Come play from within your own depths —
in 8 Seasonal Circles around the Wheel of the Year.
Our Gatherings Hold our New Earth in Her
“So-All-Life-Flourishes” Dimension.
CoCreate the New Reality together in community!
We Dream & Live it into being via …
Vision-Journeys, Your Deep Listening Notes, & Wisely Navigating Landscapes of Dreamtime and the Waking Dream …
Together, We Travel Around the Wheel of the Year in Safe & Sacred Space — CoCreating a New Reality YOU want to live in.

Waxing crescent Moon with Earthshine as Venus in Her wisdom, reappears as evening star, late December 2022.
Save the Days & Dates Below to Immerse in the Mystery & Live Your Magic …
Come CoCreate with me …
A new All-Life-Flourishes Dimension.
The Energetic-Frequency Support Is Beyond Imagining!
“Something big is changing in your capacity for breakthrough, and in mine — and in the human collective. What does it need from you in order to complete?… to become the ones we came here to be — the ones who can change reality, by changing ourselves…
From Marcia Wade
Star Sister Astrology — The Universe is Within You
What has never before existed is being birthed …
We step into, immerse into, the mystery together during this transition stage of a new reality being born. No one has to — or even can — know what to do… and making this happen isn’t how it’s going to roll.
And yet, through each one of us, this new potential for all life’s flourishing is calling us forth, drawing out our gifts to midwife it in.
Throughout 2023’s Seasonal Sacred Circle Gatherings, our commitment and devotion is to hold the hallowed ground for the newly emerging So-That-All-Life-Flourishes Dimension. Do you yearn to be part of this and take your place as vessel through whom this flourishing will manifest?
Because it starts from within!
At the core, She will be birthed by each one of us showing up for ourSelves and slowing into inner spaciousness. We’re accessing our unique inner jewels, invisible songlines, the one-of-a-kind Soul Song that weaves into the ongoing flows of the symphony of the One Life.
This IS what allows the shift to happen … it’s through us.
And Nothing Less. We ARE the ones.
What is YOURS to Be and Do *IS* what is called forth.
And this IS what makes the difference — a W-A-Y bigger difference than you can ever comprehend.
Choreographing The New Dance
This is the mystery we’re surfing … no one knows what it “looks like.” Or rather, “feels like…” because we are now in a reality where the frequencies of emotions are taking the lead — and in conscious partnership ( a dance!!) with the containers of perception (knowledge) that have served to get us here.
In other words, the feeling/frequency mode, the inner feminine principle, your Soul… is taking the lead. This is such a new way of leading and CoCreating that we don’t have any experience to navigate this “inner way…”
Except that some of us have been called to this inner way, long skirting the mainstream.
This Inner True Divine Feminine introduces a new dance — She, in partnership with the purity of a new True Inner Divine Masculine principle. Greater truths & regenerative ways-of-BEing emerge as He dances with Her wearing new lenses of true perception. This is NOT the “masculine” we’ve long experienced — an illusory separative masculine that’s been the outer default for ages…
Consider what more is possible when greater truths of light, perception, knowledge, rationality, the mind, thought, the container and outer-approach are no longer bound to the illusions of separation. Imagine the potentials as these two work and play, dance and delight together — the true divine masculine in harmony with the true divine feminine? This is the core of the New Way. We are living it into being.
It’s time to acknowledge that *both* divine feminine and divine masculine are alive within all beings! We don’t abandon the masculine principle simply because of this new dance. We are envisioning from a whole new reality for this brand-new way to emerge!
You and I are the choreographers of this dance for a #FlourishingNewEarthReality.
Just imagine … Mind and Heart and Body all partnering in a dance that has never before been available. We do it by showing up from the heart, fully embodied, mind in harmony, and with the dedication to BE the emerging, authentic fullness of who we BE so that what is OURS to DO emerges effortlessly with grace and joy.
What Is Yours Will Come to You
On the menu for each gathering: It’s something that I can’t begin to know. It’s
>> “what is yours that’s ready to be received” in the specific moment IS what comes through for you.
