Creating New Paradigm Businesses

So what’s with this new paradigm versus old paradigm business conversation?

Arguably business is the one institution on the planet with the power to change things for the better. How can you and I help business live up to its highest potential and shift things for the better?

My friend, colleague and mentor, Tim Kelley, is convening a series of video conversations about the changes that will lead us toward positive practices and results that emerge from ‎New Paradigm Business. He invites all of us to play, because each and every voice contributes to the change that’s possible when we all collaborate.

Tim says, “Business is the key to creating a better society for all, but the current paradigm won’t get us there.”

Please join me in this crucial conversation convened by Tim Kelley.

It will also include an upcoming series of interviews with New Paradigm Business Leaders. All at no cost.

Everyone is invited to play!

Because this shift is at the heart of our purpose — why so many of us are on the planet right now. Together, we CAN make a bigger difference! Together we will be exploring the old paradigm of business (What isn’t working) as well as the building blocks and initial vision for co-creating this new paradigm of business.

If you are at all curious as to what is possible, if you wonder what it means for your team, your organization and (ultimately) for our shared world, you won’t want to miss this no-cost educational video series. For more details and to sign up to be notified of each new short video, you can explore and sign up at this link:

I’m playing full-out to support this shift, and gathering circles of people ready, willing, and able to give birth to various aspects of this new, emerging paradigm. We can only make change happen at this magnitude by partnering and working together.

Won’t you please join me and listen in?! It’s an easy first step if you are curious about what it might look like to do your part in bringing about this new paradigm in business.


Wishing you all the courage you need to BE the change you wish to see in the world,




The Mirror and the Reflection

“Be the mirror for others that you wish to see yourself reflected in.”

—Bobbye Middendorf

Too many of us have grown up with our Selves being reflected back to us as if we were looking in a funhouse mirror for most of our lives. Such distorted views of ourselves then became how we experienced our gifts and contributions, how we saw ourselves out in the world. All this is just amping up the sense of inadequacies, shame, and other toxic emotions.

What if there were a sacred mirror that showed you how you really are? What if you could become that mirror for those around you? What if you reflected back to those in your circle or community the deep truth of their beauty and gifts?

By reflecting back to others who they are on a soul level, you are strengthening your own presence. You become the mirror in which others can see themselves truly for the gifts and beauty they have (and yearn) to share. Your mirroring invites them to share from that most sacred and connected places within themselves.

Then for you, as the sacred believing mirror for others: what if you found a place, (or several) where you are welcome to step into the center of the circle and see yourself as you truly are? What if the funhouse mirror distortions of your early family (or town or school or church)  were cleared and there you are: Reflected back to yourself in the eyes and hearts of love and grace and wisdom within the circle.

And so, choose to become the mirror in the likes of which you yearn to be seen. For in so doing, you will be seen for the gifts and grace you provide in your reflections.

What miracles will emerge when you are seeing and being seen through the eyes of soul?

Don’t Take Action

What if taking action actually took you off course? And what can you do before you “take action” that will align your actions with the greater essence of your being?

While it may look, sound, taste, smell, and feel like “action” that’s familiar and you’ve always known (and acted from), what’s most commonly done in “taking action” in the world is too often wheel-spinning. Too often what we’ve always known about action (and done about it) is ultimately a lot of thrashing about, not going anywhere.


We live in a world that is biased toward bold action — like that old, tired saying, “Ready. Fire. Aim.” For most of us, most of the time, action without the grounding cord and spiritual connection to a source of energy beyond (or within) you, leads to a lot of smoke and very little fire. (Or more dangerously, in the ready/fire/aim model, bullets that go off course and create destruction and chaos.)

With this empty form of “action,” nothing lasts. Nothing of substance comes from it. The action takes you nowhere and leaves you depleted. Empty. Disillusioned. Or worst of all, it takes you and your personal energy off course. Off purpose. And you wonder, “What happened? Wasn’t I taking action?”

