BEACON for CoCreators Dreaming In Our New Realities Where All Life Flourishes
Author: Bobbye
Bobbye Middendorf, MA, partners with evolutionaries as mystic-catalyst, healer, and poet -- evoking experiences of hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy. Spoken Word Alchemy opens portals for Yin Arising via mentoring; she offers inner wisdom guidance and word altars. With WayMakers, this award-winning wordsmith regenerates their clarity and expansive expression to live life as a work of art.
As an alum of ‪#‎TeachNow‬, I’ve taken the course, loved it, and am re-enrolling. Are you curious about getting support around teaching and sharing your wisdom?
There’s a no-cost series of high-content intro videos (and a call) with Jen Louden. It’s going on right now, so if you are feeling called OR just feeling curious, it is well worth your time to explore and listen in.
Jen is an experienced teacher who helps everyone have fun while getting more skilled at delivering content, building community, and — teaching!
In the full Teach Now course, (explained at The Teacher’s Path) she will offer live coaching sessions, share video lessons, convene a community of teachers and course alums in a private online Facebook group, and give you access to a deep and wide library of interviews with master teachers from many disciplines. They generously share their wisdom from “behind the scenes” and insights from their teaching practices.
Whether you have a message to share, are ready to make the difference you came here to make, or even if you are currently a teacher who wants to uplevel your game, this is a fantabulous resource and THE place to be.
Ask yourself: Is it your turn to amplify your teaching light? If so, check in to see if this is a fit for you.
More details here at The Teacher’s Path.
Yes, this is my referral link for sharing the love. Because I do love Jen and her work. Her honesty and vulnerability while teaching and inviting us all to play together is a beautiful process.
There’s a no-cost intro series that Jen is hosting right now, with videos and a live call. If that’s enough for you, great! If you decide to enroll for the course, I will receive a referral fee.
Just so you know: I believe in this body of work so much that I am enrolling for another go-round.
Blessing you on your path, whether teaching is your calling right now. Or not.
I had a great time bringing forth the energetic interconnections that invite us to say (as a daily mantra): ‪#‎AllTheTimeLoveAndIAreOne‬
All the time, Love and I are One.
You have many choices and ways to share the Great Work you are here to do. I love supporting people to apprentice to their own wisdom and then bring it forth. At its essence, we are called to bring #SpiritIntoForm. It’s what I’ve done every time I show up with people and teams. Let’s talk if this guest post of mine resonates!
The unseen. The invisible world. The Qi field. The Force.
If you are searching for your own Pole Star outside, stop. You are looking where it will never be found.
Sunset, West Placitas, by Bobbye Middendorf
Do you deal with what is invisible? Powerful, foundational, yet invisible? The formless and energetic precede form, yet are also within the form. We’ve been taught to hunt far and wide in the outer world for hidden treasure. You are one who guides your people to find it within.
Let me ask: If you do this kind of work for and with others, who helps you hold the space for your own deeper dives? The deeper you go, the more challenging it can be to do for yourself and by yourself. You can’t hear what you can’t hear, nor see what you can’t see.
None of us are supposed to travel on this energetic upleveling journey alone.
The energetic shifts in our world are palpable, at least to those of us with heightened sensitivity and cultivated presence of deep empathy. The seemingly irreconcilable polarities are being played out with startling regularity, with the space between the poles seeming to exponentially expand, the time between polarizing events now ever shorter.
What has looked like the “way we do things†is breaking down. It’s easy to want to follow a model, especially when things are breaking down. And that’s exactly the time that the model no longer works, especially if you are looking to rebirth a world that works for all.
From this confusion and crumbling, I want to help wise women like you to connect — and stay connected — to your own North Star, your own inner blueprint — the one that is urging you forward. It’s the core essence of your Great Work, the new story that you are compelled to give birth to in our complex and convoluted world.
The emerging new paradigm in business is calling all of us to show up and partner with it and all the disparate parts in a wholly different way. It calls us to live in a way that regenerates ourselves (in body, mind, and spirit). I sense that this is part of what you are doing, or aiming to do. The work calls to be done in a different way, and in so doing, we become apprentices to this new work, this new way of working, and to ourselves as the Co-Creator.
