CrowdSourcing New Narratives for Climate Change

I am calling on the change-makers and vanguard visionaries, those dancing on the edge of beyond. Someone has called for stories around global climate change. We are the ones to deliver.

Greetings, Soul Friends,

This is completely my “take” on a recent call for stories from US Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

Here’s how I am taking her call for stories into MY heart:
Climate Change Affects Us All: A story-changing, narrative-shifting opportunity

Senator Warren has called for stories about climate change: Where are we going? What will things look like in 25 years if we choose NOT to tackle climate change directly? She is part of a group of Senators who will stay awake all night on Monday (10 March-11 March) to share stories and change the political narrative around the precious planet on which we live.

There are important things to say, observations, insights, from all levels of our understanding — all the continuum from personal concerns to research to connected spiritual consciousness.

In particular, I wonder, what are the stories she is **less likely to hear? (Yes, the ones that are from people connected in the ways we are…)

I realize that for those of us connected to the deeper story, with ties to Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, shamanic understandings, the greater Qi field, Nature Intuitive messages, the Akashic Records, those of us holding the field of compassion, care, and consciousness for all life everywhere, planetary and beyond — we are the ones who often consciously choose not to step into the fray of politicized conversations. (I have my theories as to why this is, but that is a matter for another time.)

I am choosing to participate, not that I think what I say will be mainstream enough to appear, but to start to publicly and energetically voice the narratives that, to date, we have been sharing amongst ourselves.

If you feel called to share any of the downloads or insights from the stream of life-connection in which you have been living, please do so.

There is a link to a web form for Sen. Warren. I think that stories from beyond her individual constituents are welcome. (After all, I’m on her list, and I live at the tip of Lake Michigan, in Illinois.)

Below is a copy of the message I received from her.

Many of us are concerned. So share your concern. I suspect that some of us will have a perspective that is unique. This is a place and opportunity for courageous voices to share the words of those whose voices are seldom or never heard…To open doors for shifting the energies from everyday narratives, crucial as they are, to the deeper resonating messages that are coming through, in some cases energetically, from places that many people have not yet learned to go…

Ours are the stories seldom heard, from the depths of sacred emergence.
If you feel called, share the story and insights from your unique perspective and body of work, or give voice to the voices of the future.

With appreciation,

Here’s the link to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s web form.

This is Sen. Warren’s letter calling for stories.

“There are a lot of people in Washington — a lot of lobbyists and a lot of politicians — who are determined to block any new laws that might reduce pollution.

“Year after year, evidence grows about the damage we suffer from carbon pollution, and yet, the science deniers stay locked in place. It’s so bad that we can’t even have a serious conversation about the growing evidence that the earth is in real trouble.

“So I have a question for you.

“If we don’t do anything at all to stop climate change, what do you think the world will look like 25 years from now?

“Monday night, several other senators and I are pulling an all-nighter on the floor of the Senate to talk about the importance of pollution and climate change. We are going to do our best to bring attention to a topic that a lot of people in Washington don’t want to talk about.

“I’ve been assigned a block of time to talk, and I want to spend a chunk of it talking about as many stories as I can from people like you.

“So take the question wherever you want: What do you think the planet is going to look like 25 years from now if we don’t tackle climate change head-on? What small thing will be different? What big thing will change everything?

“Make it personal or make it public. Do some research or talk about what worries you. But however you want to do it, write it up — maybe a paragraph or two? — and send it to me. I want to post some of your answers online and read some of your answers on the floor of the Senate because I want other people to think about this question: If we don’t act, what could happen?

“I think about what we could lose. I think about our natural treasures here in Massachusetts, from the Cape to the Berkshires, from hidden away gems to defining features of our great state. I think about what a more acidic ocean will mean for our fishermen, and whether we can sustain great oceanfront cities if sea levels continue to rise. I think about increasing rates of asthma and toxins that work their way into our food chain. I think about the threats to our economy and to our safety.

“I also think about my three little grandchildren, and what kind of world we will leave to them. Are they going to live in a world where it’s not safe to breathe the air or drink the water because powerful corporations and their lobbyists blocked real change?

“Twenty-five years is not such a long time. In 25 years, what will you be doing? What about your family and friends? And what about our earth?

“I’m hopeful that if we think more about the future — if we really think hard about the path we’re on and the place it leads — then the urgency to change will be stronger and change will be within reach.

“So back to my original question: If we don’t make serious changes, what happens to our world? Take a minute to answer that question now.

“Remember, I’m going to read as many of these stories as I can on the floor of the United States Senate, so please make them good! If you find some good research, add a link. If you want to add a picture, I’ll include as many as I can. And if you want some friends or family to think about this question too, please forward the email and ask them to write. More voices will make us stronger.

“Thank you for being a part of this,

Elizabeth Warren”

Author: Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, partners with evolutionaries as mystic-catalyst, healer, and poet -- evoking experiences of hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy. Spoken Word Alchemy opens portals for Yin Arising via mentoring; she offers inner wisdom guidance and word altars. With WayMakers, this award-winning wordsmith regenerates their clarity and expansive expression to live life as a work of art.

One thought on “CrowdSourcing New Narratives for Climate Change”

  1. Here’s the response that came through with the invitation to give voice to what’s at stake in this conversation:

    When the scientists meet at the crossroads with the Wisdom of the Heart, when Mother Earth is given voice in the halls of human power, then the shift to a loving and sustaining world magnifies its unfolding.

    From Albert Einstein: “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself (She experiences herself), the thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest … a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

    From the GrandMothers of the Light: The smallest shift that you are making now, that is available to all, can shift the largest, seemingly most intractable systems. And so tell them from the wisdom of the Lineage Circle of Grandmothers, Go into your deepest heart-mind, thus connecting infinite consciousness to the heart of love, care, compassion for all, including Gaia, the living being of planet Earth. Bring together wholeness, rationality, with a living and deeply rooted compassion for all life everywhere. Know that this is your essence as creators and highest expression of humanity. Extend this love outward in radiant ripples of living love. This smallest of changes is all that is needed to make the biggest difference.

    The Divine Feminine Principle speaks: You ask, “What will BE In 25 years time?” The answer is of course up to you. It depends entirely on whether your recovery of the lost principles of the feminine face of compassion, collaboration, and partnership continues to unfold. If you continue what you have been doing, from a DOMINATOR paradigm, then the human experiment will not continue in its expanded form. As you start to embrace the polarities and embody the both-and, learning to dance discerningly with first one, now the other, being present to the needs in each moment, then new possibilities can emerge sustainably and graciously. Embrace the multiplicity of paths, of ways, of sacred stories. Listen and take to heart the voices of the Mothers and GrandMothers of spirit. They will light the way and unlock the portal to a shared future. Those who now bring forth and speak of me, for me, with me — the Great Mother, Mother Earth, Gaia — are voices that have for too long been silenced. You are called to listen to these words and awaken, For all is not lost when love, gratitude, and awe for Mother Earth and all the realms reside in the human heart.

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