Play Your Practices

28 Day PlayGroup Includes First Harvest Cross-Quarter Seasonal Circle

You are invited, Beloved, to nourish deeply and rest into Infinite’s arms

28 Day PlayGroup: Rest into Infinite’s ArmsGive yourself the gift of self-nurturance as you integrate, deepen, and open to the next evolutionary arc that awaits you…as you rest into Infinite’s arms.

Putting my practices as a central focus, while really committing to being, doing, and tracking these, has been the source of an extraordinary shift in my being over the past few years. (As I consider, it’s been a far longer process than just the time I’ve tracked these practices …)

I want you to experience a similar burst of unfolding, emergence, and organic evolution! Because what this focus on my practices has brought into my life is a regular and ongoing connection to, an ability to relax into, and rest in, the arms of the Infinite.

17 July 2021 — First Quarter Moon

We are the creatress-co-creators we have been waiting for. We are the imaginal cells gathering to co-create the butterfly’s wings of a new reality. We are this, walking evolution’s arc.

Our practices become the lift, the wind under the (butterfly) wings of a flourishing new reality to lift off. It may seem counter-intuitive, but co-creation in this time starts from within each of us and ripples outward.

Gathering and sharing a play-field of intent over 28 days, anchoring the beginning and (almost) end of the 28 days via Zoom gathering, plus celebrating together the cross-quarter day, Lughnasadh, amplifies the ripples that emanate beyond us.

Calendar Details and Registration

Start Date: Friday, 23 July 2021
Honoring the full moon, your daily emailed inspirations start here.

First PlayGroup-only Gathering: Saturday, 24 July 2021
Noon Mountain Daylight Time for 60-75 minutes
Opening circle, honoring and anchoring Intent.

Lughnasadh Seasonal Circle: Saturday 7 August 2021
Noon Mountain Daylight Time for 90 minutes
Celebrating first harvest; open to others as well.

Second PlayGroup-only Gathering: Sunday 15 August 2021
Noon Mountain Daylight Time for 60-75 minutes
Closing circle to honor the continual flow and fluidity of the field of our practices.

End Date: Friday 19 August 2021
Concluding of 28-Day PlayGroup and final Daily Email Missive

In the Background: Belvaspata
Throughout the 28 days, you are invited to open to receive the blessings and radiant wholeness from my daily practice of Belvaspata.

Registration: $122 for this intensive deep dive into your own practices in a shared field of resonance and radiant support from many levels.
Link to register:

How often do we deepen into what we “know” to do, but don’t always manage to do?

This is what I call … #PracticeYourPractices … And now, #PlayYourPractices, since it’s time to lighten up! We each carry unique medicines or what one teacher calls your “Song of Self,” so each one’s practices will be different.

However …

By gathering, committing and devoting ourselves, and practicing together, we become a personal and community magnified field, one that emerges from each of us, from our collaborative co-creation circle, and out into the world. (It’s the source of new reality co-creation.)

What if … together … we could immerse in a field of support, gentle and accessible, in our own perfect timing, yet have touch-ins of community and invisible, invincible ongoing support for a span of eternal Now (in this case, for 28 days) under the blessing cycle of Mother Moon?

Why Me, Why Now:
Things unfurled for me differently these past couple of years by putting my Self and my personal practices into the center of the spiral “map” of life and work — while trusting and allowing the organic growth (and Infinite Intent) to “work me” and “work with me.”

What has become a regular occurrence:
Resting in the arms of the Infinite is becoming an embodied experience for me. I’ve not yet achieved this “always,” but I do feel it regularly almost every day, even if it’s not every moment of every day. 😉

I want to share with you the pure potentialities that can unfold when you lean into your practices, and experience them within this shared field of hope and blessings, our PlayGroup community.

Call such an experience connected support, transcendent being or intuitive knowing state — whatever it might be to you …

  • Would you like more of this?
  • Would you like a space to practice, amplify, refine, upgrade your practices?
  • Would you benefit from the strengthened inner connection that results?
  • Would you so love to experience an embodied sense of resting in Infinite’s arms?

What if …
Listening to /for /with your inner guidance, being with it, paying attention to it … what if THIS is what all those daily practices are “about?”  And then those practices become the “lift” to this outer emergence of co-creation?
(Hint: there’s a bigger picture to the “practices” that sometimes gets forgotten.)