Some kind of “action” may be necessary, but action alone is not sufficient. So what comes before action?

What if you knew —- from the deepest part of you —- that the deepest longing and inner yearning you hold is already whole, complete and present in your life? From before the beginning of time, it is fully present and with you in every moment. In every cell, molecule, and atom of your Being in its greatest and fullest sense. What would knowing this (and living from it) change for you in terms of “taking action?”

Energetically, you are a divine radiant being filled with divine light and divine love. On some level you know this. The “great conspiracy” is the forgetting of this fact of your soul’s birthright. We are at a place and time for waking up into this level of profound knowing of the ultimate ground of reality: We are all one. We are all connected. Consciousness is the essential fuel of us and the entire universe. Taking “action” from within the consciousness of our greater connection magnifies the love, the creation, the compassion, in an expanding circle of positive reverberations throughout the universe.

Consciousness — the I AM — the pure essence of divine love is the animating spark of the universe — and it is our essential nature. You and I share this essence. We are it, and it is you. This is what connects us all —all the children of all the species across all universes, space, and time.  It’s the common currency of creation-creator-process of creation. Creation is about love.

Taking action in this “3-D” world from that utter and palpable knowing of connection makes all the difference. Wake up to that, live from that, and then the puny “taking action” idea becomes literally a worn-out meme that ultimately drops away. Even living in this 3-D world, when you are able to start with your Being state and your essence as Divine Love, you will connect to the essence of your WHY. This changes the “doing” (action) to a completely different magnitude.

This is truly the “shift’ that Einstein talked about when he said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

We’ve gotten this whole “take action” thing completely upside down. We think it’s the materiality that is “real.” Materiality is the last of it — and the least of it. Focus first invisibly on the level of consciousness and pure intent from the heart of love. From there, realize that creation  exists because consciousness and energy are the All-that-Is. It’s Us, growing and changing at our growing edge, with our awareness of the invisible realms, the parallel, pre-existing universes, and finally, eventually it drops into the apparent solidity of 3-D.

Join me on a journey to awakening. Test out this experiment: Don’t take action. Start from Being. See how that goes for you. Report back. Share your results.




Your Values: The Key to Living with Power and Purpose

Knowing and living your values is a foundational step if you are a messenger, visionary, thought-leader, and make-a-difference change-maker. Join a community of change agents at The Gathering to tap into the power and purpose of values.

Values work is potent. There’s great richness in going deeply into the foundational building blocks of values as part of the inner shift we are here to usher through in our work and with our clients. Working with values is the first step if you, like me, care deeply about making a significant difference in the lives of your clients, and so, by extension, inviting that big difference to show up in the world.

It’s most effective when values are shared, and so building community around values is one of the great challenges we face in co-creating a new society and the upgraded institutions needed to serve it.

I have been called into a hugely productive partnership and collaboration with The True Purpose Institute. Their “first Wednesday of the month” tele-seminar, called The Gathering, invites change makers in all arenas to come together to learn and strengthen the inner game that will make us more effective in the change we are here to support in the world.

This Wednesday, 5 June, is the call that focuses on Values.

It is part of the True Purpose Institute monthly “Gathering” calls, and is being offered in partnership with the Barrett Values Centre. I invite you to join us if you can. I urge you to sign up to receive the recording, even if you have a conflict with being on the call live.

Here’s a bit about the “inner requirement” for knowing and living your values as change makers.


When wielding great power, you must be guided by
clear principles that ensure your actions are in
alignment with your purpose. As Mahatma Gandhi
said, “The means are the ends in the making”!
How you go about creating transformation is every
bit as important as the transformation itself.
Moreover, the values you choose must be consistent
with the world you are creating. This ensures that
your actions will continually model and reinforce
the new paradigm (assuming your behavior aligns
with your values, of course!)

Below is the link to sign up to receive the call-in details about The Gathering calls. There is no charge for the call, though there is a place to “pay it forward” via a True Purpose Institute-affiliated nonprofit.

