Shero’s Container

Image by Bobbye Middendorf


Shero’s Container

With thanks, acknowledgment, love to Jennifer Louden, her Shero’s Journey class, and my gorgeous sister-sheroes!

It is safe
lifetimes later

To be seen with
Eyes of Soul

To be heard within the
echoing chambers of the Heart

Accepting you
Acknowledging you
Appreciating you

Illumined by a believing mirror
Reflecting the depths and heights
of your brilliance (truly)

Listening to bring forth
Your deep truths
And miracles



Experience your magnificence
heretofore unimagined
contained in an embrace
of Divine Light.


10 July 2012

Bobbye Middendorf


Ready for a Book Breakthrough? (Summer Camp 1.2)

Summer (Author) Camp Preview!

Can you sense it? The tastes of summer
coming alive, the smells, the yearning to
step fully into yourself as Conscious Creator
…and yet your hesitancy to reveal the
sweet and juicy heart of your message and to
become visible around what is at your core.

As you are planning your upcoming week,
I don’t want you to miss out on this special
Summer Camp preview opportunity for creators —
especially if you are a writer, author, messenger.

Summer brings out those creator-longings,
and the times urgently call us to reflect on–
and then dive into — ideas and projects
from the heart. There’s a spaciousness that
summer allows and invites — for you to go
after what you care about most and feel
called to share with the world.

In fact, I know that many of you have been
thinking about taking that big leap to start
(or finish) a book and feeling increasing
urgency to make your mark with your work.
(And if you know my story, you realize
I am on a similar path, even as I guide
others to do this!)

Now, with some time to breathe, maybe your
excitement about deciding to “go for it”
may be accompanied by some anxiety and
a few (or several) questions:

. Is it really the right time to publish?
. Can I truly be successful with my
message and book?
. Where do I begin?
. Can I believe the stories and advice I
hear on what works — and what doesn’t?

From inside the publishing industry, things
are shape-shifting at warp speed, much like
all the other changes we are facing.

Then there’s all the hype, conflicting advice,
and the pressure to “publish, publish publish!”
All this can make it confusing and difficult
to find the best path for YOUR message and book
in today’s noisy and competitive market.

And, without that clarity, it’s easy to waste
creative energy, time, and money only to realize
that you might be following a path that doesn’t
align with your timing, budget and goals.

If you’re thinking about writing, publishing, and
figuring out the best next steps for your ideas,
message and work, I invite you to take advantage
of a fantastic no-cost call from my colleagues
and friends, Janet Goldstein and Elizabeth Marshall.

Clear your calendar for
Wednesday, June 27 at 3:00 pm EDT on
the “5 New Rules for the Right Time to Publish.”

Janet and Elizabeth are the real deal, with years of
experience in traditional and self-publishing worlds,
and they understand how to help “real people” like us
to develop and share their work with the widest
possible audiences.

I’ve been a fan of Janet and Elizabeth for several years.
I have already booked this call onto my calendar!
Publishing is just moving too fast for any one person
to stay on top of all the details. I attended
Elizabeth’s and Janet’s very first Book Breakthrough
when it was a single day, live in Dallas. So I highly
recommend their work.

On this all-new content-rich call,
you will discover how to:

• Find your “right thing” to publish
and promote right now

• Pick the RIGHT MODEL for your book or project —
and why the “start from scratch” approach
doesn’t work today

• Leverage the Big 3 Ingredients that you need to
successfully develop and launch your book or message

• Uncover your real WHY for publishing —
and how the answer makes every step of the
process more successful and more fun

On the call, they’ll include examples of current clients
and they’ll sprinkle in stories from their work with
bestselling authors you know and love, including
David Allen, Harriet Lerner, Barbara Kingsolver,
Howard Behar, Michael Port, Seth Godin, Keith
Ferrazzi, and Carol Roth.

Don’t put off your publishing dreams a moment longer.
Register today for The 5 New Rules —
a content-rich, no-cost call
with Janet and Elizabeth:

June 27 at 3:00 pm EDT (12:00 pm PDT).