What if … 
it doesn’t make a difference what your “practices” are? 
… and yet your personal practices can be refined or refreshed as YOU grow, develop, and become more of who you are, expressing more of that Essence of You, what I and one of my teachers sometimes call “expressing your Song of Self.”

In my experience, I’ve become convinced there are multiple paths “up the mountain” of awareness, increased consciousness, mindfulness, reverence, wonder, awe, oneness, transcendence, evolution, the emerging future, or whatever name you give it … And yet doing these practices, sparked by inspiration, and gathering together within community, amplifies the personal, circle, and results to the whole in ways beyond our reckoning.

While I will share my practices and perspectives about them in a PDF “menu” that’s included in this 28-day PlayGroup, it’s not about the particulars of what I do. I offer these as inspiration. 

Rather, this is a space for you to practice, refine, upgrade, fill your own well, and see where you land right now within your unique template of “practices.” Is it time for an upgrade? Are you in a “clean slate” place —
starting at a zero point?

How does this 28-Day PlayGroup Work? +
What might you experience?

In an experimental engagement between July 23-August 19, I am inviting you to play in this field, to #PracticeYourPractices and #PlayYourPractices, to explore, inquire, and then note down what you notice, observing what shifts by engaging within this alchemical chamber.

There will also be opportunities to ask questions, share practices, report on any results and refinements/upgrades via a private Facebook group.

28 Day PlayGroup: Rest into Infinite’s Arms  — from 23 July – 19 August — also encompasses Lughnasadh, the early August cross-quarter day of “first harvest.”

Each day over the next month, you will receive a boost of the “practical mystic” for growing and replenishing your Self from deep within.
Daily email missives may include one of the following:
* Audio centering/grounding meditation
* Audio visualization journey with prompts
* Divination card or rune reading, drawn with the intent to serve individuals within the whole
* Inspired image with message
* Trends and tidbits from archetypal influences, including moon & astrology wisdom
* Possibilities for refreshing or evolving your own daily practices
* Playing Lightning Dreamwork with dream incubation suggestions
(And know that all these love-missives will be archived and available to you, in your most perfect timing…)

Getting Together in our collaborative Co-Creation PlayGroup Community:
We will gather in the circle together. Recording will be available if these days/times are not optimal for you. Also recommended for re-listening and re-connecting with the energies and frequencies of our group, as well as with the shared centering.

NOON Mountain Daylight Time on …

* Saturday 24 July — Opening gathering to invoke and evoke our sacred space, honor our intent, and set out together

* Saturday 7 August  — Lughnasadh
Cross-quarter day in the wheel of the year, halfway between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox
This is included in the seasonal circle series and offers journeys and “sacred journaling” to become aware of your “first harvest.” What are you harvesting now? What seeds are you planting for your next harvest?)
This session will be available and open also to those not on this 28 day journey.

* Sunday, 15 August — We  gather to honor and bless our journey — no matter where we are with “completion,” since there isn’t really a finish line. Rather, we explore at this juncture the fluidity of time, of gathering, and of possibilities and activities that open the next portal, next evolution, next iteration as we stand at the liminal edge of the emerging future.

In the background: Belvaspata

The modality and field of radiant angelic wholeness, Belvaspata, received and expressed through the Seer Almine, is a daily practice for me. All those in the circle are held in this field of radiance for our time together — and beyond. I will hold at least three sessions of Belvaspata of the Song of the Self during the course of our 28 days.  (These are done asynchronously and offline, so there’s nothing you need to do but receive; no event you need to “show up for.”)

In addition to this, I do a Belvaspata daily maintenance practice each day, encompassing those in the circle during our time together and for an additional 6 months of support. (Think: Wind under your wings.)

The newly updated #PlayYourPractices Menu, a brief PDF where I share the backstory about my practices, how I think about practices by day, week, month,  plus space to develop your own template/menu that feeds, nourishes, and sustains you at your most optimal.

These are 28 days to self-nourish and engage with doing what you know to do … but don’t always manage to do … in sacred and intimate community, infused with self-compassion and enlivened through a powerful field of shared intent.

… All so that we can let go and rest into the arms of the Infinite. And this, even as we, together, co-create a new reality where all life flourishes.

(It’s a both-and, my friends.)

