The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness starts with Awakening Your Awareness. There are many paths to do this, many helpful ways to wake ourselves up. This particular path follows the trajectory of the written word as a way to get present with who you are right now, your Being in the moment and in relation to a particular issue that you consciously want to wake up around. (Or to put it another way, you want to shift your energy or boost the mojo or heal the shadow.)
So that this doesn’t become all floaty and ungrounded, start with your intention, identify the issue, then do brief five-minute timed writings answering the questions posed at the end of this post.
First, create an intention of safety and openness around doing this “awaken your awareness” process and following this particular path. For example, you might start by saying, thinking, or even writing something like:
I intend to be fully present with this Awakening Awareness exercise. I am willing to allow the download of words onto paper, trusting the inner wisdom will flow from Source (the Universe, God, Soul, or whatever term you are comfortable with). I will communicate with honesty and generosity, integrity and authenticity, and with the deepest and most profound compassion for the highest good for all concerned.
The wisdom lives within you, if you can just slow down long enough to listen. Writing in this focused yet open-hearted manner can tap into your remarkable inner resources, or, if you prefer, your inner connection to something greater than the “you.”
Second, select an issue (problem, challenge, question) that will be your focus for this Awakening Awareness exercise. It can be something in-your-face, what wakes you up in the middle of the night, or spins the wheels of your brain so you can’t get to sleep in the first place. Or, you might choose a smaller but annoying issue, something that keeps cropping up to bother you. As you write down the issue at hand, phrase it nonjudgmentally, as though you are simply an observer, curious about this particular situation.
Third, get grounded and present by taking at least three deep breaths, full inhales, complete exhales. Release all the tension, stress, judgment. Review your intention. Observe your issue dispassionately. From this observer perspective, allow your the words to come out in answer to the following questions. If no words come, then just write the question over and over. Or write, “I don’t know what to write.” Either way, just keep the pen moving. Something usually breaks free. Write uninterrupted, no stopping, for five timer minutes.
Give yourself at least five minutes for each of the following questions. See what appears. If all you get is resistance, then so be it. If so, try this question when the process isn’t opening up: If you DID know the answer, what would it be? By keeping the pen moving, surprising things emerge.
The Questions for your Writing to Awaken Self-Awareness Reflection:
1 Who are you Being right now as it relates to the issue you have chosen?
2 Where are you right now, as it relates to the issue you are facing? (Where as in physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, financially, relationally, etc.)
3 What are you thinking about this issue right now?
4 What are you feeling about this issue right now?
5 What ELSE is present right now in your five-sensory present-moment universe? What is filling your five senses?
6 What is tickling at your sixth sense?
7 How might you place this issue (problem, challenge, question) into a larger context? What would that make it look like?
8 Why is it important to wake up about this issue right now?
There’s your start, your writing to awaken self-awareness written reflection, all done in less than an hour, even if you give every question seven minutes instead of five. You might be surprised by what comes out in the flow.