Funny things happen. When I first looked for today’s prompt on my iPad, (at  there wasn’t a prompt at all but a link to a video from Silva, and it did not sit well with me. I love synchronicity and serendipity, navigate by them, and track them as the heart of making meaning and building patterns of connections and interconnections.
Jason Silva offers today’s #Quest2015 prompt:
In what ways might you artfully curate your life in 2015 to occasion serendipity, creativity and awe?
Ontological designing says: We design our world and the world designs us back.
What are the linguistic and creative choices you can make in 2015 that will in turn act back upon you and transform you?
What I saw were high speed images seeming in awe of the “more” of modern life. This did not resonate at all with a third age, highly sensitive, intuitive, Earth-centered woman. “Moments of unexpected relevance,” says Silva. And yet the energies, images, and approaches were anathema to how I practice synchronicity and serendipity. So a rant emerged.
It started me wondering, parsing this prompt and its related video into the great polarity on which our times are turning and raising the grain: The modern, masculine paradigm of the left brain (albeit a left brain on high-speed juxtaposition), and the energies of wholeness, emergence, organic growth, sacred interconnections, and the Divine Feminine, mostly gone missing in popular culture. (Silva is filmed in a wooded area, a “sylvan” spot. Yet his energy did not resonate with the location.)
I don’t disagree with the interesting and unexpected juxtapositions as critical sparking of the synapses for fresh combinations. Yet what shows up on the video is a young person’s idea of synchronicity and serendipity. It is also, dare I voice it, the masculine model of synchronicity and how to get there.
While it’s not inherently wrong, it is inherently limited. Such a popular-culture-infused, one-sided, tech-loving approach will continue to take us along a trajectory that we don’t want to go, at least if we value maintaining life on this planet. It’s more of the same, the approaches that got us into this jam — only on steroids.
As I was pondering this video and this very smart young man with his millions of views and hundreds of thousands of followers, I was doing so in a park, sitting on a log next to a birch tree and writing, gloves on: In Chicago. In December. Experiencing the season of a heavy grey sky. Writing with a pen in a notebook: How very old school.
And what emerged in that moment, what came clear, was another side of the same coin: Depth Synchronicity. It embraces the both-and, the young energetic male and the older and rooted female energies. We need both in the conversation. We need both to weave a life that is whole.
Consider, for a refreshing change, that the Divine Feminine has a voice at this table.
Invite synchronicity and serendipity to play in a field of organic growth, where there are real seasonal changes. Engage with true interdependence, not a surface-only quick cut of juxtapositions. Taking the time for a breath, encompass within that breath, infuse it, with praise, awe, gratitude, and even love.
Acknowledge as you breathe the brilliant diversity and interdependence of humans in partnership with our brethren of the Plant Kingdom. (And we are decimating the forests of these beings who provide the oxygen that powers life on this planet, WHY?) Their sacred out-breath is our vital life force, breath, oxygen. Is that beyond serendipity? Is it not a sacred synchronicity, a depth of connection that the quick fix, like the quick cut, simply cannot grasp?
What if we cultivated deep-looking and a deep-listening instead of high speed images bouncing off the eyeballs? This is a call to consciously nurture and cultivate synchronicity and serendipity at the speed of life — instead of the speed of death. Slowing down, we can enter the fertile territory of appreciation.
In the morning walk, appreciate the child’s chalk pavement picture as a message from the divine source of guidance beaming in on impermanent wings. We can approach every juxtaposition with our incredible capacity for meaning-making, and find the higher guidance in the feather: Angels in the neighborhood…. Or, what does the rock dove mean in my dreaming lexicon of daily life?
We have the choice of shallow or deep. I have cultivated the depths. Some prefer the shallows. For me, synchronicity, serendipity, awe are available in an avalanche of abundance as I slow down, observe deeply, and cultivate the human and greater-than-human connections, our sacred interdependencies that are the source of the joy, awe, praise, and at the heart of creation and co-creation.
For me, the choice of transformation wears everyday clothes of slowing down and breathing, appreciating what shows up in my field. It’s a matter of love. And curiosity. And meaning-making. I invite you to join me in a Quest now through 2015 to slow down and allow the transformation to turn you inside out. See what happens. Report back.