Equinox Gathering–Revealing Your Wholeness

Celebrate the Sacred Balance Point of Mama Gaia

— Be inspired to play in your own field of greater wholeness.
BE the living pivot point, the vessel, the chalice.

BE the Vessel, the vehicle, the living pivot point through whom the Earth’s balance point of wholeness is expressed. We play together in a safe and sacred field. Together we celebrate the Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) and claim our power as partner in co-creating a new reality.
If you are committed, dedicated, devoted to making real the intent that “All. Life. Flourishes,” then with reverence, you are welcomed here.

“The revelation of the Codex is held by many, not just one. It is revealed in the communion and synergy of many coming together as one, when the parts become larger than the whole… All life is connected — and in this remembering, we become whole with all of life itself.”

From The Gaia Codex by Sarah Drew

Cycles within cycles. Circles within circles. These are the ways and truths of the true feminine — that resides within every being. Yin, the true feminine, is arising, pulsing from within each one. We are her; we are that. And these are the ways that her emergence is imminent, through us, and amplified as we gather.

From my emerging body of work, expressing from my depths to connect with your heart-essence, together do we travel. We are the WayMakers, evolutionaries in sacred co-creation. Before anything else, we grow, nurture, cultivate, create our own innate and inner sense of wholeness. Curious?

Together, in sacred circle, we are bringing alive and into expression your + our shared unique evolutionary/evolving Presence. Together, we write, walk, dance, paint, speak, collage, cook, and co-create this visionary leading edge into manifestation and embodiment.

Out of the goo of the great de-structuring, our convening amplifies the emergence of a new reality where All. Life. Flourishes. If this resonates and aligns with your intent, then you are in the right place!

It starts with tapping into your own unique essence and expression from within this sacred circle of deep listening. Your way of co-creating a new reality can emerge in spaciousness and grace, with support and deep listening (from within) plus a generous round of sacred witnessing from the circle. Journaling is the suggested listening-mode. Please know that whatever you bring as your creative expression is perfect.

Together we center and ground into our shared space. Prompts invite you to deepen into your own listening-center. Noticing what shows up for you in the circle, then dancing with who and what shows up, magnifies the creating-from-within alchemy, beyond what you plan or even think is possible.

This co-created field of magic and miracles invites forward what, for you, is ready to be engaged with. You are invited, in this safe space, to listen deeply and receive your own sustenance, the ultimate in self-caring.


Are you ready? Willing? Able?

My Intent, held lightly, is for these words to inspire, uplift, and attune you to your greater song. I trust that this will ignite a spark. Those who can tune into this unique song will be served by this sacred-space-holding. The process allows magic and miracles of expression and insights to come forward.

We start with seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the seasons. Much can and will be revealed here; and even more if you are called to deepening work with me and other WayMakers.

For Your Calendar

Saturday, 20 March 2021 at 11 AM MDT – 12:30 MDT
The US goes to Daylight time on 14 March…
To check (after that 14 March date)

I invite you to say yes to your own inner explorations and experience coming-home-to-self.

Registration is via PayPal in sacred exchange with Pay-from-the-heart, as it has been for the past year or so.
Updated suggested amounts for 2021:

* $14. minimum if that is possible for you without impinging on necessities;
* $23 as the basic registration for this seasonal circle. A higher amount supports others for whom the basic registration is not affordable.
* With $60 or more, you receive a 1-on-1 session of 45 minutes to explore your evolutionary continuum… See below.

What’s New this time

The special option — to add in a 1-on-1 support-and-sounding-board-session for a modest amount beyond the basic registration — has been percolating as a possible experiment for a while now. It’s a chance to deepen our shared understanding of “where you land” on what I’m calling the “WayMaker/Evolutionary Continuum.” This is not a sales call in disguise. 😉

As a group, we start with these seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the Earth’s seasons. Much can and will be revealed to you within this intimate group/sacred circle. Each message and each circle carries the intent for upliftment, inspiration, magic, and miracles.

Tune in! Listen from within. See what bubbles up — the appropriate registration amount for the group-only and/or if you feel called to  a 1-on-1 Continuum Conversation. You will know. Trust yourself.

After you register via this PayPal link, you will receive acknowledgement and the Zoom link to connect on 20 March. (However, it’s done artisanally– by me– so it’s not instantaneous.)

With love and appreciation,


P.S. All who register will receive a recording afterwards for listening/re-listening, and in case something happens that you cannot make the circle in Zoom-person. You’ll find immense value in the centerings, and the prompts will take you to new places each time!

