You are evolving. Your work is evolving. You may find yourself in a verdant field of “I don’t know.”
Are you comfortable with being immersed in the field of “I don’t know…” ?
You can, you know…
For if you consider, How can you be anyplace else but where you are exactly supposed to be?… from that place, what else might be possible? What pure potentiality might be trying to peek through the veils?
What if your “I don’t know…” can become a potent and useful message — and place — to lean into?
If this is the case, I invite you to join us on a journey and exploration, this dynamic conversation between two evolving trailblazers.
Build Invisible Infrastructures for Birthing Humanity’s New Story
Connecting to higher purpose, a linchpin of regeneration, encompasses both definitions of regenerative: “To regenerate is to ‘create anew, give new life, new energy, to revitalize’. In a spiritual sense, it means to undergo a conversion or rebirth.â€
Stone circle mandala grounds the new, emerging story of Regeneration + Purpose.
For me, taking responsibility wasn’t the problem. If anything, I take too much responsibility for things that aren’t mine. For example, “First, do no harm,†although meant for doctors, has been one of my guiding principles. Yet in our culture, great harm has been done, and continues to be, on many levels. We are all complicit in this harm, just by being living members of society.
In everyday life, as well-intentioned and sustainable as I tried to be, (recycling, subscribing to a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm, composting, biking or walking where possible), it still seemed puny. “Sustainable†is the commonly-assumed concept, yet it’s inadequate to the challenges we face. We need an upleveled understanding. Our world calls us forth, calls forth regeneration.
On another level, through a Qi Gong practice, I began consciously connecting with the Qi Field, a field of shared consciousness, intent, and life force energy. In service to this greater perspective of “wholeness†and interconnectivity of all life, it felt like a much more regenerative place, albeit working at an invisible energetic level.
Weaving these together, a mantra emerged. I regularly share it with clients and on teams: “Both-And.†It encompasses doing the most you can to leave the planet a better place, as best you can, in the outer world. At the same time, it invites a conscious cultivation of energy and pure intent for wholeness in service to all life thriving. Both are needed. While neither one alone is sufficient, I realized that even together, something was still missing.
Fire and water, air and earth: All are needed, working together in synchronicity for the good of the greater whole.
Sunset crossing the Mississippi River by train to Fort Madison, IA
Purpose Enlivens and Completes Both-And
The missing link that uplevels and reweaves new synergies is the concept of “living your higher purpose,†or, as it’s phrased in the subtitle to Tim Kelley’s bestseller, True Purpose,“…Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make.â€
Since 2011, I’ve volunteered on collaborating co-creative teams behind-the-scenes at the True Purpose® Institute, the organization founded by Tim Kelley to share this body of purpose work. Starting in 2011, the organization started developing a collaborative ownership structure while co-creative teams worked on marketing and developing new courses.
Reorganizing into co-creative collaboration created the business anew after several years of a more traditional hierarchical structure. Now its presence in the world manifests purposeful, new paradigm practices.
In this, the organization takes on the qualities of a living organism. It’s growing through interconnections and symbiosis while periodically updating its purpose statements in partnership with the greater True Purpose® community. As it lives into the definition of regenerate, to ‘create anew, give new life, new energy, to revitalize,’ it embodies high purposeful expression.
Beyond that, at the heart of this True Purpose® process, is training people to consciously connect in with their own source of guidance. From someplace within or outside them, depending on the individual’s belief system, they tap into the invisible realms of either the psyche or the spiritual world.
Experimentally holding the possibility that something — universal or personal, inside or greater-than-you — knows your purpose and can tell you, is a hallmark of the True Purpose® process. It can be a personal or psychological inner part of you, for example, your soul. It can be a universal source that knows the purpose of us all. (e.g., God, Buddha, Universe) Or it can be outside and particular to you, like your guardian angel or wise ancestors.