With infinite flows of compassion, love, and appreciation,


P.S. If this sounds delicious, please know that it’s a unique flavor, what a friend has dubbed “Bobbyelicious.”

This 28 Day PlayGroup: Rest into Infinite’s Arms is an experiment, and encompasses the seasonal circle Lughnasadh. This registration link includes the 28 day PlayGroup, as described above.

P.P.S. If you are called to engage with this deep work, yet this sacred exchange is not doable, please contact me directly so we can work something out.

Bobbye Middendorf
Inner Wisdom Guide

Spoken Word Alchemist  *  Dream Mentor 
 * Yin Arising Catalyst 
Mystic. Healer. Creator. Poet. Dreamer.

Bobbye Middendorf
About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, is an Inner Wisdom Guide, Dream Mentor, Spoken Word Alchemist, & Yin Arising Catalyst. Her work invites Evolutionaries, WayMakers, and Visionaries into sacred spaces for co-birthing new realities. She dances this evolutionary arc into manifestation with Conscious Creators, Change Catalysts, and Dreamers as dreamer-mystic-poet-healer-collagist. Her synergistic process-work alchemizes what is in the way, so the radiant beings in her community can BE home-for-self. With that, new potentialities emerge, and each radiant Song of Self comes through in fullest expression. Together we are the imaginal cells gathering, co-creating new realities where all life flourishes.


Bobbye “… has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.”

MD, Ontario, Canada

“Your beautiful words and centering took me beyond words.”

NFS, Hudson River Valley, NY

“If you had asked me, I would have told you that I am absolutely not coachable (a character flaw, I always thought). I also didn’t know how to dream. Working with Bobbye is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. First there are the Aha! moments, which happen pretty much all the time. While I am still immersed in her warm and supporting energy they feel breathtaking and deeply personal. Then, a couple of days later that same epiphany has already become so much a part of my new reality that I am not sure if anything had really happened. Wasn’t this always a part of me? And then one day after many of these times when nothing much seemed to have happened, I look around and realize that my entire life, my perspective, my set of tools for coping and growing and co-creating, are not at all the same anymore, that they are changed to a degree I wouldn’t have known to even ask for. I am changed and my environment around me has been changed as a result. Dreaming and creating The Impossible Dream is becoming part of my every day. The incredible thing is that she never tells you what or how to do or think. Not ever. She somehow guides you to that place deep inside you where your own personal answers are. Bobbye with her golden voice, brilliant inner guidance and powerful “tool satchel” is indeed making the world a better place. Bobbye, I don’t have the words to sufficiently express my awe and my gratitude.”


The experience with Bobbye “… brought new light to something that has stymied me for decades! After I shared what I could articulate about the focus of my query, you offered one reflection that gave me an entirely different way to explore this blindspot that had frustrated me for so long.”


…your practice of being in the presence of energetic forces, trusting them, learning from them, communing with them, sharing them, continues to teach and inspire me… Your unique example continues to invite me to trust and to acknowledge the many layers of growth that continue to evolve in my being…”

–D.M., NM

“…your presentation really stood out for me. Because yours was unique in guiding through an inner experience… even in a limited amount of time you created a spacious and deep experience that was truly beautiful.”

–T.L., NY

Compass Roses Exhibit

Cartography of the Heart: Reclaiming Our Sacred Interconnection

Cartography of the Heart: Reclaiming Our Sacred Interconnection
See the series of pages that focus on my piece in the Compass Roses Project — A public art project sponsored by the City of Albuquerque

You can see these links in the sidebar.

Or you can link here for the opening page with sub-links for each page featuring one of the map sites:

Compass Roses Opening Page features a separate page for each map-site on my “Cartography of the Heart” map.

Click here to view the entire exhibit online.

Equinox Gathering–Revealing Your Wholeness

Celebrate the Sacred Balance Point of Mama Gaia

— Be inspired to play in your own field of greater wholeness.
BE the living pivot point, the vessel, the chalice.

BE the Vessel, the vehicle, the living pivot point through whom the Earth’s balance point of wholeness is expressed. We play together in a safe and sacred field. Together we celebrate the Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) and claim our power as partner in co-creating a new reality.
If you are committed, dedicated, devoted to making real the intent that “All. Life. Flourishes,” then with reverence, you are welcomed here.

