles, which are all scheduled at NOON Mountain Time for 90 minutes.
Time in your world?
Our gatherings wink at the exact point of Solstice or Equinox and “exact midpoint” for the *cross-quarter days vs. when they are commonly noted.

The seasonal circles are again offered in sacred exchange from-the-heart. It is also possible to register for all remaining seasonal circles, either all together or one at a time. (We are coming up to the final circle for Winter Solstice.)

Within these sacred seasonal gatherings,
we are reconnecting with a living Ancient-Future
from this present moment of Now.

For your expansive consideration and greater context, this message from the site, archaeoastronomy.com may shed some light:

“…we proceed through 8 significant, yet invisible, thresholds within each [Earth] orbit. These spatial milestones mark the beginning, midpoint and end of each of our seasons. Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross Quarters are moments shared planet-wide, defined by the earth’s tilt and the sun’s position on The Ecliptic along 45° arcs.”

Accessed on 13 Jan 2022 from https://www.archaeoastronomy.com/

What’s Included
As always, you can come to the live Zoom experience, plus receive follow-up messages to the gatherings — including all Zoom recordings, recaps of the prompts, and of course centering meditations, grounding practices, and visioning journeys. These are yours to re-use/re-listen to any time you feel the wobble of our times — so you can return to your centered-self.

In addition, the circle and those who come to play are all held for 6 months in the field of radiant angelic wholeness, Belvaspata, the energy-frequency healing modality that I practice to uplift each one of us and all life.

So if the timing isn’t ideal or something comes up, you are invited to the circle-gathering experience asynchronously, alive in your present moment of Now.

All who sign up receive the follow-up message with links within a day or so — shortly after the event.

If you’ve experienced how deep you can go and the many ways these gatherings serve you, I invite you to consider … to feel into, for yourself, the unique potency of gathering with me and this group of kindred beings.

Don’t miss Winter Solstice —
From the dark, light returns

The FINAL Seasonal Circle of 2022 —
Winter Solstice Celebration

& will be held on SUNDAY 18 December at NOON Mountain Time.

With this being the final 2022 gathering, you will sign up for this gathering by itself, in sacred exchange. For 2022, $24 is the suggested registration for one circle at a time, or more or less as you feel inspired. Just click the link below with your registration. If this amount is not do-able without hardship, you are welcome to offer what you can, from the heart, at this link.
Connect via this PayPal Link.

I send much love and many blessings on your journey!

What they experience …

“Working with Bobbye is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. … there are the Aha! moments, which happen pretty much all the time. … they feel breathtaking and deeply personal. Then … that same epiphany has already become so much a part of my new reality that I am not sure if anything really happened. Wasn’t this always a part of me? … after many of these times when nothing much seemed to have happened, I look around and realize that my entire life, my perspective, my set of tools for coping and growing and co-creating, are not at all the same anymore, that they are changed to a degree I wouldn’t have known to even ask for. I am changed and my environment around me has been changed as a result. Dreaming and creating The Impossible Dream is becoming part of my every day.
The incredible thing is that she never tells you what or how to do or think. Not ever. She somehow guides you to that place deep inside you where your own personal answers are. Bobbye with her golden voice, brilliant inner guidance and powerful “tool satchel” is indeed making the world a better place. Bobbye, I don’t have the words to sufficiently express my awe and my gratitude.”


Walking the Teacher’s Path

TeachNow! Took It. Loved It. Your Turn?

As an alum of ‪#‎TeachNow‬, I’ve taken the course, loved it, and am re-enrolling. Are you curious about getting support around teaching and sharing your wisdom?

There’s a no-cost series of high-content intro videos (and a call) with Jen Louden. It’s going on right now, so if you are feeling called OR just feeling curious, it is well worth your time to explore and listen in.

Jen is an experienced teacher who helps everyone have fun while getting more skilled at delivering content, building community, and — teaching!

In the full Teach Now course, (explained at The Teacher’s Path) she will offer live coaching sessions, share video lessons, convene a community of teachers and course alums in a private online Facebook group, and give you access to a deep and wide library of interviews with master teachers from many disciplines. They generously share their wisdom from “behind the scenes” and insights from their teaching practices.

Whether you have a message to share, are ready to make the difference you came here to make, or even if you are currently a teacher who wants to uplevel your game, this is a fantabulous resource and THE place to be.

Ask yourself: Is it your turn to amplify your teaching light? If so, check in to see if this is a fit for you.

More details here at The Teacher’s Path.
Yes, this is my referral link for sharing the love. Because I do love Jen and her work. Her honesty and vulnerability while teaching and inviting us all to play together is a beautiful process.

There’s a no-cost intro series that Jen is hosting right now, with videos and a live call. If that’s enough for you, great! If you decide to enroll for the course, I will receive a referral fee.