You will get what is yours
It can be as simple as personal replenishment and renewal, as targeted as untangling a specific thread in a plotline in your writing. Maybe you’ll amplify your inspiration for a weaving or other visual work. Or an invisible new window will open — pouring through idea-flows around your sacred business, your next creation or project. Or your Life and its next iteration.
What is YOURS will come to you.
Holding such sacred spaces comes naturally to me. It’s taken years (decades) for me to really understand: This IS a Thing. It’s invisible … and priceless. It’s also my absolute joy and delight. Even with that, it’s also quite a challenge to explain it to people who haven’t had the experience.
Several who have willingly immersed in these sacred circles over the past 4 years share their experiences down at the bottom of this message.
All that practice, all we’ve been through, is for this moment, rubber meeting road, our unique inner gifts and magic called forth. These are exactly what is needed to move into the New Earth So-That-All-Life-Flourishes Dimension.
It’s a space of serious fun, deep connection, inner dancing, swimming in wild mysteries, encompassed within ancient groves. You are so welcome to engage and spark your unique #HeartFireMagic. It encompasses service and joy in sacred interconnection.
Join a Seasonal Sacred Circle Community
Around the Wheel of the Year
Details for Your Calendar
Full 2023 Schedule
4 February, Saturday —– IMBOLC* (First signs of Spring)19 March, Sunday —– Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)7 May, Sunday —– BELTAINE* Spring’s Heart Fire Magic11 June, Sunday —– Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)—(Yes, earlier than usual due to some potential travel…)5 August, SATURDAY —– LUGHNASADH* (First Harvest)16 September, Saturday —– Autumnal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)4 November, Saturday —– SAMHAIN*- 16 December, Saturday —– Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)
NOON — 12 o’clock– Mountain Time TO 1:30pm (~ 90 minutes)
To check time in your world:
Please go to this link with your from-the-heart sacred exchange.
$28 is suggested for 2023, if that is doable without hardship.
… Or more or less as works for you.
If you want to propose something else as sacred exchange, please reach out to me.
Within these sacred seasonal gatherings,
we are reconnecting with our living Ancient-Future Self
from this present moment of Now. And in so doing …
We are active CoCreators of a New Earth, and Her
So-All-Life-Flourishes Dimension

Join me in these thresholds — Mother Earth’s natural cycles around the wheel of the year embodying Portals of Possibilities, as shares a perspective:
“…we proceed through 8 significant, yet invisible, thresholds within each [Earth] orbit. These spatial milestones mark the beginning, midpoint and end of each of our seasons. Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross Quarters are moments shared planet-wide, defined by the earth’s tilt and the sun’s position on The Ecliptic along 45° arcs.”
Accessed on 13 Jan 2022 from
What’s Included When You Join One or More Seasonal Circles…
As always, you can come to the live Zoom experience in community, plus receive follow-up messages to the gatherings — including all Zoom recordings, recaps of the prompts, and of course centering meditations, grounding practices, and visioning journeys. The last half hour (approximately) is our time together for sharing in community, if you feel called to share.
These recordings are yours to re-use/re-listen to any time you feel the wobble of our times — so you can return to your centered-self. The potency of these experiences around the seasonal wheel of the year carry the energetic of the particular seasonal portal — no matter when you listen.
In addition, the circle and those who come to play are all held for 6 months in the field of radiant angelic wholeness, Belvaspata, the energy-frequency healing modality that I practice to uplift each one of us and all life.
So if the timing isn’t ideal or something comes up, you are invited to experience the circle asynchronously, alive in your present moment of Now.
All who sign up will receive the follow-up message with links within a day or so — shortly after the event.
Don’t miss this Winter Solstice Experience —
Celebrate Light’s Cycle of Return
Winter Solstice Circle For 2023
If this WINTER SOLSTICE gathering calls to you, you can join at the link below for SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER. Please go to this link with your from-the-heart sacred exchange.
$28 is suggested for 2023, if that is doable without hardship. … Or more or less as works for you.
If you want to propose something else as sacred exchange, please reach out to me.