“The revelation of the Codex is held by many, not just one. It is revealed in the communion and synergy of many coming together as one, when the parts become larger than the whole… All life is connected — and in this remembering, we become whole with all of life itself.”

From The Gaia Codex by Sarah Drew

Cycles within cycles. Circles within circles. These are the ways and truths of the true feminine — that resides within every being. Yin, the true feminine, is arising, pulsing from within each one. We are her; we are that. And these are the ways that her emergence is imminent, through us, and amplified as we gather.

From my emerging body of work, expressing from my depths to connect with your heart-essence, together do we travel. We are the WayMakers, evolutionaries in sacred co-creation. Before anything else, we grow, nurture, cultivate, create our own innate and inner sense of wholeness. Curious?

Together, in sacred circle, we are bringing alive and into expression your + our shared unique evolutionary/evolving Presence. Together, we write, walk, dance, paint, speak, collage, cook, and co-create this visionary leading edge into manifestation and embodiment.

Out of the goo of the great de-structuring, our convening amplifies the emergence of a new reality where All. Life. Flourishes. If this resonates and aligns with your intent, then you are in the right place!

It starts with tapping into your own unique essence and expression from within this sacred circle of deep listening. Your way of co-creating a new reality can emerge in spaciousness and grace, with support and deep listening (from within) plus a generous round of sacred witnessing from the circle. Journaling is the suggested listening-mode. Please know that whatever you bring as your creative expression is perfect.

Together we center and ground into our shared space. Prompts invite you to deepen into your own listening-center. Noticing what shows up for you in the circle, then dancing with who and what shows up, magnifies the creating-from-within alchemy, beyond what you plan or even think is possible.

This co-created field of magic and miracles invites forward what, for you, is ready to be engaged with. You are invited, in this safe space, to listen deeply and receive your own sustenance, the ultimate in self-caring.


Are you ready? Willing? Able?

My Intent, held lightly, is for these words to inspire, uplift, and attune you to your greater song. I trust that this will ignite a spark. Those who can tune into this unique song will be served by this sacred-space-holding. The process allows magic and miracles of expression and insights to come forward.

We start with seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the seasons. Much can and will be revealed here; and even more if you are called to deepening work with me and other WayMakers.

For Your Calendar

Saturday, 20 March 2021 at 11 AM MDT – 12:30 MDT
The US goes to Daylight time on 14 March…
To check (after that 14 March date)

I invite you to say yes to your own inner explorations and experience coming-home-to-self.

Registration is via PayPal in sacred exchange with Pay-from-the-heart, as it has been for the past year or so.
Updated suggested amounts for 2021:

* $14. minimum if that is possible for you without impinging on necessities;
* $23 as the basic registration for this seasonal circle. A higher amount supports others for whom the basic registration is not affordable.
* With $60 or more, you receive a 1-on-1 session of 45 minutes to explore your evolutionary continuum… See below.

What’s New this time

The special option — to add in a 1-on-1 support-and-sounding-board-session for a modest amount beyond the basic registration — has been percolating as a possible experiment for a while now. It’s a chance to deepen our shared understanding of “where you land” on what I’m calling the “WayMaker/Evolutionary Continuum.” This is not a sales call in disguise. 😉

As a group, we start with these seasonal sacred circles to honor the turns of the Earth’s seasons. Much can and will be revealed to you within this intimate group/sacred circle. Each message and each circle carries the intent for upliftment, inspiration, magic, and miracles.

Tune in! Listen from within. See what bubbles up — the appropriate registration amount for the group-only and/or if you feel called to  a 1-on-1 Continuum Conversation. You will know. Trust yourself.

After you register via this PayPal link, you will receive acknowledgement and the Zoom link to connect on 20 March. (However, it’s done artisanally– by me– so it’s not instantaneous.)

With love and appreciation,


P.S. All who register will receive a recording afterwards for listening/re-listening, and in case something happens that you cannot make the circle in Zoom-person. You’ll find immense value in the centerings, and the prompts will take you to new places each time!

About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, Spoken Word Alchemist, Inner Wisdom Guide, & Yin Arising Mentor, invites Evolutionaries, WayMakers, and Visionaries into sacred spaces for co-birthing new realities. She dances this evolutionary edge into manifestation with Conscious Creators, Change Catalysts, and Dreamers as mystic-poet-healer-collagist. Her synergistic process-work alchemizes what is in the way, so these radiant beings can BE home-for-self, that new potentialities emerge, and each radiant Song of Self comes through in fullest expression. Together we are the imaginal cells gathering, co-creating new realities where all life flourishes.

