Fires of Purification

Kali’s days, in the festival of the Great Mother, Durga Puja, Navratri, are optimal times for clearing. Like Pele’s fierce fiery burning and purification in traditions of Hawai’i,  what is available right now is a palpable energy of release. (Here’s the calendar from Kashi Ashram, giving dates for Pujas dedicated to the different Mothers.)

If it no longer serves your highest expression and the highest good for all life, now is a time for letting go. It is releasing the old story so that the burning ground can become the seedbed for the new and emerging stories that we are collectively birthing.

In honor of Pele and Kali, I share this image honoring Volcano, on the Big Island, a memento from my visit in 2011.

Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali
Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali

That 11-11-11 portal was another time of monumental energetic shifts on the planet. From what I’ve been hearing, even more potent shifts are in process for all of us, those who are awake, as well as those who are awakening.

You and I were born for these times. We are the instruments for change forged and honed in the fires of the present moment. The billions of small circles of light, who we are now, illuminate and give shape to an emerging new paradigm.

We are in the lineages of the Mother — across the globe, across space and time, across lifetimes and Universes. The Divine Feminine awakens in men and in women, as the council fires are being reconnected.

You and I are doing that with our sacred circles, with our messages and posts, with conversations, with each other. Then there are more public projects like Jean Shinoda Bolen‘s Millionth Circle, even now circling at the World Parliament of Religions.

We are being invited to Walk the Talk of the emerging Divine Feminine Spirit, in business and elsewhere, as a New Paradigm awakens and comes into being. As us. Through us. With our partnership and conscious intent for regeneration for body, mind, and spirit, across the generations, it emerges in person and networked across the globe, filaments of love connecting the like-hearted everywhere.

We are the co-creators of regenerative projects, unfolding with spacious structures in the rooted and organic rich soil of the tears and blood of generations of silenced, dismissed, destroyed. We arise!

We are invoking the wisdom in the sacred resonance of Silence, herself a face of the Mother.

Timing is everything, and yes, here we are. We are awakened and awakening on this planet right now in a project of awakening together  — the likes of which have never before been experienced. So many circles of many-flavored Divine Feminine Wisdom! I am grateful to know you, sisters and brothers connected in our Heart Essence.

Yes, we are the ones who don’t quite know what to make of our fierce gifts, so diverse, so deep, so embodied that words cannot capture the blossoming and luminous radiance never seen before. And because all was not in place before, because it has never been welcome, our conundrum at this time is to offer fearlessly, fully surrendered, with vulnerability and within the perfection of our imperfections — and yes, in sacred exchange.

It is you and me. Together our project is to walk clear-eyed with patience and serenity through the dissolution, then surrender to our becoming numinous, beyond what anyone thought was possible in the human form.

Blessings of the Mother for all who are born of a mother. Together we are awakening the fires of radical transformation.