About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, Spoken Word Alchemist, Inner Wisdom Guide, & Yin Arising Mentor, invites Evolutionaries, WayMakers, and Visionaries into sacred spaces for co-birthing new realities. She dances this evolutionary edge into manifestation with Conscious Creators, Change Catalysts, and Dreamers as mystic-poet-healer-collagist. Her synergistic process-work alchemizes what is in the way, so these radiant beings can BE home-for-self, that new potentialities emerge, and each radiant Song of Self comes through in fullest expression. Together we are the imaginal cells gathering, co-creating new realities where all life flourishes.

Looking Forward — Seasonal Gatherings in 2021

#SaveTheDates — The following are the (my best estimate) of this cycle of seasonal sacred gatherings throughout 2021. These are a perfect staring point! I appreciate you for your ongoing commitment to your inner exploration and evolution!  

These are offered in sacred exchange at pay-from-the-heart. <3    

(Northern Hemisphere)  
Currently all are planned at 11 AM MST for around 90 minutes.
1. Vernal Equinox   SAT., 20 Mar.  2021 

2. Beltain   SAT., 8 May 2021

3. Summer Solstice   SUN., 20 June  2021 **  > Due to Father’s Day, I may move this one to Saturday, 19 June. Let me know your thoughts/feelings on shifting this… or not.

4. Lughnasad/Lammas (Early/first harvest)  SAT.,  7 Aug. 2021 
(bathing in the pre-new-moon energies!)

5. Autumnal Equinox (Pre-Equinox event)  
  SUN., 19  Sept., to bathe in the Full Moon

6. Samhain / All Saints/ All Souls  SAT.,  6 Nov.

7. Winter Solstice     (Pre-Solstice event)    SAT., 18 Dec. — to bathe in the FULL MOON

50 Million Cultural Creatives Can Change the World

The following article first appeared in March 2001, published by Chicago’s Conscious Choice magazine. In sharing this perspective about Cultural Creatives, (a name bestowed on us by sociologist/researcher Paul Ray)  I am reminded how very important this cohort of world-changers really is. We’ve lost a decade to the forces of the status quo, to those determined to move the clock backwards.  So now — more than ever — it is our time.

It is so crucial that everyone WAKE UP!  The awakening and mindful action for the good of all and the healing of planet Gaia, Mother Earth, is long overdue. This is a clarion call to of those in the Cultural Creative Cohort.   It is more important than ever, and well past time, to get out of our own way.

[I’ve made some minor edits in the following piece so that it makes sense for 2010.]

How 50 Million Cultural Creatives Can Change the World: A Review and Consideration of The Cultural Creatives by Paul Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson

Do you ever feel like you just don’t fit in? Do you feel that people around you have a whole different set of values and beliefs? Do you find things important that aren’t on their radar screens, and vice versa? Are “getting ahead” and “looking out for number one” nowhere on your list, despite the best efforts of the media and consumer culture to persuade you otherwise?

When you speak of your dream — what you hope to accomplish — do you include relationships, concern for the planet and the next generations, social justice, sustainability, and your spiritual development? Do your dreams not look like what “everybody else” wants? Perhaps the mirror that will reflect you and your values back to you just isn’t in place — Yet.

It certainly isn’t available in the established big media companies, most corporate, education, and government institutions, or politics, where there is little or no support for people who dare to express such values. Surprisingly, despite your feelings of isolation, you are far from alone.

In fact, you may be part of a just-now-becoming-visible groundswell of cultural change. You may be a Cultural Creative. With the book, The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World, Paul Ray and his wife and co-author Sherry Ruth Anderson are trying to hold up a mirror big enough to reflect this population back on itself.

Continue reading “50 Million Cultural Creatives Can Change the World”

Write Synergies, Sacred Synergies

Intent — pure, heart-based intent, when it’s for the highest good of all — is the royal road, the holy, the divine, the seat of power and energy. Seeing intent in action is to experience the miracles of synchronicities and synergies.

Intent, when it’s put in writing as is my wont, can be the engine that drives momentum and action in the world. Yet with words from the heart, such intent remains connected with the higher source, the sacred. In this way, with the power of intent, the creation and the connection to the audience together embrace the greater character of the sacred. Words on the page can create sacred space if placed with intent. That, at least, is my intention.

Write synergies, powered with intent for the highest good, for the healing of Gaia, Mother Earth, becomes sacred intent for bridging the gulf between our creation-from-the-heart  and the people the creation is here to serve, those for whom it is our contribution. Such writing with intent becomes the bridge of light between creation and community. As such, it build synergies.

When I came into the Dreams Alive circle years ago, I didn’t have any inkling that I would be so transformed so many years later. These sacred synergies and the realization of their deeper implications will likely be a theme for a good long time.