Looking Forward — Seasonal Gatherings in 2021

#SaveTheDates — The following are the (my best estimate) of this cycle of seasonal sacred gatherings throughout 2021. These are a perfect staring point! I appreciate you for your ongoing commitment to your inner exploration and evolution!  

These are offered in sacred exchange at pay-from-the-heart. <3    

(Northern Hemisphere)  
Currently all are planned at 11 AM MST for around 90 minutes.
1. Vernal Equinox   SAT., 20 Mar.  2021 

2. Beltain   SAT., 8 May 2021

3. Summer Solstice   SUN., 20 June  2021 **  > Due to Father’s Day, I may move this one to Saturday, 19 June. Let me know your thoughts/feelings on shifting this… or not.

4. Lughnasad/Lammas (Early/first harvest)  SAT.,  7 Aug. 2021 
(bathing in the pre-new-moon energies!)

5. Autumnal Equinox (Pre-Equinox event)  
  SUN., 19  Sept., to bathe in the Full Moon

6. Samhain / All Saints/ All Souls  SAT.,  6 Nov.

7. Winter Solstice     (Pre-Solstice event)    SAT., 18 Dec. — to bathe in the FULL MOON

For Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge


3-20-19-Radio-Show---Ep-10---Bobbye-1200x1200-layout743-change-catalysts-at-the-growing-edge-inspired-news-radio-bobbye-middendorf-change-catalysts-podcast-1e8o3c7 copy

You are evolving. Your work is evolving. You may find yourself in a verdant field of “I don’t know.”

Are you comfortable with being immersed in the field of “I don’t know…” ?

You can, you know…

For if you consider, How can you be anyplace else but where you are exactly supposed to be?…
from that place, what else might be possible? What pure potentiality might be trying to peek through the veils?

What if your “I don’t know…” can become a potent and useful message — and place — to lean into?

If this is the case, I invite you to join us on a journey and exploration, this dynamic conversation between two evolving trailblazers.

Listen in as Carol McClelland Fields and Bobbye Middendorf explore what it’s like to “Evolve Your New Work” on Inspired News Radio.

(We share our journey together in episode 10 of Carol’s program / podcast,  “Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge.”)




Sacred Exchange

“Adventures and Experiments in Sacred Exchange”

In partnership with the soul of “Write Synergies Circle with Yin Arising,” (the current iteration of this adventure that some call business), I show up as mentor-catalyst, poet, collagist, and inner wisdom guide. At its radiant heart-center, I give voice to the emergent Yin Arising.

Evolutionaries and visionaries, writers and creators, healers and sensitive, intuitive, empathic souls discover access to their own Sanctuary (inner and outer) when co-creating on the discovery-journey with me.

These shared “Adventures and Experiments in Sacred Exchange” provide visioning for what is beyond old paradigm business and outdated models. For intrepid inner explorers, for radiant souls who want to play, such sensitive, intuitive, empathic beings find deep value in our collaborations. From this co-creative space, visionary creations and awakened consciousness evolve. 

Deep-rooted grounding and presencing practices emerge to hold the space within this sanctuary for souls, stories, synergies, and sovereignty.

Yin Arising Is Rising

YinArising5-14Wishing you bright blessings of a happy Solstice! Greetings and warm wishes at the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and for the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Whether your days are growing shorter or longer, may you inhabit each present moment with heart-filled engagement.

Although the blossoms of spring have passed, Yin Arising’s potent rising continues to baffle and astound us. At this time of light shining brightly, all of our deepest darkest shadows and assumptions are getting revealed in their heinous toxicity. We each have a role to play, so it really is a  best practice not to make assumptions about others based on surface appearances.

There are hidden synergies at work for clearing, clearing, clearing right now. There’s plenty for each of us to clear — from within first. With that willingness to clear, to become the clear channel for Infinite to work through you (and as you), you become a vessel for change at potent new levels.

With such a commitment, “Synergies” will happen when you show up, whether or not you are aware of them. That said, the more conscious awareness you can bring to this process, the more potent will be your actions in the world. What this world of shadow is calling for more than anything is our pure beingness aligned with love and put into sacred action in the world.