It, the work, shapes us as instruments for its highest expression and most potent unfolding. That’s not how things have been done in the past. We are walking at the leading edge of new ways of working, including this partnering collaboration and co-creation, all of which is coming forth in unimagined ways.
And the new story that you want to shape and share also includes embracing your people while raising them up– your Divine Audience, your soul tribe. These are the people who will appreciate and resonate with the “honing†that has been done on you through your lifetime(s).
[A Sidebar: Today’s #Quest2016 with Jeffrey Davis’ Tracking Wonder Community features Jennifer Louden with this question to unfurl your 2016:
Your Quest2016 Prompt today:
What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?  Â
What’s the story your just-right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?
I regularly inquire into these two stories, even creating Venn Diagrams to visually map the overlaps.
Your Shero’s Journey
We are hospicing an entire way of life, we who are the midwives of new visions, Way-Showers to many who are taking up the Shero’s Journey (a concept I learned initially from Tamora Pierce and then also via Jen Louden).
Light-Bringers, Path-Seers, Wisdom-Sharers: We are unveiling the new in a way that shares its foundational roots with ancient, long-forgotten paths.
Put your dreams and visions to work, for now is the time. We are being asked to collaborate and co-create in resonant and regenerative community. Are you ready to articulate the song deep in your heart? To tell the new story?
Let us together bring forth from the heart of co-creation YOUR truest inherent value to be of service in creating a world that works for all beings and all life.
Happy Solstice, following the path of the return of the light. Merry Christmas, where the Light of Divine Love is reborn within your soul. Happy New Year as the path unfolds under your feet for another trip around the sun.
In whatever ways you celebrate at this sacred time, I wish you many blessings as you journey.
Kali’s days, in the festival of the Great Mother, Durga Puja, Navratri, are optimal times for clearing. Like Pele’s fierce fiery burning and purification in traditions of Hawai’i, what is available right now is a palpable energy of release. (Here’s the calendar from Kashi Ashram, giving dates for Pujas dedicated to the different Mothers.)
If it no longer serves your highest expression and the highest good for all life, now is a time for letting go. It is releasing the old story so that the burning ground can become the seedbed for the new and emerging stories that we are collectively birthing.
In honor of Pele and Kali, I share this image honoring Volcano, on the Big Island, a memento from my visit in 2011.
Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali
That 11-11-11 portal was another time of monumental energetic shifts on the planet. From what I’ve been hearing, even more potent shifts are in process for all of us, those who are awake, as well as those who are awakening.
You and I were born for these times. We are the instruments for change forged and honed in the fires of the present moment. The billions of small circles of light, who we are now, illuminate and give shape to an emerging new paradigm.
We are in the lineages of the Mother — across the globe, across space and time, across lifetimes and Universes. The Divine Feminine awakens in men and in women, as the council fires are being reconnected.
We are being invited to Walk the Talk of the emerging Divine Feminine Spirit, in business and elsewhere, as a New Paradigm awakens and comes into being. As us. Through us. With our partnership and conscious intent for regeneration for body, mind, and spirit, across the generations, it emerges in person and networked across the globe, filaments of love connecting the like-hearted everywhere.
We are the co-creators of regenerative projects, unfolding with spacious structures in the rooted and organic rich soil of the tears and blood of generations of silenced, dismissed, destroyed. We arise!
We are invoking the wisdom in the sacred resonance of Silence, herself a face of the Mother.
Timing is everything, and yes, here we are. We are awakened and awakening on this planet right now in a project of awakening together — the likes of which have never before been experienced. So many circles of many-flavored Divine Feminine Wisdom! I am grateful to know you, sisters and brothers connected in our Heart Essence.
Yes, we are the ones who don’t quite know what to make of our fierce gifts, so diverse, so deep, so embodied that words cannot capture the blossoming and luminous radiance never seen before. And because all was not in place before, because it has never been welcome, our conundrum at this time is to offer fearlessly, fully surrendered, with vulnerability and within the perfection of our imperfections — and yes, in sacred exchange.
It is you and me. Together our project is to walk clear-eyed with patience and serenity through the dissolution, then surrender to our becoming numinous, beyond what anyone thought was possible in the human form.