Thousands of people over the past decade have used this process and connected with a source of guidance that knows their purpose. Making such a connection and being able to find and live “why you are here,†can be experienced as akin to “undergo[ing] a conversion or rebirth,†the spiritual frame of regeneration.
From here, what more is possible?
What if you were able to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are, we all are, profound healers on some level? That you came here for a higher purpose? That you can actually discover and live it? (Not everyone chooses to, of course!)
This path of higher purpose invites you to tune in energetically to realms of wisdom, including apprenticing to wisdom that you have a unique access to. It invites you to bring this wisdom whole and complete into practical partnerships of regenerative co-creation.
Purpose can generate powerful and practical results. Beyond today’s results, the True Purpose® process outlines a proven way to continually and ongoingly uplevel and regenerate ourselves and our businesses, relationships, organizations, and messages.
It is our sacred opportunity to bring body, mind, spirit, heart, and soul, into regenerative and conscious dialogue with profound wisdom from a source of guidance we trust. Purpose, approached in this way, magnifies interconnections and regenerates all life. It supports all weavers of the energy threads between the Qi Field and your own garden, business, and life.
I’m curious. What is your regenerative go-to when it’s time to replenish your body, mind, and spirit? Where do you go to regenerate your work, your world?
Tim Kelley, founder and leader, initiated a collaboratively co-created enterprise for the True Purpose® Institute in 2011 after several years of a more traditional business structure. (More details about the Institute at In a major shift from the Founder-Leader-Owner-led hierarchical model, he assembled an “owner team.†The team works together using the process of a “Collaborative Operating System,†(more details about this specific methodology at They also use Tim’s methodology called True Purpose® to build an organization that lives into its own highest (and evolving) purpose. Tim, meanwhile, is called beyond the company he founded, to support large organizations, systems, and countries to find the higher purpose of these institutions. (Details about Tim Kelley here:
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
About Bobbye Middendorf
She’s ambassadress of #SpiritIntoForm, co-creating with Love, Spirit, Purpose, & Guidance to bring #LoveIntoForm with words, images, & purposeful projects. A lifelong conscious collaborator, Bobbye has volunteered as collaborative partner with the True Purpose® Institute since 2011 and is training as a True Purpose® coach.
Healing and co-creating along the Purpose path, she’s mentor, sounding board, and collaborator with Regenerators, those ready to wake up, show up, and follow through on the guidance they’re receiving for co-creating a world that works for all life.
She guides her divine audience to “shine your light in words with purpose.” She leads them to master the art of life & livelihood by nourishing the creative soul & reconnecting with the sacred flow.
Read more at, and connect with Bobbye at Write Synergies Circle.
Are you being called to create some space in your life this summer to move a dream forward? Is it time to create, to give yourself permission to explore what is longing to be born through your creative self? I’d like to invite you into the year’s Creator’s Vision Quest by Train!
Some of the wisdom teachers who will accompany us …
Do you remember the spell of possibility every time you connected up with track nine-and-three-quarters? It was the Hogwarts Express, and magic was afoot. This summer, step into your own magical, liminal creative space.
In summer 2014, I did a workshop for creators in transition, getting all of us started on Creating What Matters. This year, we are taking to the rails to continue and grow those dreams of creation.
On Sunday, August 2, I am leading an intrepid group of bold creators on a 25-hour creative deep dive on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief, traveling from Chicago to Albuquerque.
For me, it’s a long-time dream, to lead a group of dreamers, creators, truth-tellers on a train journey — an intensive immersion into dreams, creativity, and bringing forth the purposeful great work inside you. Do you feel called?
At Wolf Prairie, Cook County Forest Preserve, just outside Chicago. Connect to the sacred land as we travel through it.
We will consider both landscape and dreamtime, though they are not separate. We’ll connect with the inner child who loves adventures. We’ll examine what gets in the way and how to consciously partner with blocks, obstacles, and stuckness. There will be a pre-journey playbook, time for 1-on-1 conferences about where you’re stuck or where you want to take your next body of work, opening and closing ceremonies, playing the Lightning Dreamwork game, and much more.