The Gathering for Change Makers offers a year+ of monthly, high-level change-agent and inner-game strengthening conversations and community calls.

Here’s the link to sign for to get the call details (and also get access to this call recording as well as past and future call recordings):


To sharing values in community!


Permission. Permission. Permission.

When we shape our pure intent to shift how things
are done in the world, it can push our buttons —
bringing up fears, limiting beliefs, and other issues
that make it a challenge to get our greatest work out there
into the world. Together, we can make a dent. It all comes down to Permission!




Greetings and Happy Spring!

It’s no joke that the big-vision shifts you want to make, the inner transformation you’ve been working on so diligently, are really the key to OUTER transformations as well. In fact, YOUR inner shifts are at the heart of shifting paradigms, making a difference, and creating a world that works for all.

Over the past year and a half, I’ve been refining the art, craft, and science of collaboration in partnership with the True Purpose Institute.

>If you are hungry for creative passion, for conscious business,

for synergies and synchronicities that make for bigger wins for everyone,

>if you thirst for a like-hearted community,

>then there’s a circle that yearns for your presence to create a greater whole.


It’s safe to step into a place where you can be nourished, where you can find help to support you on your journey.

The following invitation is a gift of shared wisdom and community from The True Purpose Institute, my community partner and collaborator. I’ve learned much and have had a chance to contribute to the change-the-paradigm work that is so called for these days.

There’s a no-cost monthly call this Wed. (4-3-13)

If you are intrigued, this is a hugely valuable series of free calls. (Plus, signing up gives you access to past and future programs.)   Here’s the invitation letter, below.  If you know of anyone else who is being called to help shape the new paradigm world that is emerging, it would be great for you to share this invitation…You — and they — can sign up at the linklisted below.


There is no cost to attend, and it’s an important connection for those who are called to make a difference in the world.


When we shape our pure intent to shift how things
are done in the world, it can push our buttons —
bringing up fears, limiting beliefs, and other issues
that make it a challenge to get our greatest work out there
into the world.

What is standing in the way of your great work? Who is keeping

the lid on the magnitude of your mission? Join me and my
collaborators at the True Purpose Institute in our monthly
Gathering to find out!
(Hint: Look in the mirror if you are wondering...)

Fears come up frequently when you take on the task of
transforming yourself — and with it, of transforming our
society and world. Fears are the natural self-defenses of a
healthy ego. Spiritual practice may reduce the power of fears,
but there is no substitute for working directly with them.

Like everything inherent in the old paradigm,
fears contain wisdom and gifts that are necessary
to create the new. Ignoring or overriding them can lead to
self-sabotage. Only when your ego perceives that its
safety and self-interest are best served by manifesting
your purpose are you free to have the impact you are
meant to have.

Absent the safety of this sense of “permission,” you may
find it difficult or impossible to communicate with your
trusted source (God, High Self, guides, Source, All-that-Is)
and discern the fine details of all aspects of your purpose. Even
armed with a detailed plan and great clarity of purpose, you may
find yourself resistant to taking bold action. Once attained,
this state of permission has a short half-life; as you up your
game and move forward, new fears and resistance are inevitable.
You must know how to regain permission when you have lost it,
over and over again.

Our next Gathering will be this Wednesday, April 3rd, at noon
Pacific Daylight Time.

My friend, mentor, and founder of the True Purpose Institute,
Tim Kelley, will be the guest expert this time!  He will
be presenting the latest developments in how to deal with the
fears and limiting beliefs that keep you from doing your part as
a global change agent.  Continually maintaining permission from
and alignment with the ego is a key factor in earning a living
making the change you’re meant to make.
(Tim has upgraded his ego permissions regularly
and tells great stories!)

You won’t want to miss our next call for the opportunity to
learn from Tim and your fellow Gathering participants —
all those who are bringing great work into the world.

