If you hate marketing

For the many soul-preneurs, writers, authors, artists, therapists, healing professionals, coaches, and consultants who hate marketing, I pose one question: Why?

Share with this community what bothers you about marketing. I really want to understand. If I understand better, maybe I can help you.

From my own perspective (as writer, marketing strategist, copywriter), it seems more like the shoemaker’s children getting their shoes last.

Maybe it’s not exactly that for you. We’re curious. I’m curious. I’ve talked about building bridges from your creation or business or venture out to meet the tribe or community you are here to serve.

That bridge is marketing. That bridge encompasses the two-way path of the relationships that you develop with your perfect-just-right clients and customers. It opens the way for them to get to you and you to connect with them.

What is it about marketing your services or your creations or creative projects that simply stops you cold? You have gifts to give to the world in a balanced energy exchange. Don’t you think that it’s beneficial for people to know about who you are, what you do, and the gifts you have to offer?

Really. Curious minds want to know. Why do you hate marketing — really?

Embrace Your Marketing Mindset (4Cs)

“I’d really rather just be doing the work that is mine to do, practicing my art or craft or therapy or career or profession. What is all this about marketing?!”

I’ve heard variations on this phrase for years — starting with the authors I worked with at the publishing company that employed me. They saw marketing, at best, as a necessary evil.

Now that I’m a free agent, hiring out to write and market and coach and strategize with and for my clients, I regularly come across writers, artists, healers, coaches, therapists, designers, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and even bankers who deeply dislike (hate?!) marketing. They see it, at best, as a necessary evil.

These are perfectly capable people who seem baffled when it comes to marketing. They tap fearfully into the seemingly endless supply of  variations on “marketing.” There’s corporate marketing, database marketing, SEO marketing, LOA marketing, internet marketing, social media marketing, MBA marketing, marketing trends, marketing research, marketing segmentation, branding, Superbowl marketing, direct response marketing, B-to-B marketing, B-to-C marketing, and we haven’t even touched advertising or PR, which might be included if you talk about integrated marketing or its longer-winded cousin, integrated marketing communications.

Are you intimidated yet? Are your palms sweating? Is fight or flight kicking in? Maybe this is why you hate marketing. Where are you in all this foreign-sounding gibberish? Where is your heart? Where is your gift? Where, even, are your people?

At the most fundamental level, for Conscious Creators, soul-preneurs, world-changers, visionaries, healers, and others in the soft sell marketing community, it really is all about your people. It’s about you and your community and connecting the two. We can talk about marketing without even going past the letter “C.”

Marketing is all about your Community. You can call it your circle, your clients, your customers, or even your audience. You can even go past “C” and call it your tribe. It’s all about your people. Well, what about them?

Marketing is all about Connecting. Connecting is a two-way process. You connect with them, and they connect with you.  How do you connect? From my perspective as The Write Synergies Guru, I’m partial to making the connections via words.

But connections come in every sensory variety. Music connects. Visuals connect. Paintings. Sculpture. Movies. Architecture. Movement connects. The healing touch of massage therapy connects. Even the tantalizing smells from your local cafe-bakery make a connection.

Marketing = Connecting + Communicating. So you make this connection, and from this connection you communicate. As with connecting, above, all your senses have their ways of communicating. But unless you’re right in front of the bakery or the painting or on the massage chair, the actual connection is tough to maintain. Distance isn’t a friend for these ways of communicating.

That’s why words as a medium (though imperfect) can paint the sensory details in a way that makes the communications possible over long distances and across time and space. Words can connect. Words can bring alive the connections across the world.

Words may be stories (Jeanne Kolenda is a master at stories with a purpose.) or metaphors. Words may be how-to or checklists. Words make up the books, the info products, the blog posts, web sites, brochures, business cards, press releases and even the 140 character tweets that are the currency of our communications.

Words weave the background texts of our lives. Words, both spoken and written, are how we communicate!

You mean marketing is just about talking to people? In the broadest sense, yes. That’s exactly what marketing is.