You’ll experience a spacious and regenerative deep dive into the heart of your own creations. It’s a chance to jump-start your creative process and get traction on a project: new body of work, course, workshop, or book. You might even decide to shape your life and its next phase as a work of art!
Here’s the invitation: Allow yourself to surrender into a creative dream world with the gentle click and motion of the train. We’re adding movement to the sacred container for generating a palpable momentum, infusing your creations with new energy. 25 hours (If the train’s on time…)
The investment is $225.00 for the immersive workshop (Train fare not included). Please email me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to set up a phone conversation to see if this is the best step for you. OR text me at 773-263-7914 for more details.
A few words from your guide, Bobbye Middendorf:
I journey with sage-hearted collaborators, evolutionaries, messengers, visionaries, and change-agents as a powerful voice and advocate for the practical results they get through deep dives.
We walk together through the chaos of reinvention to co-create their evolving core messages, giving voice to the vision of their purposeful Great Work while revealing their wisdom in words they didn’t know they knew.
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
Funny things happen. When I first looked for today’s prompt on my iPad, (at  there wasn’t a prompt at all but a link to a video from Silva, and it did not sit well with me. I love synchronicity and serendipity, navigate by them, and track them as the heart of making meaning and building patterns of connections and interconnections.
Jason Silva offers today’s #Quest2015 prompt:
In what ways might you artfully curate your life in 2015 to occasion serendipity, creativity and awe?
Ontological designing says: We design our world and the world designs us back.
What are the linguistic and creative choices you can make in 2015 that will in turn act back upon you and transform you?
What I saw were high speed images seeming in awe of the “more” of modern life. This did not resonate at all with a third age, highly sensitive, intuitive, Earth-centered woman. “Moments of unexpected relevance,” says Silva. And yet the energies, images, and approaches were anathema to how I practice synchronicity and serendipity. So a rant emerged.
It started me wondering, parsing this prompt and its related video into the great polarity on which our times are turning and raising the grain: The modern, masculine paradigm of the left brain (albeit a left brain on high-speed juxtaposition), and the energies of wholeness, emergence, organic growth, sacred interconnections, and the Divine Feminine, mostly gone missing in popular culture. (Silva is filmed in a wooded area, a “sylvan” spot. Yet his energy did not resonate with the location.)
I don’t disagree with the interesting and unexpected juxtapositions as critical sparking of the synapses for fresh combinations. Yet what shows up on the video is a young person’s idea of synchronicity and serendipity. It is also, dare I voice it, the masculine model of synchronicity and how to get there.
While it’s not inherently wrong, it is inherently limited. Such a popular-culture-infused, one-sided, tech-loving approach will continue to take us along a trajectory that we don’t want to go, at least if we value maintaining life on this planet. It’s more of the same, the approaches that got us into this jam — only on steroids.
As I was pondering this video and this very smart young man with his millions of views and hundreds of thousands of followers, I was doing so in a park, sitting on a log next to a birch tree and writing, gloves on: In Chicago. In December. Experiencing the season of a heavy grey sky. Writing with a pen in a notebook: How very old school.
And what emerged in that moment, what came clear, was another side of the same coin: Depth Synchronicity. It embraces the both-and, the young energetic male and the older and rooted female energies. We need both in the conversation. We need both to weave a life that is whole.
Consider, for a refreshing change, that the Divine Feminine has a voice at this table.
Invite synchronicity and serendipity to play in a field of organic growth, where there are real seasonal changes. Engage with true interdependence, not a surface-only quick cut of juxtapositions. Taking the time for a breath, encompass within that breath, infuse it, with praise, awe, gratitude, and even love.