Just so you know: I believe in this body of work so much that I am enrolling for another go-round.

Blessing you on your path, whether teaching is your calling right now. Or not.

Creator’s Vision Quest By Train

Are you being called to create some space in your life this summer to move a dream forward? Is it time to create, to give yourself permission to explore what is longing to be born through your creative self? I’d like to invite you into the year’s Creator’s Vision Quest by Train!


Some of the wisdom teachers who will accompany us ...
Some of the wisdom teachers who will accompany us …



Do you remember the spell of possibility every time you connected up with track nine-and-three-quarters? It was the Hogwarts Express, and magic was afoot. This summer, step into your own magical, liminal creative space.


In summer 2014, I did a workshop for creators in transition, getting all of us started on Creating What Matters. This year, we are taking to the rails to continue and grow those dreams of creation.


On Sunday, August 2, I am leading an intrepid group of bold creators on a 25-hour creative deep dive on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief, traveling from Chicago to Albuquerque.


For me, it’s a long-time dream, to lead a group of dreamers, creators, truth-tellers on a train journey — an intensive immersion into dreams, creativity, and bringing forth the purposeful great work inside you. Do you feel called?



At Wolf Prairie, Cook County Forest Preserve, just outside Chicago. Connect to the sacred land as we travel through it.
At Wolf Prairie, Cook County Forest Preserve, just outside Chicago. Connect to the sacred land as we travel through it.

We will consider both landscape and dreamtime, though they are not separate. We’ll connect with the inner child who loves adventures. We’ll examine what gets in the way and how to consciously partner with blocks, obstacles, and stuckness. There will be a pre-journey playbook, time for 1-on-1 conferences about where you’re stuck or where you want to take your next body of work, opening and closing ceremonies, playing the Lightning Dreamwork game, and much more.


You’ll experience a spacious and regenerative deep dive into the heart of your own creations. It’s a chance to jump-start your creative process and get traction on a project: new body of work, course, workshop, or book. You might even decide to shape your life and its next phase as a work of art!


Here’s the invitation: Allow yourself to surrender into a creative dream world with the gentle click and motion of the train. We’re adding movement to the sacred container for generating a palpable momentum, infusing your creations with new energy. 25 hours (If the train’s on time…)


The investment is $225.00 for the immersive workshop (Train fare not included). Please email me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to set up a phone conversation to see if this is the best step for you. OR text me at 773-263-7914 for more details.


A few words from your guide, Bobbye Middendorf:

I journey with sage-hearted collaborators, evolutionaries, messengers, visionaries, and change-agents as a powerful voice and advocate for the practical results they get through deep dives.


We walk together through the chaos of reinvention to co-create their evolving core messages, giving voice to the vision of their purposeful Great Work while revealing their wisdom in words they didn’t know they knew.

Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.

Solstice Wishes to Open to Your Healing and Flow

Wolf Road Prairie

Celebratory greetings on the longest day in the North!
Happy Solstice to you.

I’ve just learned what a powerful portal day it is for opening to our own healing and flow. Both self-reflection and gathering in a circle magnify those energies. This message invites you to do both!

Today’s series of questions for reflection:

* How is it that listening more acutely to yourself can be so healing?

* What practices do you have in your collection?

* How are you doing with actually using the positive practices that you know?

The Backstory

My whole lifetime living in the default position of, “Go Deep First,” combined with a commitment to bringing forth in each moment my best self and highest expression … Ah, this calling to shape and share a life of wholeness while creating what matters most, THIS is the heart of the sacred journey for making life into a work of art, a process-based art of living into wholeness and co-creation. All this keeps things moving forward and deeper.

Yet while continuing to plumb the depths and live life beyond the frontier’s leading edge, I landed in a quandary, thinking, “It’s incomplete.” My challenge has always felt like, “I can’t begin to share this. It’s not whole yet. I’m not cooked, and there’s more to be revealed!”

The Shift

Then something shifted. I was not exactly ready, but the willingness to experiment had shifted inside. The world’s energies were shifting too, inviting these new transformational depth-soundings out into the public sphere. After a three-week trip to India, I found myself dangling over the void one more time. From this deep sweet center of sacred emergence, (AKA chaos) I knew it was time. (Even if I wasn’t really ready.)

Go Deep First

I used the 7 steps of what I call the “Go Deep First” process on myself, to create this process as “what matters most” right now for me. It’s allowed me to get clear on how I’ve been a catalyst for transformation– even when I wasn’t quite sure what I’d “done” for?…to?… with?... my people and clients to support their transforming. Now I’ve turned this implicit and invisible magic into an explicit, clarified process and a sacred circle mini-retreat.