Connect with your Community by Communicating your Content. We prefer, all things being equal, to do business with people we know, like, and trust. How, in this digital marketplace, do we learn to know, like, and trust strangers?

The bakery cannot communicate its smell across the city to connect with bread-lovers in another neighborhood. But our words, imbued with meaning, with the content of our expertise, shared appropriately and clearly, focused on helping our people address whatever issue they face, packaged in a way to be useful, our words can communicate valuable content.

Marketing is that remarkable bridge, weaving together you, your heart, your creation. It weaves these “Cs” of Community, Connection, Communication, and Content into your message and beams it to your people in a way that they can hear it, can take it in, can process it. Suddenly the two-way span back and forth across your bridge is open.

They walk across the bridge to you. You meet them on this bridge constructed out of words that communicate your content and connect with your community.

Writing Your Inner Journey–Blog Challenge Post 14

I came across marketing expert and coach, Tara Kachaturoff, on Connie Ragan Green’s 30-day blog challenge.  Her post today, “Marketing Your Book – The strategy may be in “why” you wrote your book,”  suggests that authors and would-be authors look at the reasons why writing a book was important in the first place. Tara explains, “You can often find hints of marketing strategies that might be a good fit.”

She concludes, saying,  “I believe there is value in taking time to explore your original intentions as you may find some highly aligned and inspirational strategies that are perfect for you!”

Tara’s insights are right on the money. What she opens the door to here is the deep dive, what I call the “inner journey.”  In particular for conscious creators, visionaries, thought leaders, and paradigm-changing authors, writers, messengers, healers, and soul-preneurs, this sort of reflection creates the foundational inner work that strengthens the creator and the project. But why, you may ask, does that matter?

What I have discovered and observed over my time in corporate book publishing and a decade-long self-employment journey helping all kinds of clients with their words,  is that all the fantastic outer stuff is great.  But using those juicy marketing tools alone can result in “bright shiny object syndrome” without the foundational grounding of this inner journey.  Both creator and creation become like a tree without roots, and just as unlikely to thrive.

Think about it. Without examining your underlying motivations, your vision, aspirations, and goals, without the inner clarity that comes  from envisioning your path and ultimate destination (or at least the next few steps), then you risk traveling the road that old saying describes: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”

Ideally this inner work and inner journey takes place before the book is published.  But as Tara observes, it can be powerful at any point in the process. I like to point out the importance of this by saying “the inner journey IS the journey.”

Safe travels to all!

Post 14 in the 30 day blogging challenge. Follow the great collegiality on Twitter at #blog30.

The Write Synergies Tribe Challenges

If you are a writer, author, healer, soul-preneur, or Conscious Creator with a big vision to create and a message to share, someone who is overwhelmed and daunted by the process of getting the message out and getting the words right, then you are in the right place.

Are any of these your sticking places?

  • You have a draft of your project or the marketing copy, but you are struggling to find the right words for the message that really make it come alive.
  • You are bumping up against the  inner voice that says, “Who do you think you are to be offering this?”
  • You would love to find some support to help you get out of your own way so you can share your gifts.
  • You could use regular inspiration and motivation, reminding you that the “big famous people” also started out not that different from you.
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the ways to get out the message. You need a practical and doable plan.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a GPS system through all this?

Consider a personal guide and map-maker — like your own personal GPS system for your creative project and getting your message out — giving you practical and spiritual guidance for helping you get to where you want to go.

I support and mentor you — fellow visionaries, conscious creators, writers, authors, and healers — with your messages. We bring your big ideas to life and your projects and messages out to the world.

I’m using the Write Synergies Vision Quest process on myself. You’re seeing part of the process in action during this 30-day blogging challenge. I’m a writer who helps people with their marketing. Yet just like the shoemaker’s children getting their shoes last, it took me the better part of a decade as an independent writer and marketing consultant before I started my own online presence. Don’t do as I have done!

(Check out more on Twitter at #blog30.)