Acknowledge as you breathe the brilliant diversity and interdependence of humans in partnership with our brethren of the Plant Kingdom. (And we are decimating the forests of these beings who provide the oxygen that powers life on this planet, WHY?) Their sacred out-breath is our vital life force, breath, oxygen. Is that beyond serendipity? Is it not a sacred synchronicity, a depth of connection that the quick fix, like the quick cut, simply cannot grasp?
What if we cultivated deep-looking and a deep-listening instead of high speed images bouncing off the eyeballs? This is a call to consciously nurture and cultivate synchronicity and serendipity at the speed of life — instead of the speed of death. Slowing down, we can enter the fertile territory of appreciation.
In the morning walk, appreciate the child’s chalk pavement picture as a message from the divine source of guidance beaming in on impermanent wings. We can approach every juxtaposition with our incredible capacity for meaning-making, and find the higher guidance in the feather: Angels in the neighborhood…. Or, what does the rock dove mean in my dreaming lexicon of daily life?
We have the choice of shallow or deep. I have cultivated the depths. Some prefer the shallows. For me, synchronicity, serendipity, awe are available in an avalanche of abundance as I slow down, observe deeply, and cultivate the human and greater-than-human connections, our sacred interdependencies that are the source of the joy, awe, praise, and at the heart of creation and co-creation.
For me, the choice of transformation wears everyday clothes of slowing down and breathing, appreciating what shows up in my field. It’s a matter of love. And curiosity. And meaning-making. I invite you to join me in a Quest now through 2015 to slow down and allow the transformation to turn you inside out. See what happens. Report back.
Reserve the date: Saturday, October 27, 2012 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Jean Marie Ryan Center: Misericordia Campus
6300 N. Ridge Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Experience a day of connection, reflection and co-creation…
Support a positive approach to the powerful leaps in consciousness
unfolding in 2012 — and as we prepare for 2013.
Together in community, we explore three major shifts —
three changes that make the new paradigm possible:
individuality to interdependence
competition to cooperation
separation to reverence
Step into your NEW role as an integral player in these
delicious possibilities that are emerging!
Enjoy heartfelt community, deepening meditations, inspiring speakers, exhibitors offering uplifting goods and services, and live music.
Just imagine yourself at the end of an empowering day filled with thoughtful presenters and panelists. Dip into and taste the gifts of the day — palpable, even in our listing of events:
THE SECOND COMING OF CONSCIOUSNESS: A Cause for Celebrating Oneness The keynote will be presented by Emanuel Kuntzelman, founder Center for Cultural Interchange/Greenheart, and a lifelong seeker and advocate for cultural understanding, environmental awareness and world peace.
COOPERATION: Creating our Emerging Future Presented by Noreen Kelly, Communication Consultant, Coach and Trust Strategist.
REVERENCE: The Pulse of the New Story Presented by Francis Rothluebber, Author, Spiritual Director and Founder of New Momentum for Human Unity.
Janelle Brittain, Speaker, Trainer, Executive Coach, Consultant and Author
Chris Buhrman, Vice President, creative director, Cramer-Krasselt and Film Director, City of the Dawn
Jean Carter-Hill, Cofounder and Executive Director, Imagine Englewood IF …
MEDITATION: Offered by Jennifer Kim, Director, The Peace School.
LIVE MUSIC: Presented by Jennie Landfield, Musician, Composer and Producer.
$115 by 10/23 ~ Â $130 by 10/27
$35 student discount available
Lunch included ~ Plenty of FREE parking
The gifts, messages, and sacred stories are flowing with abundance. If you chose, you could listen in and connect with thought leaders in your niche every single day, multiple times a day. You can follow the teleseminars, webinars, tweets, blog posts of Cultural Creatives on many different parts of the same or similar paths. You can try to comment on everyone who resonates, and so many people do. Their messages are potent for you.
For those of us charged over the years as “Living Libraries of Light,” the ocean waves of messages from thought leaders threaten to swamp us. Information overload is very real. We inhale to take it all in — and choke. We open our arms to embrace all that seems good and true and beautiful — and we are carried into the undertow because we cannot embrace it all.