No-cost Preview call sign-up:

You’ll be glad you did! I look forward to joining
you on the call.

Love, Light & Laughter,


P.S. This call is a preview of what Janet and
Elizabeth will be teaching as part of their
Book Breakthrough Virtual Master Class this summer.
(Yes, it’s summer camp for authors affordably available
right from the comfort of your own home!)
Based on their incredibly successful live event,
this 4-week online program is an affordable way to
help you break through with your idea, book and
business — and sooner than you ever thought possible!

P.P.S.  I so believe in the value of their
work that I’m committed to spreading the word.
Using my links means I receive
a referral fee — only if you decide to purchase.

Summer Camps for Conscious Creators–Part 1

A shout-out to you, Conscious Creator: A lifetime feeling like a misfit, aching for the joy and refreshment of being replenished from deep within, longing to make the connection with like-hearted others… Make this summer your time to shine your light. Solstice, called Midsummer, is the start of summer, so DECIDE that this is your summer to create momentum and connect with your tribe. Here’s a start-of-summer listing of summer camps for Conscious Creators. En-JOY!

For Conscious Creators -- Summer Camp Creations
A believing mirror for Conscious Creators; Image by Bobbye Middendorf

What will YOU make of this remarkable summer?
Ask yourself if it’s time for your own Summer
Camp. If you are a Conscious Creator, this is
YOUR time. Replenishment and creative play are
key to your health, wealth, and personal growth.

Take time to look into one or more of these
supportive communities/classes. You’ll play with like-
hearted others and build your impetus and
momentum with the wealth of information,
inspiration, and guidance to move along
the Dreams of Your Heart’s Desires!

Lots of rich and delicious opportunities to
create your future — starting THIS weekend!

It’s no secret that time seems to be moving at
warp speed and everything is changing almost
before it’s born.

That said, you’ll discover a
spacious creativity available when you step
into the Kairos time of the Conscious Creator…

The eternal present remains uncluttered and
focused, a place where you can step into
your fertile phase of BEE-ing!

1. Saturday June 23:
Bring Your Inner Vision — Out!
Virtual Vision Boarding with Sherry Murry

This event is the first of several fantastic outlets
for energizing your vision, purpose, projects, and
conscious connections over this summer 2012!

Get started here with my friend Sherry Murry’s
virtual workshop to sharpen up your Vision for the
rest of 2012 by creating your very own tailor-made
Summer 2012 Vision Board.
Details at:

(Tell Sherry that Bobbye sent you!
It’s a soul-replenishing process from the
Songstress of Soul!)

2. Sunday June 24:
Live and in person in Chicagoland!
Gathering Chicago’s Change Agents:
Cultural Creatives Unite at
Chicago IONS.

This is an event for you if you’ve always felt
like you never quite fit in. You may be on a
path of Change Agent, Thought Leader, or Messenger.

Even if you don’t call yourself that (yet),
Paul Ray gave us a name: Cultural Creatives.

On Sunday, Adam Shames of Kreativity Network
updates the community with the latest
research based on his interview with Paul Ray.
Most important of all: It’s a
gathering of the Cultural Creative Tribe on 6-24.
(and you can connect with me live if you are able to
come out for it.) I’ll be scribing our community
town-hall findings, discoveries, and conclusions
on the flip chart.

If one-people-one-planet resonates for you,
we would love you to join us. Details:

3. Monday June 25 at 5pm Eastern Time is the LAST
DAY and MOMENT for you to sign up
for Web Site Campwhere you get the hands-on
know-how to bypass a webmaster and go live with your
WordPress website.

Just Imagine how you feel.. fall is in the air,
the kids are back at school…
and you are confidently posting new content and
programs and updates on your OWN WordPress website !
What a relief!
How long have you been waiting?
Wait no longer!

If this is the summer that — no matter what —
your website goes live — then my colleague and
mentor Christina Hills is the best person to hold
your hand and show you the inner workings for
your own D-I-Y WordPress website.

Get comfortable with the basics.
You’ll soon fearlessly go under the hood,
see the Dashboard as a friend, and you’ll
get your web site up — finally!