Blessings of the Mother for all who are born of a mother. Together we are awakening the fires of radical transformation.
Has your young genius been lost somewhere along the way?
As this Equinox season unfolds, I invite you to inquire into your own young inner genius, her health, her presence in your life, how she showed up then, and how to invite her back to play, and in particular to enrich the entire fabric of your Great Work that is emerging, that is being called forth from within you.
The following challenge, started earlier in the summer, has continued to tickle my fancy behind the scenes as multiple dimensions and deep levels of change are currently playing out for me.
With acknowledgements to Jeffrey Davis of Tracking Wonder for this summertime #DareToExcel Challenge. This is #3 for #Daredevils and other conscious co-creators.
Take a few minutes to remember a time when you were nine – or around that age – when you felt free to be your best.
Feel an exact moment in time and place. Are you outdoors or indoors? How does the air feel? How do you feel in your body? What are you uniquely doing or making? Who are you with and how are you uniquely relating to others?
Looking back with full compassion toward yourself, what 1-3 adjectives would you use to describe your younger self at her or his best?
These are your 3 Young Genius Qualities.
How can you bring some of those young genius qualities forward to this project?
Share: Post written reflections or the three young genius qualities you commit to bring forward.
So what are my three young genius qualities?
Curiosity. Observing/Listening. Dreaming.
An only child, often left to my own devices, summer was for dreaming and reading, drawing, listening into the stream of imaginary friends who stepped out of the pages of books, magic, daring. Imagining myself as Nancy Drew during languid summers, reading, imagining, dreaming, reading some more. Observing the fireflies and butterflies. Tasting sweet concord grapes, stretched out in the grass made crisp by the summer sunshine. Listening to the crickets and then crackling campfires. Walking in the dark under the stars, hours with markers, and once at a dude ranch — Horses! (That one ultimately didn’t go as I dreamed…but I did learn about cleaning a cast iron skillet with sand on our breakfast trail ride.)
And in partnership with that magical genius child, her shadowy wounded child plays around the edges. Still. She holds loss and grief that was too much to bear then, and now, in a powerful time of change, it’s all being offered up for clearing. Love and loss and grief — all reminders of how it once was and how it all changed so suddenly.
What are your young genius qualities?
If you’re someone with curiosity rarely sated, who deeply appreciates the gifts of listening/observing, who still has a dream percolating inside, let’s see if we are growing in a garden together. (You probably also have a passion for words, images, healing/wholeness, following a spiritual path, and are deeply engaged with purpose.)
I am called to focus on the wise women, women who ardently yearn for a secret weapon to see them through Kali’s fire, the chaos of their reinvention, and onto the other side.
Especially if you are a woman in the third act, you find dreams now impossible to ignore. You need your inner partners, the inner genius child and the wounded one, as well as your connection to a source (or sources) of guidance. And outer collaborators are helpful, if you are ready to take a stand for your new and evolving, highly purposeful, change-the-world body of work (even and especially if it’s not yet fully formed).
As thought partner and sounding board for women in the third act, like you, I hold the space and help you recognize yourself as purposeful change agent, sage-hearted messenger, co-creator of a new paradigm world, and conscious collaborator with the emerging future. You’re ready for connecting in with guidance in real-time and within collaborative co-creative new paradigm spaces.
Harvest Season
At the Equinox, and with the upcoming Harvest Full Moon, (and a lunar eclipse!) big things are shaking loose on so many levels. Have you been feeling these shifts?
You know now is the time to harvest your wisdom. It’s the season for the blueprint of your Great Work to emerge. You are in a place of creative ferment, and clarity seems just out of reach. Articulating the pre-verbal birthing of your new program or book or body of work, you seek the sacred emergent words — words you didn’t even know you knew — and a way to organize and package those gifts and brilliance.
From there, what if you could discover a sacred space, listening for the whispers of your Divine Audience just waiting to be called forth into YOUR circle? Your soul tribe is ready to connect and celebrate the birth of your revelatory manifestation and body of work.