The great shift and turning is upon us, the turning of an age. You can read about networks, circles, communities, tribes of people dancing at the edge of transformation, opening the doors, windows, and portals, ushering in new ways of being that are freeing and liberating and connecting us with our true selves, our deepest and Divine Essence. The forward motion and momentum, unfolding us into our future selves, continue unabated.
Even so, others steadfastly yank on chains of the past that hold us fast in old models and paradigms that are breaking down. The powerful in the world clamp down on anything that empowers greater numbers of us. That is the old story that the powerful are trying desperately to hold onto. And in this time of disparate and desperate polarities, we are tacking, our small ocean-going canoes heaved first one way, then another.
Discernment is key. How do you discern who to follow, who to listen to, who to invite into your own inner sacred space? I’m not saying I have all the answers, but perhaps together we can access and share some useful questions.
A few years ago, I created a personal mission statement. As a solo-soul-preneur, I am the face and being of my business. At the end of 2010, I was called to update that document. Usually the word “mission” for me is a non-starter. I’ve read far too many mission statements that put me to sleep.
As the Write Synergies Guru, I teach people the magic of growing their results (in words) greater than the sum of the parts. To do that, it calls for stepping into a level of Being in the World (and in the moment) that can only be expressed as your mindful and conscious Presence. Sometimes, that Presence yearns to share itself by owning the parts that it encompasses. Maybe my colleagues would benefit by revising their “mission” statements into “Presence” statements…Or what I call the Code.
As a writer and a mentor for those crafting, honing, and polishing their public messages, writing is one piece of my process. Let me share a secret: Who you are Being, from your deepest essence, is what makes the critical distinction between you and everyone else. So ponder the following questions. Take them to heart. Write your answers. Then share your riches here and with your own community of customers, clients — your circle and tribe.
First, who are you Being?
= From your Being, what is your Vision for 2011?
= What is your process for bringing that Vision to life?
= What are the words, the code that you live by when you are truly expressing from your highest and deepest self?
Please share!
For me, it is out of a place of deep inner space, of silence, of a kind of solitude, of words written by hand and by keyboard.
The Write Synergies Code
Out of the deep inner space of silence and solitude grow discernment, intuition, compassion
Walking a spiritual path, I commit to living these core values:
Listening deeply and with loving attention
Exploring with joy, curiosity, passion
Living mindfully and artfully with health, serenity, abundance
Knowing the sacred flow in all energy exchanges
Promoting peace, creativity, wisdom
Expressing compassion for Gaia, nature, and all sentient beings
Advancing with honesty, integrity, authenticity, gratitude, imagination
Connecting with the highest expression of those intersecting my path
Embodying a focus on the Light within and highest good for all concerned
Such foundational and visionary work is the beginning of declaration — what some might even call the basis for a Manifesto. Rest assured, that is coming. Living and expressing fully from this deep place calls on all our intent, requires that we show up in these new and powerful ways of Being.
I have been able to share, above, acrostic messages as part of my Write Synergies Code. These totems and ways of Being are also part of the code and reminders to me about the deeper forces at play in all aspects of life.
We are being called to wake up and act from a more powerful place. Start by unlocking your Being, shining a light on your Vision, and acting each day in the truth of your Code!
Join me on the Write Synergies Path!
Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
Conscious businesses, even more so than other ventures, have a commitment to bringing heart to marketing messages and soul to business. These words play a critical role as they carry the essence of your business story.
Do your writing and business communications lack impact and pizazz? If your written messages are not getting attention, if your words are not moving your customers, clients, or employees to take the actions you are spurring them on to, if your results are suffering, then maybe it’s time for a messaging makeover.
Words are powerful. The right written words, even if just a 140 character tweet, can nurture existing relationships with clients, introduce your business values to prospectors (people looking for the types of products or services you offer), and move people to take action to get to know you a little better.