In our April Gathering you will discover:
* How to identify and uncover the sometimes subtle fears that
hold you back
* Effective methods for gaining and keeping permission to
accomplish your great work
* A tribe of change-makers who are willing to support each other
in stepping into their highest self while honoring the gifts and
wisdom of our fears

To get the most out of your participation in the Gathering:
* If you haven’t yet, register for this and future Gathering
calls at:

* Invite a friend to join the community so that we can
support as many change agents as possible:

(Please copy and paste if it’s not a live link.)

Here are the details to join our call:

WHAT: The Gathering: A change agent community call
WHEN: Wednesday April  3rd
12-1:30 pm PDT, 3-4:30 pm EDT
2-3:30 pm Colombia
10-11:30 pm Israel summer time
7-8:30 pm GMT (not adjusted for Daylight Saving Time)
6-7:30 am (Thursday) Sydney

You’ll receive dialing information when you register:

Sharing the path of purpose with you,


P.S. Join our discussion on the community site and learn more
about April’s topic:
(copy and paste both lines if the link splits…)

P.P.S.  I am planning to be on the Gathering call. It would be
great to hear your voice and feel your energy and commitment
to make a difference in changing things up — and
co-creating a world that works for all.  You can sign up for this
no-cost call and gain access to the past learnings, at:

Shine Your Divine Light

Earlier this week, in the throes of the negative nastiness and polarities now at play on our national stage, I felt called to create a message to hold a different perspective. As you have a chance, I’d love it if you feel called to watch, like, and share it.


Love and Light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality

P.S. It’s your choice to
explore how YOUR Divine Light
does make a difference so you
can shine brighter!
I’d love it if you feel called
to like and share.










Time to Thrive!

Thrive 2012: New Momentum for Human Unity

Thrive in 2012 & Beyond:

Join me and help 

Co-Create the NEW Story

Reserve the date:
Saturday, October 27, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Jean Marie Ryan Center: Misericordia Campus
6300 N. Ridge Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Experience a day of connection, reflection and co-creation…

Support a positive approach to the powerful leaps in consciousness
unfolding in 2012 — and as we prepare for 2013.

Together in community, we explore three major shifts —
three changes that make the new paradigm possible:

  • individuality to interdependence
  • competition to cooperation
  • separation to reverence

Step into your NEW role as an integral player in these
delicious possibilities that are emerging!

Enjoy heartfelt community, deepening meditations, inspiring speakers, exhibitors offering uplifting goods and services, and live music.

Just imagine yourself at the end of an empowering day filled with thoughtful presenters and panelists. Dip into and taste the gifts of the day — palpable, even in our listing of events:

The keynote will be presented by Emanuel Kuntzelman, founder Center for Cultural Interchange/Greenheart, and a lifelong seeker and advocate for cultural understanding, environmental awareness and world peace.

COOPERATION: Creating our Emerging Future
Presented by Noreen Kelly, Communication Consultant, Coach and Trust Strategist.

REVERENCE: The Pulse of the New Story
Presented by Francis Rothluebber, Author, Spiritual Director and Founder of New Momentum for Human Unity.

Janelle Brittain, Speaker, Trainer, Executive Coach, Consultant and Author
Chris Buhrman, Vice President, creative director, Cramer-Krasselt and Film Director, City of the Dawn
Jean Carter-Hill, Cofounder and Executive Director, Imagine Englewood IF …

MEDITATION: Offered by Jennifer Kim, Director, The Peace School.

LIVE MUSIC: Presented by Jennie Landfield, Musician, Composer and Producer.

$115 by 10/23 ~  $130 by 10/27
$35 student discount available
Lunch included ~ Plenty of FREE parking

Online: New Momentum for Human Unity
Contact: Dexanne Card at 773-259-2565 or

PRESENTED BY:  New Momentum for Human Unity


I am honored to be among a beautiful gathering of media sponsors for this event. I will be there on Saturday. Please be sure to say hello!


Keep shining your light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality


Your ONE Thing

“Your ONE Thing” downloaded itself as a poem that urgently needed to make its way into the world. I hold my heart open, willing to hear how it lands inside you. Please speak. Is your ONE thing urging you forward? Are you yearning for a safe space for this ONE thing to make its appearance, to become explicit instead of invisible?