If you’ve experienced how deep you can go and the many ways these gatherings serve you, I invite you to consider … to feel into, for yourself, the unique potency of gathering with me and this group of kindred beings. Doing this deep work matters. Doing this inner connection work within the container of community matters.
New Realities are ready to be birthed, and it’s an inside-out task sparked in the field of pure joy. Nothing less is called forth from us in this extraordinary year, 2023.
I sincerely and humbly hope that you feel the call to immerse in your own sacred center, your inner wisdom sanctuary, within the safe and sacred space that I am dedicated to holding for all of us to explore on our shared living arc of evolution.
With huge love, bright blessings, & in radiant joy,
P.S. You can sign up for 2023’s FINAL gathering — honoring Winter Solstice — at this link.
Connect for SOLSTICE via this PayPal Link.
P.P.S. This is offered across the planet via Zoom, with recordings and promptings sent to you shortly after the sessions, to be used and revisited; or in case the timing doesn’t work for you to join live. It’s sacred time for your deepening into an inner wisdom immersion along with sacred community conversation.
P.P.P.S. And again, the Angelic field of Belvaspata holds us …before, during, and after the gathering, and for 6 months. You are held in this priceless container of radiant heart-wholeness for your unique Song-of-Self to emerge, as I do the daily Belvaspata practices for us all and the greatest flourishing for all life.
What they experience …
“Working with Bobbye is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. … there are the Aha! moments, which happen pretty much all the time. … they feel breathtaking and deeply personal. Then … that same epiphany has already become so much a part of my new reality that I am not sure if anything really happened. Wasn’t this always a part of me? … after many of these times when nothing much seemed to have happened, I look around and realize that my entire life, my perspective, my set of tools for coping and growing and co-creating, are not at all the same anymore, that they are changed to a degree I wouldn’t have known to even ask for. I am changed and my environment around me has been changed as a result. Dreaming and creating The Impossible Dream is becoming part of my every day.
“The incredible thing is that she never tells you what or how to do or think. Not ever. She somehow guides you to that place deep inside you where your own personal answers are. Bobbye with her golden voice, brilliant inner guidance and powerful “tool satchel” is indeed making the world a better place. Bobbye, I don’t have the words to sufficiently express my awe and my gratitude.”
“Your invitations, guidance, instruction, and intentional co-creation during any one of the circles has resulted, for me, in receiving insight and affirmation on many levels. I’ve been supported on my path. As you build your own creative, interactive outreach, I feel grateful to benefit from your research, depth of study, personal practice and growth, from the preparation that you do, and the fact that you share all this during the sacred circles. I have gained much from your art.”
“I want to say how much I enjoyed your solstice circle … one of my precious highlights this Christmas. … you are sooooo wonderful at what you do… you have such a depth of containment and such a wonderful harmonic voice that soothes and heals the soul. If it is your wish to reach more people in 2023 with your beautiful gifts well then may it be so and may so many benefit from your divine goodness.”
CW, Ireland
“Wow, it is always such a heart-expanding experience to be the focus of your potency. Your love—and your capacity to love—is immeasurable. It always amazes me how you can be so vast (so Infinite) and so grounding simultaneously. Definitely a big part of your unique #HeartFireMagic!”
“Attending Bobbye’s Sacred Journaling circle, I show up with an open heart, and allow the experience of being in the inspiring, nourishing river of words that Bobbye uses for her meditations and wisdom sharing. My soul always feels sparkly, inspired, and refreshed when I attend. Our time together is fruitful, and rich content is revealed that I can explore and expand on until the next gathering. I feel blessed and grateful for our time together.”
Meet Your Sacred Space Holder and Wisdom Keeper…
Bobbye Middendorf

Through her goddess-hearted Presence, Bobbye Middendorf, MA has sparked transformations and creative flow for many decades. As Beacon and Inner Wisdom Keeper, she brings grounded knowing into embodiment for creatrix communities and light-leaders CoCreating a New Earth paradigm. As Spoken Word Alchemist, Bobbye’s meditative vision journeys touch listeners deep within and bring them home-for-self to play in their own field of radiant wholeness and CoCreation.