Imagine building your website with WordPress–
and loving the process! It IS possible. Christina
helped me with my WordPress website.
And this short course is a great value.

Christina’s Summer Program covers the fundamentals
of WordPress for non-techie people who want
to build a website without a webmaster.

It happens live for 4 weeks, but then all
the materials stay online
for you to go through at your own pace.
Full details:

If you sign up for Websitecamp through
my affiliate link,

…then email me a copy of your receipt,
we’ll get you and your site onto
my schedule for a complimentary
“Inspire Your Message” copy review
(a $197 value) once the construction
dust settles.

4. Talk to me!
Leave a comment below (or send me an email
or use the contact form) and tell me how these events
land with you. Are you up for a summer
of letting your creative juices flow?

Let me know what’s up in your life, work,
and heart. How are you faring in refining
and polishing your message, regularly
sharing your great content, and connecting
with your perfect people for
building your tribe? Is it smooth sailing —
or have you hit some potholes?

How may I be of service to you in your
busy life and business?  (Sometimes a
believing mirror can help you see things
that are invisible to you.)

5…Watch for more news, events, and
inspired connections coming soon.

(Save the dates: July 23-August 16 for
a juicy new Write Synergies Circle gathering!)

Happy Summer 2012!
Happy Solstice!

May this dark of the moon
be the seed-starter for the
Dreams of Your Heart’s Desire.
And keep on shining your light — in words!

Love, Light & Laughter,

And be sure to check out the
new 2012 Summer Solstice poem at

I’m just an email/phone call/Skype
session away if you’d love a dose of
creative support and inspiration for
your messages.

Summer Solstice in the Garden

In the Garden —
Summer Solstice 2012

The longest day fades imperceptibly
drop by drop
Delineated by air conditioner fans,
wild cry of kestrel, hovering midair
Unexpected voice in urban landscape
What is rare, wild, beautiful
Not like crow’s testy commentary

Getting the balance back
personal polarities attended to
nutrition for spirit
daily practices that infuse the soul.

Olmsted-the-elder’s layers of green on green
live here under our canopy
safe and leafy havens for fireflies of early summer
beginning their nightly morse code
winking messages of light into
twilight’s tribal rising

Mother Earth gathers skirts of green
plump swaths and celebrations of newly minted leaves
emerging fully into ponderous and lush maturity

MidSummer sings her solstice reflection
in wading pool
brilliant mirror for sky, elm, candle flame

I crane my neck to catch
the final glimmers of sun-soaked leaves
at the top of ailanthus-tree-of-heaven
scooping a breeze onto the page

Blessing the kingdoms of
air and mineral,
flora and fauna,
visible and invisible,
fire and water.
Polarities in name only
That pole is  just the Axis Mundi
whirling our seeming reality on a stick
spinning so fast our eyes
catch the merest glimpse
of fictional characters
hiding under hollyhock leaves

Summer’s verdant blossoming
sweet and heavy
gardenia’s flower perfumes the dusk
in currents hot and cold
across a makeshift desk in Shangri-la
Trees shed dead branches
ice melts in the tea mug
and I await the mellowed and belated darkness
Light leaching from holly and boxwoods first
then from the yellow-y green quince foliage

Dappled illumination shimmers at the bottom of the pool
Reflecting human ingenuity to light the night
And brightly colored strands bedizen a
Shangri-la indeed.

Who are we kidding?
Celebrating the cycles of Mother Earth
rarely gets a second thought
much less holds a place in (some) human hearts

And so I close the book,
hope warring with despair
(as usual).
A fragment of the light remains
Night’s full closure not yet fully descended.

20 June 2012
Bobbye Middendorf

Be Happy Where You Are AND Hungry for the Thrill of Creating

Embracing dichotomies and dancing with polarities expresses the beautiful dance of the Divine Feminine Spirit, now coming forth to be reclaimed in many spheres. Seth Godin’s blog today inspired a message pouring forth from the Divine Feminine Spirit now arising and being reclaimed from her long exile.

