Happy Lunar New Year — Seed Your Intent!


Last Saturday, we gathered to open a portal into the Wheel of the Year, 2024, during Imbolc Season. We seeded intent within a resonant community.
Together, our space entrains and supports each one to glean
Inner Wisdom that leads to flourishing for Self and all Life.

Today, 9 February, marks a powerful New Moon in Aquarius and the
beginning of the Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon.

Everything is up to play with, reframe, up-level, reinvent, and bring
into flourishing newness beyond the eons-old illusions of separation.
We can choose to be up to BIG things … while making tiny adjustments —
that shift one friend calls, “Small Hinges Move Big Doors.”

Even micro-changes Sourced from within, when done
with purest intent and heart-infused attention, create
ripples of such shifts into greater flourishing for self and all life
WAY beyond what we’ve ever imagined.

A powerful starting point, and it’s not too late, is to connect
with last week’s gathering in your own most Divine Timing.

Our Imbolc sacred circle focused on:
planting the seeds of your most cherished devotions,
so the potency remains relevant and powerful.
Especially in this #NewMoonField!!

Perhaps you even feel a commitment to travel this
Quest journey, to step into the entire Wheel of the Year with us.

There’s a whole cascade of new messages and approaches emerging.
Translated: There’s a lot I am being called to share more explicitly in 2024.
My capacities include holding such safe and sacred spaces as
companion and CoCreator with you on this Quest.
(as well as companioning your journey 1-on-1 if you choose).

Please tune within and feel into: Are you feeling called to join this
deep inner exploration and self-evolution?

If so, consider …
All of 2024!
You can receive the Imbolc gathering with its seed-planting focus,
(the full replay package from our gathering) along with the rest
of 2024’s sacred circles. Please use the following link:
Register for 2024’s 8 seasonal circles here:

To sign up to receive Imbolc-only (SEED-Planting) as a repla
2024’s suggested <<In Sacred Exchange From The Heart >> is $30
for a single circle.
You are welcome to offer another amount that is do-able for you
without hardship– above or below that threshold– to support this
emerging sacred temple space.
Link to pay and register for
mbolc only
One-circle-at-a-time in Sacred Exchange from the Heart:


With love and appreciation,

The full invitation to 2024:

For you and/or if you are willing to share with friends for whom this feels resonant:

(And by the way, a Flourishing You is not a selfish thing to embody!)

Bobbye Middendorf
Inner Wisdom Keeper

Spoken Word Alchemist * Dream Mentor
Vision Midwife * Yin Arising Catalyst
Mystic. Healer. Creator. Poet. Dreamer.
BEACON…for CoCreators Dreaming in a New Reality Where All Life Flourishes

I love staying in touch!
It’s an honor to be connected with you.

My artisanal, heart-crafted messages are inspired by love & the
embodied intent to uplift all life into flourishing.
If this does not resonate, please unsubscribe when you
hit reply and ask to no longer receive these invitations.

Write Synergies, Sacred Synergies

Intent — pure, heart-based intent, when it’s for the highest good of all — is the royal road, the holy, the divine, the seat of power and energy. Seeing intent in action is to experience the miracles of synchronicities and synergies.

Intent, when it’s put in writing as is my wont, can be the engine that drives momentum and action in the world. Yet with words from the heart, such intent remains connected with the higher source, the sacred. In this way, with the power of intent, the creation and the connection to the audience together embrace the greater character of the sacred. Words on the page can create sacred space if placed with intent. That, at least, is my intention.

Write synergies, powered with intent for the highest good, for the healing of Gaia, Mother Earth, becomes sacred intent for bridging the gulf between our creation-from-the-heart  and the people the creation is here to serve, those for whom it is our contribution. Such writing with intent becomes the bridge of light between creation and community. As such, it build synergies.

When I came into the Dreams Alive circle years ago, I didn’t have any inkling that I would be so transformed so many years later. These sacred synergies and the realization of their deeper implications will likely be a theme for a good long time.

Writing as Healing — Blog Challenge Post 27

Several years ago, two separate teachers informed me that I was a healer. “But I’m a writer,” I said. “And without a doubt, you’re a healer,” they both insisted. I was surprised. At least in this lifetime, I’ve stayed as far away from the healing arts as I possibly could, except when I insisted on natural, unmedicated childbirth with midwives. Twice. I credited my long-time meditation teachers, Rosita and Sandy at Arche International, with giving me the inner knowledge and training to make such feats possible. Them and the Bradley Method.

I have come to define healing in the broad terms my teachers must have meant. We are all healers at some level. It is that underlying healing intention that I uncover and magnify with my perfect clients, both in our conversations and in writing projects.  The transformational visionaries determined to shift this hinge-historical moment in a positive direction — the conscious creators, heart-based venturers, soul-preneurs, soft sell marketers, the healing visionaries and authors with intentions on a planetary or systemic level — are indeed weaving the healing with every word they (we) publish and client they (we) interact with.