Your young inner genius has much to contribute to your body of work. When you consciously partner with your young genius, listen to the wisdom from your wounded one, and tap into real-time, practical source(s) of guidance, you are poised for making the biggest difference. YOU matter. Your divine audience is waiting for you! Your Emerging Future beckons!
Welcome, young genius! Welcome, wise woman! Remember that all parts serve, so let’s have a co-creation party!
These are the challenges of our time, to find home, to define home as shared endeavor in service to the life force of our planet. … When so many are struggling to land in a place that can become “home†in the world, how can we, all together, redefine home in a spacious a joy-filled way? How can we stretch the boundaries and definitions of “home†so that it encompasses life and a regenerative place for all? How can we make home a place where no one and no being is “other?â€
I was shaken awake this morning to the noise, vibration and quaking of our house. No earthquake, just the demolishing of a house two doors away, something that has been in process for several weeks, though it seems forever. Up next in the queue: street repaving. So construction season is in high gear, up close and personal.
In the midst of the destruction, the death rattle of what has been, we, too, are working our way out of the rootbound pot. Changes in the air, replantings of monumental proportions. We are not yet in the garden of our becoming. Between there and here, much territory still to traverse.
And always it comes back to trying to make sense of things that don’t make sense. Unplanned new acts. Moving from enchantment to enchantment. Pulling up roots, then sinking them deep. All in the midst of human migrations and flows of refugees from fire, war, scales of disasters that boggle the understanding even as our hearts break for the children and families and beloved animals who are fleeing what once was home. They too are between.
At the summer solstice in mid-2010, a different kind of shaking awake happened when I was on retreat. My friend and teacher, Paul, asked, “We’ve been in Shangri-La during this week together. What happens after? What happens when you go home? How can you take Shangri-La with you?â€
At its most basic level, frequently many of us find ourselves in the conundrum, the re-entry process from the sacred container of retreat or circle back into everyday life. Family. Work. Taking care of things, rather than being taken care of. Attending to others and putting our dreams away with the name tag and the program.
And beyond just the re-entry issues, almost all of us grapple with the slipping away of the numinous, what we have just co-created and experienced in the circle. The sacred most often vanishes when faced with the continuum of complexities and “everyday-ness†of everyday life.
But I did something different when I awakened under the leafy canopy at Lake Geneva. I made a phone call from the beautiful retreat. As I talked to my Beloved of many years, I allowed myself to be utterly gobsmacked by the rain of blessings that was my life, our home, what was awaiting me on my return.
It was a blinding flash of the obvious, and maybe as close to a burning bush as I’m likely to experience: realizing what a sacred, blessed, and grace-filled life that has convened itself around me. I couldn’t begin to control nor even take credit for all the goodness. I breathed in. I allowed a geyser of joy and appreciation to flow through me, to express itself through the phone.
Like Hemingway, only writing of Paris once he was no longer there, this realization came when I was away from the garden, the Beloved, children, pet, kitchen, the photos, artworks, all the books…I was away.
While the stories of others’ uproot-ment, by choice or not, plays across our screens daily, the whole idea of home is coming into sharp relief. Like so many ideas, this one is up for re-imagining.
My friend and MasterHeart partner, Dawn, suggested we delve into Home as an archetype. Is now the time of its ripening, readying itself for redefinition, another look-see? Delving into “home†in all its permutations, being in a dialogue with the Archetype of Home, these are the next steps, conditions for moving forward.
These are the new challenges of our time, to find home, to define home as shared endeavor in service to the life force of our planet. And from there, to discover and reconnect with the inner home, the Shangri-La within.
When so many are struggling to land in a place that can become “home†in the world, how can we, all together, redefine home in a spacious a joy-filled way? How can we stretch the boundaries and definitions of “home†so that it encompasses life and a regenerative place for all? How can we make home a place where no one and no being is “other?â€
This all unfolds for me in the particularity of considering rootedness just in time to release the rootbound life of a long-time home.
Still, something called our name just now. And I am learning slow and fast on a continuum of letting go, releasing, that Shangri-La resides within, is ever-present, all-encompassing, and divinely inspired.
I realize that those of us with the ability to choose have not only blessings, but also are called to give back. For many, there are plenty of more basic issues at stake — like when people don’t have enough to eat, when their children are killed, when there isn’t water to drink, when homes have been destroyed in whatever way the destruction plays out. All are called to home that will look rather different from what went before.