“An alternative is to be happy wherever you are, with whatever you’ve got, but always hungry for the thrill of creating art, of being missed if you’re gone and most of all, doing important work.”
–Seth Godin

My friend Patty Walters calls it “Yes AND,” a key principle in her brilliant improv-for-business work based in enchanted Santa Fe.

Others like my friend and mentor Paul Bauer of Dreams Alive talks about embracing the polarities.

Gaining traction for this process of holding seeming opposites within ourselves (without going crazy) is not the usual model that the black-and-white old paradigm world wants us to live by and believe.

We have a “crust” of old assumptions around this seeming dichotomy. It is time to release and break through, so that we are embracing and dancing with the polarities, the dichotomies, where love creates the symbol of yin and yang, balanced, both present, and somehow in beautiful harmony. In love are all the dichotomies transformed into wholeness.

This is the way of the Divine Feminine Spirit — in business and elsewhere. The Divine Feminine Spirit, like the female of the species, gives birth to male and female alike — literally giving birth to the polarities. She encompasses within her the creative spark, the divine fuse of life force, the connection to Source and the greatest good for all.  How can both sides of the equation NOT be sacred?

Dance! Reclaim your unfettered agility for holding fire and ice, male and female, child and adult, in solid, grounded, harmonic, and fully encompassed balance.



Long Silence Broken; Launch ‘n Learn

Launch, Learn, & Clear Your Path to Abundance

Learning the ins and outs of online launches by being on the front lines…Well actually at the  keyboard. But wow–what an experience to put all the words together for all the emails, messages, sales page, registration page, autoresponders etc., etc.

I’ve been learning purposeful marketing-by-doing on a collaboratively operating team: It’s an eye-opening experience. I knew there were a lot of “moving parts” to a launch campaign, but I had NO IDEA!

We are sprinting the last few hurdles for a new course starting next week at the True Purpose (TM) Institute. It’s called Effortless Pricing: The Exchange of Love and Money.
You’ve asked where I’ve been, what I’ve been up to, eager to see samples of what I’ve written lately.

Most recently it’s been an awesome time of collaboration with Tim Kelley and the team at the True Purpose(TM) Institute. Mentored by Tim in Purposeful Marketing, I’ve been partnering with them on writing the marketing messages for launching the latest course, Effortless Pricing: The Exchange of Love and Money.

The message below is an invitation that I had a hand in writing, giving you a flavor of the marketing writing I’m doing right now. I’ve jokingly called it “Launch ‘n Learn,” since we have been co-creating a full launch campaign for the upcoming class. I’m learning from a hands-on perspective just how many written parts go into a launch like this.

It’s been an experience both sobering and exciting — of living and breathing the details, project management, scheduling, writing, writing, writing, revising, publishing.

Actually the Effortless Pricing: The Exchange of Love and Money class starts this week. I’m enrolled to take the class too, because I sense that abundance is something that is part of my message to share. Why? Because it seems to be one of my biggest challenges.

So I’d like to invite you to join me in the first call of the class, Effortless Pricing: The Exchange of Love and Money. There is no cost to come to the first class. If you decide to participate in the full 6-week class, and you use the links below, I will receive a small referral fee. Obviously I believe in the course and its approach — since I signed up myself!

As I say,  I will be in the class myself. If you are too, then shoot me an email, and we can put together our own community mini-mastermind group for support through this journey to abundance and Effortless Pricing. (This is  my personal bonus to you for signing up through my affiliate link.)

Again, the following letter is one I had a hand in copywriting, so I wanted to share it as a sample of what I’m up to right now. If you feel called to explore this specific invitation, I look forward to connecting!

If now isn’t the time for you to delve into this specific issue, then many blessings to you on your journey. I’m sure we’ll reconnect soon!


Why Clients Don’t Want to Pay for Your Time

When selling services, charging by the hour (or day, week or
month) is the norm.  Have you ever wondered why?  If you stop and
think about it, your clients aren’t really seeking your time.
The time you spend with them is merely the means to an end.