My colleague in the 30-day blog challenge, Kazi (on Twitter as  @50andFit) recently wrote about entrepreneurship as path to self-healing. It’s a post full of common sense and practical tips. Kazi said, “…ensure you get the personal outer and inner cultivation you need to remain healthy and on top of your game. Your attention, time, energy and creativity are all aspects of your Chi. Your Chi is your very life force. It is the very basis of your health, wealth and wisdom.  If you allow your chi to diminish, you allow your life to diminish.”

Like Kazi, I advise care of the life force, the Chi. For my tribe, writing is the very means for that inner and outer cultivation and balancing of Chi. Writing is a way of strengthening the inner, of mining the inner gold of your own thoughts and feelings, many times discovering what you think and feel as you write. One client (who never really liked writing much even from school days) reported that she discovered things about herself that she never knew when she put herself into the process of writing.

From this inner cultivation and strengthening comes the outer development and presentations of our messages and our creations. The outer manifestation of our creation and its outreach message are all the stronger by being forged from the inner fires first.

Words and writing are the tools for the personal inner healing journey. They are metaphysical and alchemical agents of change. They are also the tools for manifesting written creations (books, blogs, brochures, articles, e-courses, even tweets); and they are the raw materials that go into creating the message that will then connect to the people who need to hear it.

Remember: Your creation, book, project, or venture cannot begin to do its healing of the heart of the world until it is out there, full and strong. YOU have to be a strong enough vessel from the inside out, without cracks, to bring your creation all the way into the world. You have to be healed and strong enough to go on helping it grow into the full flowering of the message and healing it is here to do.

Oh, yes. Words are powerful. One colleague recently received a serious wounding by words. Others came in and used words, attempting to mitigate and transform the pain, using their love in words as healing. Writing is healing when healing and wholeness are the intentions.

#Blog30 on Twitter.

Writing to Awaken Self Awareness–Blog Challenge Post 17

The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness starts with Awakening Your Awareness. There are many paths to do this, many helpful ways to wake ourselves up. This particular path follows the trajectory of the written word as a way to get present with who you are right now, your Being in the moment and in relation to a particular issue that you consciously want to wake up around. (Or to put it another way, you want to shift your energy or boost the mojo or heal the shadow.)

So that this doesn’t become all floaty and ungrounded, start with your intention, identify the issue, then do brief five-minute timed writings answering the questions posed at the end of this post.

First, create an intention of safety and openness around doing this “awaken your awareness” process and following this particular path.  For example, you might start by saying, thinking, or even writing something like:

I intend to be fully present with this Awakening Awareness exercise. I am willing to allow the download of words onto paper, trusting the inner wisdom will flow from Source (the Universe, God, Soul, or whatever term you are comfortable with).  I will communicate with honesty and generosity, integrity and authenticity, and with the deepest and most profound compassion for the highest good for all concerned.

The wisdom lives within you, if you can just slow down long enough to listen. Writing in this focused yet open-hearted manner can tap into your remarkable inner resources, or, if you prefer, your inner connection to something greater than the “you.”

Second, select an issue (problem, challenge, question) that will be your focus for this Awakening Awareness exercise. It can be something in-your-face, what wakes you up in the middle of the night, or spins the wheels of your brain so you can’t get to sleep in the first place. Or, you might choose a smaller but annoying issue, something that keeps cropping up to bother you. As you write down the issue at hand, phrase it nonjudgmentally, as though you are simply an observer, curious about this particular situation.

Third, get grounded and present by taking at least three deep breaths, full inhales, complete exhales. Release all the tension, stress, judgment. Review your intention. Observe your issue dispassionately. From this observer perspective, allow your the words to come out in answer to the following questions. If no words come, then just write the question over and over. Or write, “I don’t know what to write.” Either way, just keep the pen moving. Something usually breaks free.  Write uninterrupted, no stopping,  for five timer minutes.

Give yourself at least five minutes for each of the following questions. See what appears. If all you get is resistance, then so be it.  If so, try this question when the process isn’t opening up: If you DID know the answer, what would it be? By keeping the pen moving, surprising things emerge.

The Questions for your Writing to Awaken Self-Awareness Reflection:

1 Who are you Being right now as it relates to the issue you have chosen?

2 Where are you right now, as it relates to the issue you are facing? (Where as in physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, financially, relationally, etc.)

3 What are you thinking about this issue right now?

4 What are you feeling about this issue right now?

5 What ELSE is present right now in your five-sensory present-moment universe? What is filling your five senses?

6 What is tickling at your sixth sense?

7 How might you place this issue (problem, challenge, question) into a larger context? What would that make it look like?

8 Why is it important to wake up about this issue right now?

There’s your start, your writing to awaken self-awareness written reflection, all done in less than an  hour, even if you give every question seven minutes instead of five. You might be surprised by what comes out in the flow.