We need to feed the hungry and give shelter to those who don’t have it. And we also need to share the space for a dream for all, and a dream that encompasses us, the plants, animals, and all the sacred interconnections of life on and with the planet, Mother Gaia. We are partners and co-creators together. This is the secret, and love is the key. Love dissolves fear. How and where can you step into love, allowing the fear to dissolve?
What if Shangri-La is portable, like the Paris of Hemingway, and a Moveable Feast?
What if the sacred portals and roots everyone is seeking out there, are really ever-present and available within?
What if… between there and here, we connect in with the deepest part of us, to discover the malleability of the home inside each of us?
What if I wrote a love letter to my Divine Audience?
Before I do, it’s time to acknowledge Jeffrey Davis of #TrackingWonder. This is part of a mid-2015 challenge, #DareToExcel #1of1 and number 1 is considering a #BurningQuestion. Specifically, “What burning question of possibility will influence what & how you create during the next 30 to 90 days?“ There’s one for me, above, and one for you, below.
Plus a bunch of bonus “What ifs…?” to play with as jump-starters for your own sacred vision quest.
About that love letter… It sounds something like the following.
My Beloved,
What if … the impossible really does take just a little bit longer?
Lean in here with me. Consider if that which looks impossible and appears unlikely, is the game we play to strengthen our ability to give birth to the Great Work that is ours to do in this great shared playground.
Sixteen years ago, at the beginning of July, I started a new chapter, leaving behind a corporate job in publishing. Did I ever imagine what has transpired? And how long it has taken to feel like myself, and finally to write from a place of interconnection, inner and outer, you and me, in community, with collaboration and with sacred solitude …
I sing to you, darling and beloved multi-faceted creator, as you inhabit the murky land of the crossroad, the tumbled place called the #ChaosOfReinvention. There, seemingly in the void, your purpose, essence, your very BEING — all of these bump up against the DO-ing of your Great Work, the creative you, creating life as art and work as art in this world of a billion paradoxes.
You know you are here to make a difference.
How do I see you?
I see the difference you ARE making by showing up. It’s revealed in the poetry of your presence, your healing, your art-making, your art-full life of cooking and reading, children, beloveds, and fur-companions, writing, singing, meditating, dancing, dreaming, making home, building, nurturing, nourishing, flourishing in your full-sensory goodness.
You ARE the difference you came here to make. My deep joy is seeing you, hearing you, and amplifying the YOU that is coming forth as apprentice to the Great Work that’s also coming forth. And all of it along a path of joy that’s both sustainable and sustaining — and no longer just out of reach.
When something isn’t fully aligned, there is discomfort, even pain.
Finding a way to honor your integrity and deep compassion, your vision and joy and divine spark, your commitment to life in all its sacred interdependencies, has ignited a flame of yearning so powerful in your tender heart that you are compelled to address it.
Take a moment at this #InterDependenceDay to consider what is beyond the edge of your current vision. Beyond activating the vision, ponder what more is possible when you step into the knowing of what is calling to be created next, what longs to be born as your next art-full creation in the world.
If this is you, sweet and often solitary maker-of-art, ask yourself if the following are next up on your menu of life-as-art-making:
* Creating a new story
* Birthing the next version of your gifts
* Putting rooted resonance and strong foundations under visionary and paradigm-shifting new approaches and processes
* Cultivating your change agency — clarifying your purpose, why you are here, and how you are meant to change and bless your Divine Audience
* Authoring the next narrative to uplevel your and others’ expression in the world
* Fresh iterations of your purpose, message, art, and work in the world
The book of your gifts and infinite potential hovers nearby, accessible to you in the #MultiVerse. Reach out, grasp this fist full of shadows, and dream them into being.
You are one intrepid explorer. Here, one-by-one, a community of conscious co-creators assembles, finding nourishment and connection, sustenance like an oasis and clear spring for a thirsting traveler.
Like-hearted. Full-sensory. Healing-intent-focused. Sacred impeccability. Book-writing. Message-expanding. Co-creating a world that works for all. Co-creative and collaborative community.