In most situations, there are much better ways to exchange your
talents and gifts for money.  Ways that create better incentives
for you and your clients and don’t punish you for being skillful
and efficient.

If you earn money selling services that you deliver, make time
to join my friend and colleague, Tim Kelley on Tuesday 3-20-12
for an eye-opening exploration of how you charge for what you do.
He will do an in-depth examination of the time-for-money pricing
model and tour of some of the alternatives.  Put it in your
calendar now:

Go here for the details to join this call:

Tim is starting a brand new course on Tuesday and he’s inviting
you to attend the first class of Effortless Pricing: The Exchange
of Love and Money at no charge.

In the first call of the Effortless Pricing course, you’ll get
an overview of the limiting beliefs and fears that get in the way
of money flow. Then, as he puts dollars-for-hours pricing under a
microscope, you’ll learn when it’s effective (less often than
you’d think) and when using this model causes needless struggle
and competition (most of the time).

You’ll also discover OTHER ways of charging for your services,
some radically different than what you’ve encountered before —
all to be covered in great detail in the full Effortless Pricing:
The Exchange of Love and Money Teleseminar.

Because your purpose is as unique to you as your fingerprints,
there’s no proven formula or sure-fire step-by-step method that
you can you can shake from a can like magic dust to live your
purpose as your livelihood.

Yet if you are willing to spend some time focusing on it, you
can remove your inner blocks and learn the outer strategies to
earn what you deserve for the gifts and talents you offer your

See where you are stuck around money, and
you will also see the exact place you are
stuck in offering your transformational work.

The money blocks you experience are a crucial part of your path,
and resolving them is key to your personal transformation! If you
constrict when it’s time to discuss money with prospective
clients, you may still have hidden blocks.

Imagine how liberating to uncover answers, insights, and a
like-minded community!  If money is not a clear flow with you, I
encourage you to explore this no-cost class, the first session of
Effortless Pricing: The Exchange of Love and Money.

Go here for the details to join this call:

With you on the path,


P.S.  I’m registered to be in this course myself, so I hope you
will join me! I’ve been working on the copywriting for this campaign
with Tim and the True Purpose â„¢ Institute team.

P.P.S. I hope you are able to come to the no-cost call on Tuesday
3-20. Should you continue with the course and make a purchase from
The True Purposeâ„¢ Institute, I will receive a referral fee.

There’s no charge and lots to learn.

Wishing you abundance on your path,




Winter Solstice 2011 Poem

The lights from many traditions twinkle together at the Winter Solstice. This poem honors the 2011 Winter Solstice and festivals of Light while acknowledging what we share in common.






 Honoring Winter Solstice 2011

Dusk starts folding in shortly after lunch.
Sun’s Southerly arc
Creates spaciousness in early twilight sky.
A single planet arises above Eastern horizon.
Brightness blooms before darkness descends.

From under a welter of initiatives and mountains of missives
Day’s end and cavernous silence
Swiftly inserted as our salvation
Inviting imagination to play.

Ungainly illusions and expectations knock about
Loud as bumper cars on a fenced track.
Seasonality shored up by carnival barkers spitting
Holiday spirit on sale tags increasingly shrill, urgent, alarming.

Breathe the early night air and embrace
freedom in the dark thrill of silence.
Let peace descend as night laps at the edge of Earth’s carpet.
And when all is darkest night
Consider your mission is simple: to shine.
Other dots illuminate the landscape.
Holidays of Light from every tradition mingle —
Uncertain how far that goodwill extends.
And yet the common foundation for the billions of brilliances —
an underscore, an uncommon heritage of souls.

We are the ones called, called to Light, called to illuminate.
We are the ones answering the call.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We are the voices at hand to speak up.
We are the bowl vibrating with resonant waves of love on the wind.
We are the candle shimmering to brighten the darkest corner.
We are the book — the sacred tomes — and each soul a story,
And each story, a connection,
And each connection reverberating…

“We are the ones!”

Launching spots to multi-

We are the ones.

Shine, my friends.
Shine on, blessed
Illuminati of the Divine Heart Center.