Create What Matters Most

“Go Deep First to Create What Matters Most” taps into people’s essential wholeness. It is a continuing and iterative process, so that those who really use it, including me, the facilitator, can continually take the work — writing, healing, learning, co-creation, collaboration, insights, art of every kind — deeper, following an ongoing learning journey.

Tap Into Your Deep Why — To Get To Your “What”

It’s an inner workout for strengthening your innards for what it takes to give birth to a new vision, whether it’s a personal healing journey that matters right now, or it’s the content and message for a book, talk, workshop, a whole new body of work, web site. Or maybe you find yourself at a crossroads where making a conscious choice about the next path is crucial. The process works in service to deepening anyone’s journey. It meets you wherever you are on your journey’s path to inspire and infuse confidence in creating what matters most to you. Now.

An Invitation

I am so excited to be facilitating a live sacred circle. It’s for co-creating what matters most to you right now. This afternoon mini retreat is in the Chicago area on Sunday July 20, 2:30-5:30. For full details and to register online: http://bit.ly/1iWJmbL

What you get is an inner-power-tool for creating what matters most. It’s a renewable resource for tapping into the well of gifts that all of us are here to bring forth. Use this process to bring them forth with quality and confidence. How you get there is by going deep first. I have done the process with groups, in one-on-one sessions, and for myself. It is a malleable and flexible tool that people can use on their own, repeatedly, with new insights gleaned each time.

If you’re feeling curious and hopeful, longing to bring forth the gifts you are here to give, then please take a look. It’s a potent first step! Details and to pre-register: http://bit.ly/1iWJmbL

Sending you blessings on your path as you magnify your presence and transform your people —- starting with yourself.

Warm solstice blessings,

Bobbye Middendorf

P.S. Remember to use the positive practices that you already know! And if you sense the camaraderie of a sacred circle can help you amplify your process to get the creation juices flowing, then take a look at the description of what we’ll be doing on July 20.

Here’s the EventBrite link with details and to pre-register. http://bit.ly/1iWJmbL And be sure to mark your calendar for July 20!

P.P.S. If you are feeling called to this journey, and getting to Chicago in July isn’t going to work for you, then shoot me an email. We can schedule a brief conversation to see if doing this visioning journey work one-on-one is a good move for you right now.




Time to Thrive!

Thrive 2012: New Momentum for Human Unity

Thrive in 2012 & Beyond:

Join me and help 

Co-Create the NEW Story

Reserve the date:
Saturday, October 27, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Jean Marie Ryan Center: Misericordia Campus
6300 N. Ridge Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Experience a day of connection, reflection and co-creation…

Support a positive approach to the powerful leaps in consciousness
unfolding in 2012 — and as we prepare for 2013.

Together in community, we explore three major shifts —
three changes that make the new paradigm possible:

  • individuality to interdependence
  • competition to cooperation
  • separation to reverence

Step into your NEW role as an integral player in these
delicious possibilities that are emerging!

Enjoy heartfelt community, deepening meditations, inspiring speakers, exhibitors offering uplifting goods and services, and live music.

Just imagine yourself at the end of an empowering day filled with thoughtful presenters and panelists. Dip into and taste the gifts of the day — palpable, even in our listing of events:

The keynote will be presented by Emanuel Kuntzelman, founder Center for Cultural Interchange/Greenheart, and a lifelong seeker and advocate for cultural understanding, environmental awareness and world peace.

COOPERATION: Creating our Emerging Future
Presented by Noreen Kelly, Communication Consultant, Coach and Trust Strategist.

REVERENCE: The Pulse of the New Story
Presented by Francis Rothluebber, Author, Spiritual Director and Founder of New Momentum for Human Unity.

Janelle Brittain, Speaker, Trainer, Executive Coach, Consultant and Author
Chris Buhrman, Vice President, creative director, Cramer-Krasselt and Film Director, City of the Dawn
Jean Carter-Hill, Cofounder and Executive Director, Imagine Englewood IF …

MEDITATION: Offered by Jennifer Kim, Director, The Peace School.

LIVE MUSIC: Presented by Jennie Landfield, Musician, Composer and Producer.

$115 by 10/23 ~  $130 by 10/27
$35 student discount available
Lunch included ~ Plenty of FREE parking

Online: New Momentum for Human Unity
or http://www.NewMomentumFHU.org
Contact: Dexanne Card at 773-259-2565 or dexanne@newmomentumfhu.org

PRESENTED BY:  New Momentum for Human Unity


I am honored to be among a beautiful gathering of media sponsors for this event. I will be there on Saturday. Please be sure to say hello!


Keep shining your light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality


Why Yoga and Writing?

Many people have asked about the connection between yoga and writing.