For I see in your story the fractal essence of my journey.
You are smart and multi-tiered, a complex, many-faceted, and deep-thinking visionary-creator on many levels. You are change-maker and shero, delving deeply into the inner energies, the emergent of what-is-yet-to-be. Determined to bring it forth and make the difference (finally) that you were called here for.
Rebel and trailblazer, purposeful and art-full, a dash of entrepreneurial crossed with maverick, a journeyer and healer, heart-infused, soul-based: You are someone who stayed well-hidden wearing protective coloration, navigating an uneasy alliance with parts that felt fraudulent, unworthy, not enough. And an outer world that didn’t get it (you) on so many levels.
I, too, have walked the path of trying to do practical things and gaining no traction. I see you and know the heartache of dreams untended because the siren songs of distraction became overwhelming. Or dreams tended that don’t bring themselves out into the world.
Here are some of the “What ifs … ” to consider
I ponder these for me, for you, for all of us called to the path of purposeful messenger, change-maker, sage-hearted evoutionary. These “What if …” questions are the coin of the realm for the Creator. Examine these “What ifs…” and tailor them to your own inquiries.
* What if the creating you’re called to do now or next, whether it’s writing, authoring, art-making, book-creation, blog-building, curricula-writing, speaking, even marketing, can carry the energetic essence of the healing imprint you’re here to offer?
* What if the stuckness was simply a message to yourself about connecting in with all levels of your being in the most perfect timing for your essence to come forth?
* What if you could connect with a gentle yet spacious container for creating your book (or web site or speaker’s sheet or …?), in a creation process deeply connected with your inner psyche, your gifts, your sources of guidance? And finally come out with the words that connect deeply to the heart of your people, words you didn’t even know you knew?
* What if you could bring mind, body, spirit, heart essence and soul-purpose all to play together at your creative table?
* What if you connected with a foundation of purpose, magnified mindfulness, amplified your conscious intent, in partnership with a guide through the depths of creation process that is calling to your yearning? And then bringing it all back out into the manifest world?
* What if you could magnetize your very being into deep and purposeful alignment with your change-making vision for your creation?
* What if you felt both free yet supported, liberated yet in safe and sacred partnership to create from that place where you allow your wisdom and the process to have its way with you?
* What if your process for connecting your story with the heart of your people and their yearning nourished you and them?
* What if engaging with your people was a sacred trust?
* What if surrender and trust were your watchwords?
* What if you really surrendered and really trusted?
* What if it IS really finally SAFE to bring your sage-hearted creations into the light of day?
* What if you could do what you do in a co-creative and collaborative container, while being seen into the YOU you are here to be?
* What more is possible if you bring it alive through the magic of “What if…” and it is so?
Are you willing to breathe into what more is possible? Can you entertain the possibility that the impossible might indeed be possible with TLC and a re-frame? How about holding a new, shiny “What if…” in your heart of hearts that yearns to believe the impossible only takes bit longer?
Divine creator, you, consider these. Explore. Inquire. Hold the infinite possibility that you are right now strengthening your ability to give birth to your Great Work, whatever is yours to do. And don’t do it alone!
I’d love to connect for a conversation if that seems like a fun next step. Email me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to inquire about setting a time for conversation.
You are loved, and you ARE love!
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
P.S. Or consider joining me for a deep immersive creative vision quest on the train journey playshop from Chicago to Albuquerque. Read more at the link and contact me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to learn more.
Are you being called to create some space in your life this summer to move a dream forward? Is it time to create, to give yourself permission to explore what is longing to be born through your creative self? I’d like to invite you into the year’s Creator’s Vision Quest by Train!
Some of the wisdom teachers who will accompany us …
Do you remember the spell of possibility every time you connected up with track nine-and-three-quarters? It was the Hogwarts Express, and magic was afoot. This summer, step into your own magical, liminal creative space.
In summer 2014, I did a workshop for creators in transition, getting all of us started on Creating What Matters. This year, we are taking to the rails to continue and grow those dreams of creation.
On Sunday, August 2, I am leading an intrepid group of bold creators on a 25-hour creative deep dive on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief, traveling from Chicago to Albuquerque.