Bobbye Middendorf
18 December 2011
Photo courtesy Middendorf-Salovaara

I am Grateful for…

The following gratitude stems supplement the Gratitude and Appreciation Meditation (updated here at the post below). I created both the meditation and the gratitude stems as part of my collaborations at, where I lead their program for Meditation Mondays.

As the meditation guide within’s meditative oasis and peace playground, I share (just in time for the US Thanksgiving holiday) a five-minute time out for cultivating gratitude and appreciation.

The YouTube video of the Gratitude and Appreciation Meditation is here.

Gratitude Stems

When you finish listening to the gratitude/appreciation meditation, take some time to fill in these sentences. Fill a page. OR more. Do it daily. Consciously meditate on and write — filling the blank spaces….


You can copy and paste these gratitude stems into your own Peaceful Day Journal to do this powerful practice.

And/or you are welcome to leave your comments here!


I am grateful for:

I deeply appreciate:

I acknowledge the unseen blessings of:

Even though it looks like a challenge, I say thank you for:

I now express belated gratitude for:

I send appreciation to:

With many blessings,


Meditation for Gratitude and Appreciation

The following meditation was created as part of my collaborations at, where I lead their program for Meditation Mondays.

As the meditation guide within this meditative oasis and peace playground, I share (just in time for the US Thanksgiving holiday) a five-minute time out for cultivating gratitude and appreciation.

The YouTube video of the Gratitude and Appreciation Meditation is here.


Here is the text if you’d like to follow along. (see the next post for a series of “Gratitude Stems” that you can use for journaling.)

Breathe in Gratitude…….Exhale all that is not gratitude

Breathe in Appreciation…..Exhale anything less than heart-felt appreciation.

Breathe in with Thanks…..Exhale and let go… let go… let go…

Breathe in……& Lean into inner alignment with — and appreciation for — your own Centered Presence.


Ahhh thank you.


From my heart and your heart — from every heart of every breathing being, we chant a chorus of appreciation.  Consciously bring into your heart’s awareness the feeling of deep appreciation — for the light –AND for what is not YET illuminated. Breathe into that appreciation — what has been freely given to you. Ahhhhh Thank you.


What If…

Imagine a wave of appreciation even bigger than you and your life — a wave of Divine Appreciation so enormous it encompasses everything. Yet it’s a gentle nurturing wave of Divine Appreciation. Imagine it washes over you, through you, picks you up in a warm and buoyant embrace. Feel yourself infused … enfolded by it. Imagine being tenderly held in this wave of Divine Appreciation for YOU — for all parts of you, inner and outer, for your life, your dreams, your contributions, your many kindnesses, even your slips of magnificence– your BEING, your very Presence on this planet at this time…

B-R-E-A-T-H-E into the nuances of gratitude and appreciation…


When you finish listening to this meditation, fill in these sentences. You will find these and more gratitude stems at my blog on

Fill a page. OR more. Do it daily. Consciously meditate on and write — filling the blank spaces….


I am grateful for:

I send appreciation to:

Even though it looks like a challenge, I say thank you for:


And now with deepest appreciation for your presence in our Circle, I say in closing: Thank you. Mahalo. Namas Te.


Blueprint for Conscious Creation


Words for Transforming You and Your Contribution:
How to Be in the Soup of Chaos and Know You Are in the Right Place


Monarch emerging and 2 remaining chrysalises
Photo courtesy MK Salovaara


Welcome to the new Heart of Creation where:
*All is new and forming and malleable.
*All is possible.
*There is nothing wrong with you.


“Change is nonlinear; it proceeds by leaps and bounds to strange and unexpected places. If you want creativity, you give up predictability…”
Margaret Wheatley
Author of Leadership and the New Science
(and most recently, Walk Out Walk On)
From the New Dimensions Perpetual Calendar

The New Heart of Creation

Many are observing and speaking out about the shifts of energies on the planet as we come to the end of the cosmic age. People see things breaking down, deadlocks, impasses in the old models and paradigms, the powers-that-be fighting a vicious fight for survival, deep disappointment in the institutions that purport to serve us and instead are serving only themselves. This is looking at the half empty glass.