For many years, “Synergies” has been one of my key expressions and concepts for what happens when I show up, creating and doing my work in the world and within. #Synergies, with a focus on “wholes greater than the sum of the parts,” expresses the essential flavor of my approach even before I had a name for it.

#YinArising is a new container that encompasses this work of growing the deep roots of Synergies while being willing to keep the channels cleared — all so that creations of our highest and fullest expression can come forth, the embodiment of pure potentiality.

Bright blessings at the Solstice,





Fires of Purification

Kali’s days, in the festival of the Great Mother, Durga Puja, Navratri, are optimal times for clearing. Like Pele’s fierce fiery burning and purification in traditions of Hawai’i,  what is available right now is a palpable energy of release. (Here’s the calendar from Kashi Ashram, giving dates for Pujas dedicated to the different Mothers.)

If it no longer serves your highest expression and the highest good for all life, now is a time for letting go. It is releasing the old story so that the burning ground can become the seedbed for the new and emerging stories that we are collectively birthing.

In honor of Pele and Kali, I share this image honoring Volcano, on the Big Island, a memento from my visit in 2011.

Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali
Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali

That 11-11-11 portal was another time of monumental energetic shifts on the planet. From what I’ve been hearing, even more potent shifts are in process for all of us, those who are awake, as well as those who are awakening.

You and I were born for these times. We are the instruments for change forged and honed in the fires of the present moment. The billions of small circles of light, who we are now, illuminate and give shape to an emerging new paradigm.

We are in the lineages of the Mother — across the globe, across space and time, across lifetimes and Universes. The Divine Feminine awakens in men and in women, as the council fires are being reconnected.

You and I are doing that with our sacred circles, with our messages and posts, with conversations, with each other. Then there are more public projects like Jean Shinoda Bolen‘s Millionth Circle, even now circling at the World Parliament of Religions.

We are being invited to Walk the Talk of the emerging Divine Feminine Spirit, in business and elsewhere, as a New Paradigm awakens and comes into being. As us. Through us. With our partnership and conscious intent for regeneration for body, mind, and spirit, across the generations, it emerges in person and networked across the globe, filaments of love connecting the like-hearted everywhere.

We are the co-creators of regenerative projects, unfolding with spacious structures in the rooted and organic rich soil of the tears and blood of generations of silenced, dismissed, destroyed. We arise!

We are invoking the wisdom in the sacred resonance of Silence, herself a face of the Mother.

Timing is everything, and yes, here we are. We are awakened and awakening on this planet right now in a project of awakening together  — the likes of which have never before been experienced. So many circles of many-flavored Divine Feminine Wisdom! I am grateful to know you, sisters and brothers connected in our Heart Essence.

Yes, we are the ones who don’t quite know what to make of our fierce gifts, so diverse, so deep, so embodied that words cannot capture the blossoming and luminous radiance never seen before. And because all was not in place before, because it has never been welcome, our conundrum at this time is to offer fearlessly, fully surrendered, with vulnerability and within the perfection of our imperfections — and yes, in sacred exchange.

It is you and me. Together our project is to walk clear-eyed with patience and serenity through the dissolution, then surrender to our becoming numinous, beyond what anyone thought was possible in the human form.

Blessings of the Mother for all who are born of a mother. Together we are awakening the fires of radical transformation.







Questing 2015 Day 2 of 12 Depth Synchronicity

Funny things happen. When I first looked for today’s prompt on my iPad,  (at  there wasn’t a prompt at all but a link to a video from Silva, and it did not sit well with me. I love synchronicity and serendipity, navigate by them, and track them as the heart of making meaning and building patterns of connections and interconnections.


Jason Silva offers today’s #Quest2015 prompt:

In what ways might you artfully curate your life in 2015 to occasion serendipity, creativity and awe?

Ontological designing says: We design our world and the world designs us back.

What are the linguistic and creative choices you can make in 2015 that will in turn act back upon you and transform you?


What I saw were high speed images seeming in awe of the “more” of modern life. This did not resonate at all with a third age, highly sensitive, intuitive, Earth-centered woman. “Moments of unexpected relevance,” says Silva. And yet the energies, images, and approaches were anathema to how I practice synchronicity and serendipity. So a rant emerged.