While you might not get every one of those benefits from a single blog post or Twitter tweet, your communications are an ongoing affair that, like your relationships with your customers, require regular cultivation for long-term business success and results. In fact, cultivating your messages and nurturing your client relationships are two sides of the same coin. They are inextricably related.
Clear, focused, and articulate written communications are the foundation stones on which powerful businesses grow. You, as chief messaging officer, whether owner, CEO, or marketing leader, know the difference that the right words can make. But…
*Do you have the time?
*Do you have a trusted writing partner?
* … Someone who can download all your insights and polish them up to best serve your business, provide solutions to your customers, and expand your own inner development all at the same time?
There’s a greatness in the gifts you and your business are here to share and the service you provide to your perfect audience or tribe. The right words can build bridges between your vision that you are striving to achieve and the people you are here to serve.
If you’d like to consider a messaging makeover with a proven bridge-builder, then contact me directly at jasbjm (at) earthlink (dot) net to open a dialogue.
Intent — pure, heart-based intent, when it’s for the highest good of all — is the royal road, the holy, the divine, the seat of power and energy. Seeing intent in action is to experience the miracles of synchronicities and synergies.
Intent, when it’s put in writing as is my wont, can be the engine that drives momentum and action in the world. Yet with words from the heart, such intent remains connected with the higher source, the sacred. In this way, with the power of intent, the creation and the connection to the audience together embrace the greater character of the sacred. Words on the page can create sacred space if placed with intent. That, at least, is my intention.
Write synergies, powered with intent for the highest good, for the healing of Gaia, Mother Earth, becomes sacred intent for bridging the gulf between our creation-from-the-heart and the people the creation is here to serve, those for whom it is our contribution. Such writing with intent becomes the bridge of light between creation and community. As such, it build synergies.
When I came into the Dreams Alive circle years ago, I didn’t have any inkling that I would be so transformed so many years later. These sacred synergies and the realization of their deeper implications will likely be a theme for a good long time.
I originally called this post “Writing and Weaving Your Marketing Bridge,” because that follows the theme of several of my posts so far during this 30 day blogging challenge. Instead, I want to give credit to the source of my inspiration. This is also a post in the occasional series “Wisdom from unexpected places.”
In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, one of my favorite sections is in Volume 1, of the Fellowship’s visit to Lothlorien, the treacherous land of the elves, under the care and protection of the Lady Galadriel.
To get there, the men, hobbits, and a dwarf (along with the elf in the Fellowship) must cross a cold and rushing river on two strands of hithlain, the uncanny strong rope woven from all that is beautiful and loved by the elves.
Not sure I could have done it! But picture that bridge of two thin ropes, seeming not much stronger than a spider’s gossamer, created with the immense love reflected in the quote below.
More wisdom from unexpected places, something I want to share from this book. Consider this quote, spoken of the elvish cloaks, gifts to the Fellowship travelers, “Leaf and branch, water and stone: they have the hue and beauty of all these things under the twilight of Lorien that we love; for we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make.”
That is what to aim for, writing and weaving your heart and light into the message that will make the connection between your creation and your community. It may be as thin as the elvish rope, but it is made strong from the essence of your heart woven into the words.
That’s marketing, and it’s using words to weave the bridge out of all that you love. It’s at the heart of Write Synergies: The Words that Bring Heart to Your Marketing and Soul to Your Business. These are the Write Synergies you need to generate results, (communications, connections) greater than the sum of the parts.
Wouldn’t writing from the heart be helpful here with this marketing task? And is there a way to make writing bigger, expansive enough to encompass these Cs?
Is there a way to put some juice into the words, to get results that are bigger than just word + word, greater than the sum of the parts?
Tomorrow: You do what you do, you do what is yours to do. But how do you put your particular gifts and magic and greatness into the words to build that bridge?