Meantime on the other side of the matrix, millions of lightworkers, members of the Turquoise Tribe, self-growth experts, are busy creating anew.  We are the ones seeing and building on possibilities and potentialities. WE are the people bringing forth new stories, birthing new ways of working and playing together, renewing and rediscovering the richness of ancient paths of wisdom, community, contribution, and grace.

New paths, many diverse yet congruent paths, are opening their way up and up the mountainside. From the shared “everyday,” we are scaling these peaks together and in new ways, many lamps lit along many pathways. All together, we are illuminating the way — FOR EACH OTHER.

Here from within the heart of creation, ask yourself this question: What if you didn’t have to “attract” anything?   Nothing.  At.  All. Why? Because with your deep and conscious Presence, (and the confidence to stand firmly grounded IN that Presence) the very act of waking up means that it’s all right there at your fingertips.

It’s not about “Attracting” anymore. It’s about waking up and Allowing. Yes, the new, improved LOA is The Law of Allowing.  It’s a matter of unlocking and opening the door, of shining your light of welcome, and inviting in the most perfect relationships for whatever is next for you.  From the place of conscious awakening, you’ll realize that even the door itself is an illusion.

That takes trust. And when you are in the cocoon, perhaps even still liquefying, how can you see clearly?

What is the message of transformation from within the chrysalis?
Deep within, from the heart of the imaginal cells, the seed and blueprint of the butterfly lives in perfection. Even when the caterpillar is breaking down inside its protective chrysalis, the message of the existence of butterfly lives pure and true, even in the soup of seeming chaos.

From this invisible world, inside the butterfly blueprint, what comes forth at the most perfect time IS the butterfly — breaking free, stretching and exercising its wings, as it emerges into the physical, manifest world.

Many of us, and I include myself here, feel like we are in a soup of chaos and transformation — and that is on our good days.  What if that is true? How do we move forward together, trust the unfolding, especially when that seems completely of new cloth, a new paradigm?

For millenia, the Feminine Spirit has been abducted, spirited away from the public conversation. Patriarchy has been running the show. Now She — The Divine Feminine Spirit in Business, Healing, and the Heart of Creation — is back in this planetary eleventh hour.

The Feminine Spirit in Business holds the blueprints for paradigm-changing awakenings in how we structure work, contribution, service, and bringing the divine and gifts to the clear channels for exchange.  It’s resolutely NOT going to look like what came before.

Welcome, Co-creators with the Divine Feminine Spirit in Business. We are in the soup of Transformation, and something new and brilliant is in the process of being born: The birthing of each one of us and all together “Owning Our Greatness.”

It starts with going inside first, going deep first. It starts with listening to the yearning and longing and allowing what is deeply true to emerge onto the page in your own words.

Your first step in practical creation is making a safe space for your young inner parts to speak their truth to you — without your judging-self stopping the flow.  Your emergence is longing for you to be present!

I’ve been called a “vision midwife.” Partnering with the Feminine Spirit in Business means co-creating from a planetary and cosmic space that has never before been accessible. Recently I received a direct message from the Divine Feminine Spirit in Business and asking me to share. “Language is key to manifesting,” she said, “and it’s one of the primary limitations for those bringing their vision into form.” That’s where I support women visionaries and co-create safe spaces for growth and expression inn partnership with the Feminine Spirit in Business.

All our rich contributions and gifts are so needed at this crucial time — especially the hidden and secret messages! So step into the circle and become one of the Conscious Co-Creators. For that, you may indeed want to consciously “Own Your Greatness.”  There’s a proven path to follow to strengthen yourself as you emerge from your cocoon.

For your own personal access to a no-charge “Safe Space” Playbook/workbook for “Owning Your Greatness,” for downloading your yearnings and really listening to your own inner messages, please sign up at the top of the right-hand column!  Just enter your name and email at the top of the sidebar on the right side of the page.

You’ll receive a link to download your personal guide to owning your greatness — in words. You’ll receive uncommon support in emerging from your own chrysalis as the beautiful butterfly that you are!