Shero: Your Heroine’s Quest

In early 2012, I joined a course at En*Theos with Jennifer Louden called Shero’s Journey. It was a powerful path to walk. This piece of writing emerged from that time.


The Shero's Journey and the boots that make it all possible.

A shero journeys across the universe,

her footprints among the stars, opening realms before lunch and back to concoct a dinner for her beloveds.

Fully inhabiting all the corners of her life and befriending all her inner selves, she radiates like the heart of a star, staying grounded in her own power like the Iron Crystal Heart of Mother Earth**.

She rides the waves and nurtures the garden, cultivates the inner wisdom and shares with all on her path the vital energies of co-creation.

She unfurls Divine Love like a magic carpet at the hearth, its glow and warmth are sparks and candle flames freely shared.

Every element, at need, answers her call of pure spirit — the flow of the waters, the spark of Divine Fire, the grounded knowledge of Mother Earth, Gaia, the messages of wisdom from the animal kingdoms, the lessons of interdependence whispered by the plants and played on the wind at the top of the trees.

And grounding it all in Pure Being, growing infinity loops in a garden of grace and reweaving tender and brilliant threads with healing warp and woof on the loom of Divine Expression.

Claiming your Shero on her own heroine’s quest:  Yes, it is true that it will not necessarily look like the Hero’s Journey. That is not for you to concern yourself with. Instead, put on your boots and be willing to walk the walk … that

you are willing to  claim your true power as a Divine Co-Creatrix*.

(*with thanks to Julie Daley at

and **acknowledging Barbara Hand Clow)


Love and light dear sisters, whether you are your own heroine or your own shero, and many blessings on your journey, your quest, your path!


Connect to your Inner Divine for Invitations that Shine

What if

… your message, copy and invitations to play with you (in your work, your services, your  books, events, contributions, transformative gifts, and blessings)  emerge from your sacred center and tap into your divine essence?  What if …  you send into the world your words from your soul clothed in the heart of love?

You know what happens? That message from the heart gives your people a taste of the Presence they receive when they join you in the circle/party/event or engage with you via your book or course or service. And all people — including YOUR people — are starving for that level of connection, of seeing and being seen.

What if you could give people an experience of someone like Panache Desai, and embodied that level of Divine Connection in the words of your invitation? Then think of what can happen when that also comes through in their experience of the event?

What if you experienced yourself and your words as the blessing that they are? Would that not be delicious?



Don’t Take Action

What if taking action actually took you off course? And what can you do before you “take action” that will align your actions with the greater essence of your being?

While it may look, sound, taste, smell, and feel like “action” that’s familiar and you’ve always known (and acted from), what’s most commonly done in “taking action” in the world is too often wheel-spinning. Too often what we’ve always known about action (and done about it) is ultimately a lot of thrashing about, not going anywhere.


We live in a world that is biased toward bold action — like that old, tired saying, “Ready. Fire. Aim.” For most of us, most of the time, action without the grounding cord and spiritual connection to a source of energy beyond (or within) you, leads to a lot of smoke and very little fire. (Or more dangerously, in the ready/fire/aim model, bullets that go off course and create destruction and chaos.)

With this empty form of “action,” nothing lasts. Nothing of substance comes from it. The action takes you nowhere and leaves you depleted. Empty. Disillusioned. Or worst of all, it takes you and your personal energy off course. Off purpose. And you wonder, “What happened? Wasn’t I taking action?”

Some kind of “action” may be necessary, but action alone is not sufficient. So what comes before action?

What if you knew —- from the deepest part of you —- that the deepest longing and inner yearning you hold is already whole, complete and present in your life? From before the beginning of time, it is fully present and with you in every moment. In every cell, molecule, and atom of your Being in its greatest and fullest sense. What would knowing this (and living from it) change for you in terms of “taking action?”

Energetically, you are a divine radiant being filled with divine light and divine love. On some level you know this. The “great conspiracy” is the forgetting of this fact of your soul’s birthright. We are at a place and time for waking up into this level of profound knowing of the ultimate ground of reality: We are all one. We are all connected. Consciousness is the essential fuel of us and the entire universe. Taking “action” from within the consciousness of our greater connection magnifies the love, the creation, the compassion, in an expanding circle of positive reverberations throughout the universe.

Consciousness — the I AM — the pure essence of divine love is the animating spark of the universe — and it is our essential nature. You and I share this essence. We are it, and it is you. This is what connects us all —all the children of all the species across all universes, space, and time.  It’s the common currency of creation-creator-process of creation. Creation is about love.

Taking action in this “3-D” world from that utter and palpable knowing of connection makes all the difference. Wake up to that, live from that, and then the puny “taking action” idea becomes literally a worn-out meme that ultimately drops away. Even living in this 3-D world, when you are able to start with your Being state and your essence as Divine Love, you will connect to the essence of your WHY. This changes the “doing” (action) to a completely different magnitude.

This is truly the “shift’ that Einstein talked about when he said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

We’ve gotten this whole “take action” thing completely upside down. We think it’s the materiality that is “real.” Materiality is the last of it — and the least of it. Focus first invisibly on the level of consciousness and pure intent from the heart of love. From there, realize that creation  exists because consciousness and energy are the All-that-Is. It’s Us, growing and changing at our growing edge, with our awareness of the invisible realms, the parallel, pre-existing universes, and finally, eventually it drops into the apparent solidity of 3-D.

Join me on a journey to awakening. Test out this experiment: Don’t take action. Start from Being. See how that goes for you. Report back. Share your results.




Shine Your Divine Light

Earlier this week, in the throes of the negative nastiness and polarities now at play on our national stage, I felt called to create a message to hold a different perspective. As you have a chance, I’d love it if you feel called to watch, like, and share it.


Love and Light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality

P.S. It’s your choice to
explore how YOUR Divine Light
does make a difference so you
can shine brighter!
I’d love it if you feel called
to like and share.