It started me wondering, parsing this prompt and its related video into the great polarity on which our times are turning and  raising the grain: The modern, masculine paradigm of the left brain (albeit a left brain on high-speed juxtaposition), and the energies of wholeness, emergence, organic growth, sacred interconnections, and the Divine Feminine, mostly gone missing in popular culture. (Silva is filmed in a wooded area, a “sylvan” spot. Yet his energy did not resonate with the location.)

I don’t disagree with the interesting and unexpected juxtapositions as critical sparking of the synapses for fresh combinations. Yet what shows up on the video is a young person’s idea of synchronicity and serendipity. It is also, dare I voice it, the masculine model of synchronicity and how to get there.

While it’s not inherently wrong, it is inherently limited. Such a popular-culture-infused, one-sided, tech-loving approach will continue to take us along a trajectory that we don’t want to go, at least if we value maintaining life on this planet. It’s more of the same, the approaches that got us into this jam — only on steroids.

As I was pondering this video and this very smart young man with his millions of views and hundreds of thousands of followers, I was doing so in a park, sitting on a log next to a birch tree and writing, gloves on: In Chicago. In December. Experiencing the season of a heavy grey sky. Writing with a pen in a notebook: How very old school.

And what emerged in that moment, what came clear, was another side of the same coin: Depth Synchronicity. It embraces the both-and, the young energetic male and the older and rooted female energies. We need both in the conversation. We need both to weave a life that is whole.

Consider, for a refreshing change, that the Divine Feminine has a voice at this table.

Invite synchronicity and serendipity to play in a field of organic growth, where there are real seasonal changes. Engage with true interdependence, not a surface-only quick cut of juxtapositions. Taking the time for a breath, encompass within that breath, infuse it, with praise, awe, gratitude, and even love.

Acknowledge as you breathe the brilliant diversity and interdependence of humans in partnership with our brethren of the Plant Kingdom. (And we are decimating the forests of these beings who provide the oxygen that powers life on this planet, WHY?) Their sacred out-breath is our vital life force, breath, oxygen. Is that beyond serendipity? Is it not a sacred synchronicity, a depth of connection that the quick fix, like the quick cut, simply cannot grasp?

What if we cultivated deep-looking and a deep-listening instead of high speed images bouncing off the eyeballs? This is a call to consciously nurture and cultivate synchronicity and serendipity at the speed of life — instead of the speed of death. Slowing down, we can enter the fertile territory of appreciation.

In the morning walk, appreciate the child’s chalk pavement picture as a message from the divine source of guidance beaming in on impermanent wings. We can approach every juxtaposition with our incredible capacity for meaning-making, and find the higher guidance in the feather: Angels in the neighborhood…. Or, what does the rock dove mean in my dreaming  lexicon of daily life?

We have the choice of shallow or deep. I have cultivated the depths. Some prefer the shallows. For me, synchronicity, serendipity, awe are available in an avalanche of abundance as I slow down, observe deeply, and cultivate the human and greater-than-human connections, our sacred interdependencies that are the source of the joy, awe, praise, and at the heart of creation and co-creation.

For me, the choice of transformation wears everyday clothes of slowing down and breathing, appreciating what shows up in my field. It’s a matter of love. And curiosity. And meaning-making. I invite you to join me in a Quest now through 2015 to slow down and allow the transformation to turn you inside out. See what happens. Report back.








CrowdSourcing New Narratives for Climate Change

I am calling on the change-makers and vanguard visionaries, those dancing on the edge of beyond. Someone has called for stories around global climate change. We are the ones to deliver.

Greetings, Soul Friends,

This is completely my “take” on a recent call for stories from US Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Here’s how I am taking her call for stories into MY heart:
Climate Change Affects Us All: A story-changing, narrative-shifting opportunity

Senator Warren has called for stories about climate change: Where are we going? What will things look like in 25 years if we choose NOT to tackle climate change directly? She is part of a group of Senators who will stay awake all night on Monday (10 March-11 March) to share stories and change the political narrative around the precious planet on which we live.

There are important things to say, observations, insights, from all levels of our understanding — all the continuum from personal concerns to research to connected spiritual consciousness.

In particular, I wonder, what are the stories she is **less likely to hear? (Yes, the ones that are from people connected in the ways we are…)

I realize that for those of us connected to the deeper story, with ties to Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, shamanic understandings, the greater Qi field, Nature Intuitive messages, the Akashic Records, those of us holding the field of compassion, care, and consciousness for all life everywhere, planetary and beyond — we are the ones who often consciously choose not to step into the fray of politicized conversations. (I have my theories as to why this is, but that is a matter for another time.)

I am choosing to participate, not that I think what I say will be mainstream enough to appear, but to start to publicly and energetically voice the narratives that, to date, we have been sharing amongst ourselves.

If you feel called to share any of the downloads or insights from the stream of life-connection in which you have been living, please do so.

There is a link to a web form for Sen. Warren. I think that stories from beyond her individual constituents are welcome. (After all, I’m on her list, and I live at the tip of Lake Michigan, in Illinois.)

Below is a copy of the message I received from her.

Many of us are concerned. So share your concern. I suspect that some of us will have a perspective that is unique. This is a place and opportunity for courageous voices to share the words of those whose voices are seldom or never heard…To open doors for shifting the energies from everyday narratives, crucial as they are, to the deeper resonating messages that are coming through, in some cases energetically, from places that many people have not yet learned to go…

Ours are the stories seldom heard, from the depths of sacred emergence.
If you feel called, share the story and insights from your unique perspective and body of work, or give voice to the voices of the future.

With appreciation,

Here’s the link to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s web form.

This is Sen. Warren’s letter calling for stories.

“There are a lot of people in Washington — a lot of lobbyists and a lot of politicians — who are determined to block any new laws that might reduce pollution.

“Year after year, evidence grows about the damage we suffer from carbon pollution, and yet, the science deniers stay locked in place. It’s so bad that we can’t even have a serious conversation about the growing evidence that the earth is in real trouble.

“So I have a question for you.

“If we don’t do anything at all to stop climate change, what do you think the world will look like 25 years from now?

“Monday night, several other senators and I are pulling an all-nighter on the floor of the Senate to talk about the importance of pollution and climate change. We are going to do our best to bring attention to a topic that a lot of people in Washington don’t want to talk about.

“I’ve been assigned a block of time to talk, and I want to spend a chunk of it talking about as many stories as I can from people like you.

“So take the question wherever you want: What do you think the planet is going to look like 25 years from now if we don’t tackle climate change head-on? What small thing will be different? What big thing will change everything?

“Make it personal or make it public. Do some research or talk about what worries you. But however you want to do it, write it up — maybe a paragraph or two? — and send it to me. I want to post some of your answers online and read some of your answers on the floor of the Senate because I want other people to think about this question: If we don’t act, what could happen?

“I think about what we could lose. I think about our natural treasures here in Massachusetts, from the Cape to the Berkshires, from hidden away gems to defining features of our great state. I think about what a more acidic ocean will mean for our fishermen, and whether we can sustain great oceanfront cities if sea levels continue to rise. I think about increasing rates of asthma and toxins that work their way into our food chain. I think about the threats to our economy and to our safety.

“I also think about my three little grandchildren, and what kind of world we will leave to them. Are they going to live in a world where it’s not safe to breathe the air or drink the water because powerful corporations and their lobbyists blocked real change?

“Twenty-five years is not such a long time. In 25 years, what will you be doing? What about your family and friends? And what about our earth?

“I’m hopeful that if we think more about the future — if we really think hard about the path we’re on and the place it leads — then the urgency to change will be stronger and change will be within reach.

“So back to my original question: If we don’t make serious changes, what happens to our world? Take a minute to answer that question now.

“Remember, I’m going to read as many of these stories as I can on the floor of the United States Senate, so please make them good! If you find some good research, add a link. If you want to add a picture, I’ll include as many as I can. And if you want some friends or family to think about this question too, please forward the email and ask them to write. More voices will make us stronger.

“Thank you for being a part of this,

Elizabeth Warren”

Shine Your Divine Light

Earlier this week, in the throes of the negative nastiness and polarities now at play on our national stage, I felt called to create a message to hold a different perspective. As you have a chance, I’d love it if you feel called to watch, like, and share it.


Love and Light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality

P.S. It’s your choice to
explore how YOUR Divine Light
does make a difference so you
can shine brighter!
I’d love it if you feel called
to like and share.