For me, it’s a long-time dream, to lead a group of dreamers, creators, truth-tellers on a train journey — an intensive immersion into dreams, creativity, and bringing forth the purposeful great work inside you. Do you feel called?
At Wolf Prairie, Cook County Forest Preserve, just outside Chicago. Connect to the sacred land as we travel through it.
We will consider both landscape and dreamtime, though they are not separate. We’ll connect with the inner child who loves adventures. We’ll examine what gets in the way and how to consciously partner with blocks, obstacles, and stuckness. There will be a pre-journey playbook, time for 1-on-1 conferences about where you’re stuck or where you want to take your next body of work, opening and closing ceremonies, playing the Lightning Dreamwork game, and much more.
You’ll experience a spacious and regenerative deep dive into the heart of your own creations. It’s a chance to jump-start your creative process and get traction on a project: new body of work, course, workshop, or book. You might even decide to shape your life and its next phase as a work of art!
Here’s the invitation: Allow yourself to surrender into a creative dream world with the gentle click and motion of the train. We’re adding movement to the sacred container for generating a palpable momentum, infusing your creations with new energy. 25 hours (If the train’s on time…)
The investment is $225.00 for the immersive workshop (Train fare not included). Please email me at jasbjm(at)earthlink(dot)net to set up a phone conversation to see if this is the best step for you. OR text me at 773-263-7914 for more details.
A few words from your guide, Bobbye Middendorf:
I journey with sage-hearted collaborators, evolutionaries, messengers, visionaries, and change-agents as a powerful voice and advocate for the practical results they get through deep dives.
We walk together through the chaos of reinvention to co-create their evolving core messages, giving voice to the vision of their purposeful Great Work while revealing their wisdom in words they didn’t know they knew.
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
In late October, I joined a 5-month journey with Susanna Maida, a course called “Connect with the Soul of Your Business, Create the Body of Your Work,” an in-depth, intimate experience for a small number of sage-hearted evolutionary women. By the end of our time together, this image and poem came together as a message to me from the Soul of my Business, pointing to a unique way of taking a stand in the world on behalf of the women with whom I am here to co-create.
Would you like to bring your Great Work forward into the world, give birth to it, shape it into something that will stand on its own in the outer world?
You are in my Divine Audience if you self-identify as purpose-preneur or wisdompreneur, as visionary, sage-hearted evolutionary, and purposeful messenger needing to communicate, yet find the words seem just out of reach. You are ready to share your blessing into the world, even as you thirst to co-create a world that works for everyone:
You’re ready to give voice to your vision in a new way, to put words to your wisdom, and to call in your divine audience for your own Great Work. And because it’s not coming, you feel in a dark place, facing resistance, obstacles, and blocks that seem to keep you stuck.
Often you find “marketing” a stumbling block because it’s presented in a way that separates you from your heart and your way of working, showing up, and being in the world. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Would you like a Secret Weapon on your side?
Let’s see if it is our time to collaborate to co-create and communicate your Great Work. Email me at jasbjm (at) earthlink (dot) net to schedule a Synergy Session call.
In the midst of many activities, I risk both the showing up and the not showing up, then eventually showing up late. Is this more about taking a stand for completion? Is it the risk of sham participation or is it the shame of not fully engaging in a community where my words seem to feel so hollow and small? The community of #Quest2015, convened by, space held by, Jeffrey Davis and the pack over at Tracking Wonder: I mean wow. What stories. What insights. What shining lights into light and into the darkness. What depths this group is going into. Have I disappointed myself, having temporarily abandoned, or rather, lost the thread of participating in the quest?
I have just completed a training on Parts Work for practitioners (inner parts, all parts serve, having regular conversations via Active Imagination). With this new inner “part”-nership awareness emerging, there are shifting relationships among those inner parts.
For me, I am entertaining what conditions will be put in place to be in conscious partnership with a “Pleaser Part.” Offending, disappointing, and abandoning are anathema to that dear part who has worked so hard. So I am inviting my own Pleaser part to consider this. We can decline “opportunities” and situations with kindness, compassion, and grace. We can open the space for more perfect partners to come forth for all parties involved.