ONE Thing

What is your ONE Thing…
The gift not yet given,
and its ache of hidden yearnings?
What longs to be expressed,
What you fear to reveal
for so many reasons?

What is this ONE thing,
the voicing of which makes ALL the difference?

What is the ONE thing,
the being-witnessed-for-which ignites new neural pathways
and opens up undiscovered fields in your heart?

What is your ONE thing,
that,  expressed in words, shatters the wall of glass you’ve been simmering under?
Yes, marinating under that glass for lifetimes.

What is that ONE thing,
for you, when taken into the public sphere,
shifts the cosmos on its axis?

What is the ONE thing you dare not release into the world?
Its fragility, its beauty, its preciousness living so close to your bones for so long that to expose it risks exposing everything. Everything!

What is your ONE thing
(indeed it is your greatest gift, invisible still)
hiding its brilliance where you dare not look?

For under the wound
in the most painful place
where you will never, ever go (you vowed it)
what if your ONE thing resides there?
What if you look there
only to discover your light
shining all this time —
white hot fiery cascades on a scale immeasurable
illuminating a shadowy storeroom
its door sealed by the accretions of time and metavows of protections.

This ONE thing
the awakening to,
the saying of which,
renders all else null.

The void beckons and black holes are star nurseries
Embracing darkness as womb of creation.
Your ONE thing invites you home here.

What is your ONE thing,
the knowing of which
will set you free?

copyright (C) Bobbye Middendorf
9 August 2012

Summer Camp for World-Changers

If you feel something awakening and stirring
within you, it may be the Great Turning, a
global awakening, a spark of change longing
to ignite in your heart. In essence, you may
be feeling a call to something bigger, a call to
action in this changing world.

> What might that look like?
> Is this what you are called to explore?
> Are you a change agent? Or a change maker?

One of my mentors, Tim Kelley, founder of
The True Purposeâ„¢ Institute, offers some
guidelines and reflections so you can determine
if you’re a change agent. And if you are, what on
earth can you do about it?!

Catch Tim’s message on video at the link below:

(Copy and paste this into your browser if it’s
not a live link!)

It’s informative and short. Please have a look!

If you sign up at the link below, there will be future
videos and calls, going into much greater detail about
how you can become a powerful and successful
instrument of change.

If you’d like to continue with this
exploration of purposeful change — and also
to be eligible to participate in the complimentary
7-Day Purpose Challenge (starting on 7-28!)
you will need to register to receive the
notification details.

You can do that here:

In future videos, you’ll hear from other
successful change agents who are living
their purpose.  Watch for them!

With appreciation,
Bobbye Middendorf

P.S. I encourage you to explore possibilities
and feed your curiosity about global change in
this safe, private educational series, especially
if your inner call doesn’t make rational sense
right now.  And to get all the info, including
your invitation to the seven-day purpose challenge,
click below:

P.P.S.  As I mentioned, there is no cost to participate
in any of these activities.  The True Purpose™
Institute and I support each other’s efforts to
make a living as we work to change the world;
if you were to buy something from the True Purposeâ„¢
Institute later, I may receive a referral fee.

P.P.P.S. Why all this? Why now? What is
my connection?

I’ve been a member of the True Purposeâ„¢ community
since 2009. For the past year, I’ve been
collaborating more intensively — co-creating
strategy, executing plans, writing/revising
copy on marketing teams, contributing to social networking
engagement, and supporting the True Purposeâ„¢ Institute
in launching programs and courses. Oh, yes,
and growing my own capabilities
as leader and messenger for global change.

The work I’ve been doing within this community
has been life-altering — giving me the fortitude,
courage, and support personally to come out of
the closet and shine as the brightest and highest
expression of myself.

And THAT’s how we each do our
part in this global change project!
I hope that, if this calls to you, you
will come explore the territory with me!

Go here to join in: