Equinox Gathering–Revealing Your Wholeness

Celebrate the Sacred Balance Point of Mama Gaia

— Be inspired to play in your own field of greater wholeness.
BE the living pivot point, the vessel, the chalice.

BE the Vessel, the vehicle, the living pivot point through whom the Earth’s balance point of wholeness is expressed. We play together in a safe and sacred field. Together we celebrate the Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) and claim our power as partner in co-creating a new reality.
If you are committed, dedicated, devoted to making real the intent that “All. Life. Flourishes,” then with reverence, you are welcomed here.

“The revelation of the Codex is held by many, not just one. It is revealed in the communion and synergy of many coming together as one, when the parts become larger than the whole… All life is connected — and in this remembering, we become whole with all of life itself.”

From The Gaia Codex by Sarah Drew

Cycles within cycles. Circles within circles. These are the ways and truths of the true feminine — that resides within every being. Yin, the true feminine, is arising, pulsing from within each one. We are her; we are that. And these are the ways that her emergence is imminent, through us, and amplified as we gather.

From my emerging body of work, expressing from my depths to connect with your heart-essence, together do we travel. We are the WayMakers, evolutionaries in sacred co-creation. Before anything else, we grow, nurture, cultivate, create our own innate and inner sense of wholeness. Curious?

Together, in sacred circle, we are bringing alive and into expression your + our shared unique evolutionary/evolving Presence. Together, we write, walk, dance, paint, speak, collage, cook, and co-create this visionary leading edge into manifestation and embodiment.

Out of the goo of the great de-structuring, our convening amplifies the emergence of a new reality where All. Life. Flourishes. If this resonates and aligns with your intent, then you are in the right place!

It starts with tapping into your own unique essence and expression from within this sacred circle of deep listening. Your way of co-creating a new reality can emerge in spaciousness and grace, with support and deep listening (from within) plus a generous round of sacred witnessing from the circle. Journaling is the suggested listening-mode. Please know that whatever you bring as your creative expression is perfect.

Together we center and ground into our shared space. Prompts invite you to deepen into your own listening-center. Noticing what shows up for you in the circle, then dancing with who and what shows up, magnifies the creating-from-within alchemy, beyond what you plan or even think is possible.

This co-created field of magic and miracles invites forward what, for you, is ready to be engaged with. You are invited, in this safe space, to listen deeply and receive your own sustenance, the ultimate in self-caring.


Are you ready? Willing? Able?

My Intent, held lightly, is for these words to inspire, uplift, and attune you to your greater song. I trust that this will ignite a spark. Those who can tune into this unique song will be served by this sacred-space-holding. The process allows magic and miracles of expression and insights to come forward.

We start with seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the seasons. Much can and will be revealed here; and even more if you are called to deepening work with me and other WayMakers.

For Your Calendar

Saturday, 20 March 2021 at 11 AM MDT – 12:30 MDT
The US goes to Daylight time on 14 March…
To check (after that 14 March date)

I invite you to say yes to your own inner explorations and experience coming-home-to-self.

Registration is via PayPal in sacred exchange with Pay-from-the-heart, as it has been for the past year or so.
Updated suggested amounts for 2021:

* $14. minimum if that is possible for you without impinging on necessities;
* $23 as the basic registration for this seasonal circle. A higher amount supports others for whom the basic registration is not affordable.
* With $60 or more, you receive a 1-on-1 session of 45 minutes to explore your evolutionary continuum… See below.

What’s New this time

The special option — to add in a 1-on-1 support-and-sounding-board-session for a modest amount beyond the basic registration — has been percolating as a possible experiment for a while now. It’s a chance to deepen our shared understanding of “where you land” on what I’m calling the “WayMaker/Evolutionary Continuum.” This is not a sales call in disguise. 😉

As a group, we start with these seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the Earth’s seasons. Much can and will be revealed to you within this intimate group/sacred circle. Each message and each circle carries the intent for upliftment, inspiration, magic, and miracles.

Tune in! Listen from within. See what bubbles up — the appropriate registration amount for the group-only and/or if you feel called to  a 1-on-1 Continuum Conversation. You will know. Trust yourself.

After you register via this PayPal link, you will receive acknowledgement and the Zoom link to connect on 20 March. (However, it’s done artisanally– by me– so it’s not instantaneous.)

With love and appreciation,


P.S. All who register will receive a recording afterwards for listening/re-listening, and in case something happens that you cannot make the circle in Zoom-person. You’ll find immense value in the centerings, and the prompts will take you to new places each time!

About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, Spoken Word Alchemist, Inner Wisdom Guide, & Yin Arising Mentor, invites Evolutionaries, WayMakers, and Visionaries into sacred spaces for co-birthing new realities. She dances this evolutionary edge into manifestation with Conscious Creators, Change Catalysts, and Dreamers as mystic-poet-healer-collagist. Her synergistic process-work alchemizes what is in the way, so these radiant beings can BE home-for-self, that new potentialities emerge, and each radiant Song of Self comes through in fullest expression. Together we are the imaginal cells gathering, co-creating new realities where all life flourishes.

Looking Forward — Seasonal Gatherings in 2021

#SaveTheDates — The following are the (my best estimate) of this cycle of seasonal sacred gatherings throughout 2021. These are a perfect staring point! I appreciate you for your ongoing commitment to your inner exploration and evolution!  

These are offered in sacred exchange at pay-from-the-heart. <3    

(Northern Hemisphere)  
Currently all are planned at 11 AM MST for around 90 minutes.
1. Vernal Equinox   SAT., 20 Mar.  2021 

2. Beltain   SAT., 8 May 2021

3. Summer Solstice   SUN., 20 June  2021 **  > Due to Father’s Day, I may move this one to Saturday, 19 June. Let me know your thoughts/feelings on shifting this… or not.

4. Lughnasad/Lammas (Early/first harvest)  SAT.,  7 Aug. 2021 
(bathing in the pre-new-moon energies!)

5. Autumnal Equinox (Pre-Equinox event)  
  SUN., 19  Sept., to bathe in the Full Moon

6. Samhain / All Saints/ All Souls  SAT.,  6 Nov.

7. Winter Solstice     (Pre-Solstice event)    SAT., 18 Dec. — to bathe in the FULL MOON

Tend Your Garden

Befriending the Unknown:

WayMaker Journey Deep and Wide
Befriending the Unknown, journey to tend the depths of your inner garden.

Part 2–Deepening Journey to Tend Your Inner Garden

WayMakers— Our Second Wave Beckons.
After August and September with our WayMaker Initiation Circle, October was a potent period in which to integrate all that we’d practiced and worked on during late summer.

During that time, several of you joined me for a series of Sacred Space-Holding sessions during a particularly intense time. Our Intent lived as carryover from WayMaker practices — Co-creating a reality where all life flourishes.

This continues as the “bottom line” or what I call the meta-intent, for all that I’m doing to move forward in my Yin Arising body of work.

What is this second wave?
During the Samhain Seasonal Sacred Circle, I received the latest iteration: Befriending the Unknown: Deepening Journey to Tend Your Inner Garden

Currently, it’s designed to run from approximately Mid Nov. – Mid Feb., gathering approximately every 10-14 days, through the holidays that aren’t going to be like any we’ve experienced before.

From here (the inner garden), our new realities germinate, or so I’ve been told. 😉

What we will explore together is co-creating and amplifying the field of sacred resonance that is already present (and growing). Our tapping this resonance field and living it, IS the living birth-process of new reality emerging. Through us. As us.

We started at the Samhain Seasonal Sacred Circle, stirring and nourishing roots in the dark, as we move through the last octuple of the year into Winter Solstice, return of the light.

We are each called to play our unique part in this unfolding. There are very few places where you receive the strength of a field of sacred-holding and support to #InquireWithin and #ApprenticeToYourOwnInnerWisdom … amidst a community of radiantly open-hearted beings. This is your unique journey. I support us all. In holding the fluid container, I evoke spaciousness so we can all pour our creative flows through and into the cauldron. What emerges IS the new reality sourced from within each one.

A reminder of the credo from the WayMaker invitation:

Travel light, and BE the light that encompasses all.
Be the calm center, and allow storms to play out as they will.
Travel together, in the unifying direction of through.
Travel far, though you journey not.
Claim the vessel of your being
From whence new reality springs.
Grow the secret garden
From whence new reality emerges.

(With the addition, this time, of the final 2 lines.)

Yes, we each have our unique songs and expressions to bring into our inner secret sacred gardens. We grow, each one, a unique expression of living garden. AND, the greater field, Infinite Mother’s meta-garden, is already present. What has been “missing,” so to speak, has been US, as we awaken to this as a delicious potentiality within our horizon.

So yes, in one sense, we are co-creating and holding the template and space for this new reality to be co-created and birthed through us as participants.

And at the same time, we are called to birth ourselves into IT, the already-living field of the Mother. #BothAnd

This remains experimental, just as WayMaker Initiation Circle was. However, this time, I have been guided to share a rough map (outline) of our content for deepening into this garden-tending-journey.

Map for OUR Inner Garden-Tending Journey

Cultivate Your Intent—for the inner-tending-journey

Navigate by Nature—Discovering your unique way of deepening into your sacred inner garden space

Attune to Your Field of Hope and Blessing—Aligning with the greater container for amplifying your song of self

Evoke & Invoke Your Garden and Allies—Connecting with the 5 elements, your inner family members, allies, ancestors, angels, and … ?

Immerse in WayMaker Practices—deepening your roots and presence; Magnifying your garden’s growth; Gathering, refining, remembering to USE what is in your Medicine Satchel!

Leverage Your Enoughness—Having Enough, Being Enough, and Miraculous Leveraging from that wholeness ever-present

At the Core of Creation—You and your Garden as locus for the emerging new reality

The journey is dynamic, so we will experience it in the moment and trust where it takes us. Thus, we continue with the second wave of the WayMaker Journey, Befriending the Unknown: Deepening Journey to Tend Your Inner Garden.

Tending and deepening into the sacred garden within, and within the greater field of Infinite Mother, we continually refine and strengthen practices, creations, processes, and self from inside-out, thus expanding in self-trust. Your questions, concerns, and current challenges are also welcome. We witness, inquire, and lighten burdens through clearing and other inquiry and releasing practices.

This engagement of approximately 3 months offers a fluid, experimental structure, and it’s yours to lean into — just as far as you choose.

Are you called to engage?
Read carefully, tune in, and inquire within. If, as you review this invitation, you sense something calling you into deepening, then consider these particulars for engaging in Part 2 of the journey, Beloved WayMaker!

What I know now: this looks to be at least 8 sessions spaced approximately every 10 days to 2 weeks, including the 2 seasonal circles. WayMakers receive the Winter Solstice gathering, with the return of the light; and Imbolc, in early February, celebrating the earliest signs of spring. Another likelihood, now tickling my awareness, is mini-virtual retreat, probably in early December.

Gatherings may include: Centering/grounding experiences; Promptings for inquiring within and connecting to inner wisdom, Deep listening sessions; QA sessions; Sharing-Our-Practices sessions; and more to be revealed…
… which now includes additional Co-Working Sessions where we amplify our commitment to create/make/develop by doing it in a shared Zoom space.

You will receive a healing circle at least weekly via Belvaspata and other healing-wholeness-space-holding sessions (currently planned as offline, but could be done live); plus daily Belvaspata angelic-wholeness maintenance sessions that continue for 6 months after completion of this circle. Your specific intentions are welcome to be placed into the circle for the radiant-heart-wholeness sessions.

Recordings. Check.
Prompts. Check.
Space-time to engage and share — if you want to. Check.
Private Facebook space. Check.

Dates, days, times to be determined in consultation with those who choose to participate; jointly agreed on and possibly switched up, depending on global time zones of participants.

We are each co-creating our own unique reality. We practice this reality co-creation together throughout this part 2, deepening journey — and beyond.

  • As convener and circle-holder, I point out possibilities and perspectives from my own experience. You are invited to share yours.
  • I hold the initial vision, its Vessel + Sacred Circle, and our field of shared intent. You get to experience depths within and nuances of shaping (holding) your own reality and cultivating your garden— in your own unique way — while receiving support in our shared container.
  • I share practices both in real time sessions and asynchronously. With the latter, you are invited to receive the potency into your own field in your most perfect timing. There are also opportunities for you to share and refine your most potent practices, perceptions, and understandings.
  • I am holding the sacred circle with support from various realms and modalities so that you can relax and receive as fully as you are willing. Simultaneously, you are learning and refining your own circle-holding capacities.

We connect within to inspired WayMaker practices to build the muscles of self-trust. You may have, in your own medicine satchel, practices that serve you well already. We gather, share, refine, and strengthen together during these unfathomable times.

Tend your garden through the dark of the year and into the turn into the light. Your sacred exchange for this experimental program is $180, or $60 per month, payable via PayPal. (If there is another sacred exchange you would like to propose, please contact me directly. If you need to pay monthly, please let me know. We can work that out.)


Play-Full Co-Creation
Nurturing Your Life Force
Amplifying Your Song of Self
Joyous emergence

My devoted commitment to you.

About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, is Spoken Word Alchemist, Yin Arising mentor, mystic & catalyst for evolutionaries,  WayMaker for WayMakers, inner wisdom guide, and award-winning wordsmith and healer. She created The Self-Presencing Experience as process-and-practices for visionaries and conscious creators to embody their own wholeness, unique fields of potentiality, and amplified song-of-self. Finding and activating this evolutionary edge, they can embody hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy.  Their regenerativity blossoms with clarity, with expansive expression making life a work of art.

Bobbye “… has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.”

MD, Ontario

Embody Excellence — Blog Challenge Post 24

For compulsive perfectionistas, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that excellence equates to perfection. It doesn’t. That’s one of the (many) things I love about the work of Don Miguel Ruiz. In his bestselling  The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book, the agreement most pertinent to this discussion is “Always do your best.” This agreement plants the whole of his work firmly in the physical world we inhabit.

I love Don Miguel’s gentleness. In his new book, The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery, he recaps the first four agreements. For this one he says, in part, “Your best is, in fact, the only thing you can do.” Maintaining the intention to do your best means that one day when you are battling an allergy,  your best will look different than on a day when you are feeling well rested and not suffering from the pollen count or cat hairs in your nose.

Embodying excellence implies it’s in your bones. It means giving yourself fully to what is square in front of you, doing whatever you need to do with a level of mindfulness and care that turns everyday actions into moving meditations. This refers to making the soup or mowing the lawn or walking the dog as well as writing the blog post or being with clients.

Embodying excellence is in fact the daily practice that helps you traverse the Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness. Embodying excellence is also related to Don Miguel’s “Always do your best,” in that both imply the daily, even moment-to-moment practice. Like writing, like doing scales on a musical instrument, the intention to embody excellence is in itself a practice that builds mindfulness. We get better at the important things by choosing what they are and then practicing.

Just about a year ago, I had the great privilege to spend an extended several days in a sacred vessel called Magnify Your Excellence, a weekend workshop convened by Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski. My time with these master wisdom teachers changed everything, opened up doors and windows I didn’t even know were there. During that time and after, we occupied a space of truly standing in all the power and immense beauty of our deepest authentic selves, abundant with gifts to offer our communities.

Your excellence? It’s you. It’s your presence in the moment. It’s bringing your shiny highest and best self to the party every moment you can possibly wake up and remember to do it. It is the process and practice of consciousness and mindfulness in all you do. And in doing this, you will be owning your greatness — whether you write a word or not.

Connect on Twitter with the #blog30 community.  Connect with Judith and Jim through the Soft Sell Marketers community.