Yoga practice can be a tonic to the ceaseless inundation we face every day.  Bombarded by the electromagnetic waves of cell phones, microwaves, WiFi, PDAs, computers, iPods, we turn up the volume to drown out any possibility of hearing the inner stillness. Even in yoga classes, sometimes students spring up before shivasana, needing to be off and about their business, back to crammed schedules and ceaseless hurried, harried busy-ness.

Any yoga at all is a good thing, even when it’s treated more like calisthenics than meditation. And the special secret, the magic and true power of yoga — when you fully give yourself over to the fullest and deepest experience of that  — is its ability to quiet the mind and transport you — body, mind, and soul — to completely different levels. Yoga practice is a time and space to settle deeply into the body and hush the surface chatter of the mind.

What can emerge, what can be heard in that profound inner silence, is what some call the still small voice. As a writer and conscious creator, I treasure any practice that helps me unplug and connect to that deep, quiet place, the wellspring of words, the source of flow.

Yoga is like the bucket on the pulley of my grandmother’s old-fashioned well.  The bucket, on the end of the pulley,  travels down the well shaft to the surface of the water far below ground. Using the pulley, the bucket submerges then is drawn back up, bringing forth a vessel brimming over with the waters from deep and dark places.

Yoga serves as bucket and pulley, drawing up from the depths the elixir of life to be savored then, above ground, in writing and on the page.  Such is the perfect precursor for writers and creators of every stripe, the palpable connection to the deep inner world.

If you want to explore these inner connections and possibilities, please read about the Yoga + Writing workshops, here. Feel free to call or email me with any questions or for more information.

Relieve Tension & Tap the Depths of Writing

Restorative Yoga + Writing Workshop


Monika Andreas & Bobbye Middendorf

Open your inner spaces with Restorative Yoga to release the flow of your writing. Reinvigorate your life with words…Unlock the heart of your writing, messages, and gifts.

Join us on the Inner Vision Quest

WHEN: Saturday + Sunday June 4-5 9:30 – 4:30pm

YOUR INVESTMENT: $250 per weekend; Early paid commitment = $220

One day only: $150; Early paid commitment = $125

WHERE: 3600 N. Lake Shore Drive  Chicago, IL

*Welcoming beginners — writers and yoga students of all ages, shapes & sizes

*Inviting anyone who loves words and self-reflection — including journal writers

*Opening with yoga makes your writing easier, deeper, and renews your creative self

Monika Andreas’ 35 + years of yoga teaching helps you feel safe and at ease in your body,  inviting you to tap your peace of mind and inner healing wisdom.

Bobbye Middendorf, award-winning writer, holds the space for your sacred stories and expressions to unfold.

Email jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net for more details about the workshop. Please put “Yoga and Writing” in the subject line!

Restore, Renew with Yoga and Writing Weekend

It’s so exciting to partner with
Yoga for the Seasoned Body(TM) expert
Monika Andreas for an upcoming weekend
of renewal! Details below.




Monika Andreas and Bobbye Middendorf

Renew  *  Refresh  *  Restore  Your
Body  *  Mind  *  Spirit

*  Leading off with deeply relaxing and
restorative yoga,
Monika gently introduces
ease for your body and peace for your mind.
This Yoga taps your inner healing wisdom
with therapeutic effects on your heart,
immune, digestive, circulatory, skeletal,
and other physiological systems — AND
your spirit and creativity!

*  Renewing your creative self and
reinvigorating your life
in written words:
Like Yoga, writing can heal the heart and
renew the spirit. Bobbye helps you awaken
to your inner gifts and expression. In our
sacred circle, you are invited to bring
forth the stories and truths you are
yearning to share.

Where:    Addison at Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois

Your Investment:   $225 for entire weekend of renewal

Sorry…The Early Decision Deadline has passed.

****Save $$$ with your Early Decision!****
Your investment on or before Feb. 25:
Early Registration (with deposit)  $180

(Individual sessions receive $10 discount
with early registration/deposit by Feb. 25)

Friday, March 4 -   6:30-9:30 p.m.   $ 55**
Saturday, March 5 – 9:30-5:30 p.m.  $115**
Sunday, March 6 -   9:30-3:30 p.m. $ 75**
**Costs per session if purchased individually.

Monika Andreas, with 35 years of yoga wisdom,
responds to the needs of each student.
She has trained with master yoga teachers
including B.K.S. Iyengar, Roger Eischens, Angela
Farmer, and Victor VanKooten among others
during more than three decades as a yogi.

Bobbye Middendorf leads Sacred Story Vision Quests,
convenes circles for writing and meditating, and
mentors people with urgent healing messages.
She is an award-winning writer with an
M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts
from Columbia College and creator of

Please contact me to reserve your place, as space is
limited. Feel free to email me
jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net with any
questions, and we can schedule a
one-on-one phone conversation.

Wishing you an abundance of
Love, Light & Laughter,

Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru