Equinox Sacred Circle Event with Bobbye

Celebrate Equinox with Bobbye and other radiant beings. We gather in our Seasonal Sacred Circle with Mama Gaia in her dynamic balance point! It’s autumnal equinox in the North, vernal equinox in the South.

Resilience. Regeneration. All life flourishing.
If you are willing to entertain these pure potentialities, even amidst all the crises, breakdowns, and de-structuring, then you are invited into this Equinox Seasonal Circle for Creators, WayMakers, and Evolutionaries.

Gather with like-hearted, great-hearted beings in a sacred space-time. All are held safely to amplify inner listening and connect with inner wisdom, to be witnessed into wholeness, and to claim potency and possibility as co-creator …

What it is:
I hold a sacred circle space, just ahead of the Equinox. You put yourself into the center of your own circle of “Self-Care Sunday,” as one of my beloved mentors calls it… (Plus the session will be recorded so you can revisit at any point, AND you can come to it in your own perfect timing, if needed.)

You are invited to #InquireWithin to find your own inner dynamic balance, thus to root yourSelf into your own inner landscape for co-creating a new reality. We are called to nothing less than this!

If you know me, have attended one of my seasonal virtual circles before, and you want to reserve time in your schedule:
Details for your calendar:
Sunday, 20 September at 1 PM Mountain DAYLIGHT Time (US)
(Noon Pacific, 2 PM Central, 3 PM Eastern, 8 PM Ireland/British Summer Time )
We will meet on Zoom for 90 minutes. The event will be recorded. The first hour will include at least one centering and/or meditative visualization, plus multiple writing prompts and time to listen to and record YOUR insights and inner wisdom through your writing (or drawing or whatever is your mode of creation). The last (approximately) half hour will be a time to share into our circle, to witness and be witnessed, if you choose.
This seasonal circle is offered on a pay-from-your heart model — explained at this link.

We show up together …
* In conscious partnership with nature, with Mama Gaia, and with cosmic, archetypal forces
* For honoring and appreciating cycles, both macro and micro.
* To dive deeply within, to #NoticeWhatYouNotice, to inquire into and explore where that inquiry takes you.
* As we collectively s-l-o-w w-a-a-y down to finally give that still small voice the spaciousness she needs to be truly heard.

If you resonate, if you feel called, please know that YOUR flavor of expression is welcome:
Write. Doodle. Draw. Paint. Collage. Stitch. Improv with music, toning, sound, movement … You choose the form of your expression! Or make notes during the session so you can take fresh insights back to your studio practice …

It is time. If you are in my circles, know this: we are the ones.

Beloved conscious co-creator, evolutionary edge-walker, trailblazing change catalyst, and WayMaking alchemist: This is you. This is us. This is the time.

Now is our time to gather strength together by inquiring within — together, in a shared and sacred container. We explore the fluidity of balance, nothing static about it, and find that sourcing from within offers the greatest hope, possibility, and stability. Here’s how we do it.

We engage the seeming conundrum of the both-and — exploring depths within AND simultaneously being held in a sacred group container for sharing, strengthening, finding resonance with like-hearted others.

Sunday, 20 September at 1 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Time in your world? Check here. )
via Zoom for 90 minutes, with link sent after you register from-the-heart via PayPal.

> If you choose upliftment …
> If you choose to be a cause, not an effect …
> If you choose to contribute to the radical reality
where all life flourishes …
> If you choose to BE the blessing in support of that reality unfolding…

Choose these! + Strengthen your inner listening & inner wisdom connection! + Immerse within our shared sacred space-time! + Practice inside-out co-creation! + Experience palpable support and witnessing!

These seasonal sacred circles gather like-hearted beings and other allies. Together, we stand as a potent pivot point of co-creation — choosing …
Resilience. Regeneration. All life flourishing.

I invite you to inquire within. Are you called to say yes to you? Tune into your own inner wisdom. You are so welcome into the shared space of this Equinox Seasonal Circle to explore flourishing through dynamic fluid balance.

With love and appreciation,

P.S. Wishing you the blessings of dynamic and fluid balance on your journey — whether or not this is your time to enter the sacred circle.

Bobbye “… has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.” — MD, Ontario

About Bobbye Middendorf, MA

Bobbye serves and supports intuitive, empathic visionaries, evolutionaries, and conscious creators as Spoken Word Alchemist, Yin Arising Mentor, Inner Wisdom Guide, as well as healer, creator, poet, and sacred space holder. Her work expands inner spaciousness and entrains these change catalysts into their inner wisdom field. They root into self-trust that results in co-creating a new reality for all life to flourish.

What is Pay From the Heart?

This Adventure in Sacred Exchange for our Seasonal Sacred Circle Inquiry Invites You to Pay-From-The-Heart 

“Bobbye … has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.” — MD, Ontario

I convene powerful spaces where potent breakthroughs happen each time. Pay-from-the-heart asks you to tune in — to this invitation and within yourself. Where does it land within you?

If this event feels like it will serve you well, then from your intuitive heart will bubble up an amount for our exchange that is appropriate for you. Here are a couple of guidelines that I hope will clarify.

This Adventure in Sacred Exchange is a seasonal circle gathering.
My intent, that it be available to as many as are called to it, means I set a modest threshold — a minimum investment of $8.00. (If this level causes hardship or you are at a place without room for extras, or you wish to propose some other kind of sacred exchange, please contact me directly.)
The basic suggested sacred exchange is $25.00. If you have the wherewithal, $33.00 or more helps to offset my costs and will support me in serving those who are challenged to afford even the modest minimum fees.

Your Zoom link to join will be sent when I receive your PayPal notice. Please make sure I have your current email address so you will receive the recording after the event along with some of my notes, the prompts written out, and other follow-ups from our gathering. At the following link, you can send whatever your heart prompts you.

If you don’t use PayPal, just send me a message or email, and we can arrange an alternative.
Click here for Link for our Sacred Exchange

If the above does not appear as a live link, please copy and paste it into your browser. If you have problems, please email me. Thanks.
You can email me at BJMiddendorf(at)gmail(dot)com

For Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge


3-20-19-Radio-Show---Ep-10---Bobbye-1200x1200-layout743-change-catalysts-at-the-growing-edge-inspired-news-radio-bobbye-middendorf-change-catalysts-podcast-1e8o3c7 copy

You are evolving. Your work is evolving. You may find yourself in a verdant field of “I don’t know.”

Are you comfortable with being immersed in the field of “I don’t know…” ?

You can, you know…

For if you consider, How can you be anyplace else but where you are exactly supposed to be?…
from that place, what else might be possible? What pure potentiality might be trying to peek through the veils?

What if your “I don’t know…” can become a potent and useful message — and place — to lean into?

If this is the case, I invite you to join us on a journey and exploration, this dynamic conversation between two evolving trailblazers.

Listen in as Carol McClelland Fields and Bobbye Middendorf explore what it’s like to “Evolve Your New Work” on Inspired News Radio.

(We share our journey together in episode 10 of Carol’s program / podcast,  “Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge.”)




Sacred Exchange

“Adventures and Experiments in Sacred Exchange”

In partnership with the soul of “Write Synergies Circle with Yin Arising,” (the current iteration of this adventure that some call business), I show up as mentor-catalyst, poet, collagist, and inner wisdom guide. At its radiant heart-center, I give voice to the emergent Yin Arising.

Evolutionaries and visionaries, writers and creators, healers and sensitive, intuitive, empathic souls discover access to their own Sanctuary (inner and outer) when co-creating on the discovery-journey with me.

These shared “Adventures and Experiments in Sacred Exchange” provide visioning for what is beyond old paradigm business and outdated models. For intrepid inner explorers, for radiant souls who want to play, such sensitive, intuitive, empathic beings find deep value in our collaborations. From this co-creative space, visionary creations and awakened consciousness evolve. 

Deep-rooted grounding and presencing practices emerge to hold the space within this sanctuary for souls, stories, synergies, and sovereignty.

From darkness to Light-Turn



Bright Solstice Blessings, Beloved!

At the Solstice, hinge point of the year, our trajectory of dark turns to light in the Northern hemisphere.
Amidst our “return to light” is the Moon shining full on, on 22 December.
From our friends at the Power Path:
Solstice is Friday, December 21 at 3:22 PM MST
Full Moon is Saturday, December 22 at 10:48 AM MST.
In my final “moon message” (on 7 Dec), I said that was the last email to focus
as a “moon message.”
What will emerge from here forward, I do not yet know.
I did, however, promise a gift, and so I come to you in celebration of
December’s Solstice and Full Moon.
Let us honor the diversity and beauty,
all the many ways we return ourselves
to light with ceremony and tradition.
No matter what you celebrate, our honouring
this season-turn offers a chance to reflect on blessings of myriad
It is also a spectacular time to focus on bringing yourself home
to- for- and with- yourself.
On Solstice, Friday evening, 12-21-18, I joined a group of poets in
Placitas, NM.
We read our poems by the light of a single candle.
For everyone, I have made an audio
reading of this poem,
“Whispers of Winter, Dance in Infinite,” as my
gift to you. If you wish to use this as part of your own solstice ceremony, I
invite you to do so. Light a candle, enjoy a cup of tea, and
remember to breathe!
To listen to my poem honouring this time of year, you can listen
streaming here:
To download:
Newness is emerging for me in 2019, so stay tuned. I will be back in touch
once whatever it is, is ready to make itself known. I have been allowing
the organic growth to unfold at its own pace, yet even now I feel a
May you follow and appreciate your own organic growth process
whatever it is and wherever it leads.
Through it all, please know that I am here for you.
Please reach out, send me an email or connect here or via social media if
you have a question or would like to explore
options for getting support for the projects and creations
closest to your heart. An energetic opening of support
is buoying us up and propelling us forward in these times,
ripe for those of us walking the-spiritual-intuitive-evolutionary-path.
Now is the time.
Warmest wishes and bright blessings of love, light, and gratitude on all levels,

Full Moon Resources:

The Power Path

Lissa Boles and The Soul Map:

Full Moon Coherence via HeartMath Institute:
Global Coherence Institute is a project of the HeartMath Institute.
They do a full moon coherence gathering that is open globally.

Please keep in touch with me in any of the following ways.



Bobbye Middendorf    | |   First BE. Then do.
Yin Arising — Creator * Catalyst * Inner Wisdom Guide

via email:
BJMiddendorf(at)gmail (dot) com
“Shine your light in words with purpose.”

Qi Gong with Mother Earth (video)
via Write Synergies Circle for Yin Arising



Bobbye Middendorf, MA, award-winning writer and editor, gives voice to Yin Arising as poet, inner wisdom guide, collage artist, and sovereignty alchemist for creators and evolving souls. Connect with Bobbye where Write Synergies intersects with the perspectives of Yin Arising at:

Write Synergies Circle for Yin Arising





Yin Arising Is Rising

YinArising5-14Wishing you bright blessings of a happy Solstice! Greetings and warm wishes at the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and for the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Whether your days are growing shorter or longer, may you inhabit each present moment with heart-filled engagement.

Although the blossoms of spring have passed, Yin Arising’s potent rising continues to baffle and astound us. At this time of light shining brightly, all of our deepest darkest shadows and assumptions are getting revealed in their heinous toxicity. We each have a role to play, so it really is a  best practice not to make assumptions about others based on surface appearances.

There are hidden synergies at work for clearing, clearing, clearing right now. There’s plenty for each of us to clear — from within first. With that willingness to clear, to become the clear channel for Infinite to work through you (and as you), you become a vessel for change at potent new levels.

With such a commitment, “Synergies” will happen when you show up, whether or not you are aware of them. That said, the more conscious awareness you can bring to this process, the more potent will be your actions in the world. What this world of shadow is calling for more than anything is our pure beingness aligned with love and put into sacred action in the world.

For many years, “Synergies” has been one of my key expressions and concepts for what happens when I show up, creating and doing my work in the world and within. #Synergies, with a focus on “wholes greater than the sum of the parts,” expresses the essential flavor of my approach even before I had a name for it.

#YinArising is a new container that encompasses this work of growing the deep roots of Synergies while being willing to keep the channels cleared — all so that creations of our highest and fullest expression can come forth, the embodiment of pure potentiality.

Bright blessings at the Solstice,





The Long Arc of Deep Listening


Feel Your Flow and “Unstick Yourself” When You Listen from Within

If you are facing blocks, obstacles, challenges that keep you stuck and stop you from giving your gifts or bringing forth a new iteration of your work in the world, then listen up! It’s time for an inner journey. And you do not have to travel it alone.

What we can do so easily for others is not something we can do for ourselves. Have you ever noticed this?

And if you are a creative, sensitive, intuitive, empathic soul, you are probably noticing the noise levels are rising in so many ways in our current environment and situations. The outer noise can be a source of inner stress. That inner stress can shut down the creative flow and even make it hard to hear your own inner wisdom.

An old phrase, “I can’t hear myself think,” applies here. Whether you are trying to think from the head, the heart, or the gut, the external cacophony blocks your ability to listen and to hear with discernment from within.

Without access to that inner listening, you can get stuck.

I support people to listen from within their own depths. What happens when they do, when they take the time to slow down and inquire from within, is nothing short of miraculous. At the end of so many conversations with clients and others, I hear a satisfied sigh of relief.  Time after time, they unstick themselves in the sanctuary of our conversation and time together.

It is rare to be able to do this for yourself, no matter how practiced you are with listening with others — clients, colleagues, friends.

Here is a story, the stand that I take in partnership with my clients and on behalf of colleagues, friends, and co-creators who are with me and walking this path together.


If this sounds delicious, and you have some stuckness around your work in the world and giving your gifts (especially the gifts that you have never felt safe to give before), then let’s schedule a no-obligation conversation to see if our work together is purposeful at this time.

With gratitude for you!


APRIL 2018 UPDATE: P.S. I have an upcoming beta-small-group-class forming right now, April 2018. If you want to talk to me about it, you can send me an email at bjmiddendorf (at) gmail (dot) com.



Build a Relationship with Your Inner Critic

It’s more important than ever to befriend your own inner parts, even if you have never been able to do so before.

Building ongoing relationships with parts of your psyche is much-needed, and the need is magnified in these times we are living in.

What if aligning and befriending YOUR inner parts was a key to world peace? What if world peace starts with inner peace and harmony?

Consider if your role — in this process of upleveling our world to live in love, harmony, and interdependence — is to co-create aligned relationships within first, before you “try” to do the outer world things.

I invite you to ponder what you can do, what more is possible, if you and your Inner Critic (and the many other parts of your psyche) were on good terms with you and with each other. #InnerHarmony

My teacher, mentor, friend, and founder of The True Purpose Institute (True Purpose Community & Training) is reprising the parts work course, Inner Harmony, starting with this no-cost deep dive into understanding and working with the Inner Critic.

Listen at no charge to Tim Kelley‘s conversation with Stephen Dinan about the Inner Critic and other parts of your psyche. You can check out the details at this link (my affiliate link). This is a no-cost intro call. https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/tyic/Synergy



For many of us, our inner critic is THE biggest source of internal suffering — sabotaging real satisfaction, success and joy.

It often seems like the biggest barrier to fulfilling our purpose by undermining our self-confidence and self-esteem.

We may try to silence our inner critic, yet attempting to do so can often backfire.

What if, instead, we could transform our inner critic to an ally?

Tim Kelley will offer a strikingly different approach to working with the inner critic in a free virtual event hosted by The Shift Network: Transforming Your Inner Critic: How to Turn Your Greatest Internal Enemy into an Ally.

m will be sharing a powerful process based on a kind of inner harmonization of voices. If you don’t know Tim, he’s a globally respected change agent and coach who has taught powerful transformation skills to thousands of people — from billionaires to CEOs to coaches to social change agents.

During this call, you’ll discover:

  • The path to creating internal harmony by negotiating with and transforming your inner critic
  • How transforming your inner critic affects your work, relationships and self-esteem
  • Your ability to align any part of yourself (even the parts you detest most) with your higher purpose
  • Why learning to transform and align the different parts of your psyche is absolutely essential if you are a messenger or change agent

If you know that it’s time for you to finally free yourself of the internal war with your inner critic and liberate more energy to create the life you truly desire, I recommend this free call! (recording available at the link)

With love and appreciation,





Say Yes to Your Creator’s Vision Quest

Say Yes to You — for a day of play, dreaming, creating and more. It’s the 2017 version of the Creator’s Vision Quest.


Say Yes to You. Come Play with Me.

Dream. Create. Heal.

 …on a Creator’s Vision Quest Immersion for sensitive, empathic, intuitive souls


I dream a world of sacred sanctuary, communion, co-creation, and profound self-honoring in beautiful interdependence and love with all life. I stand for the regenerative life force energies of Qi/Chi. I honor your wholeness always.

Say yes if you are ready to…

* Step into a world where dream and purpose, living your bliss, and mystic spirituality walk together in practical shoes.

* Come to walk the land, photograph, collage, write, and experience Qi Gong with Mother Earth.

* Dream forward into your emerging future.

Together, we find your path to Inner Spaciousness — from inside out. “Start close in,” as poet David Whyte says, to engage with what is next and “What now?” for your work, gifts, and creations to be shared into this crazy world.

Your Vision Quest might look like playing in collage to illuminate your dreams or taking your inquiry to a Medicine Walk on the land. Or maybe it is time to dive deep to discover your purpose and how to bring it alive.

Your bigger story is hunting you. These are the ways to listen, to awaken, to partner with the new and emerging story that is yours to live. Now.

For a no-obligation conversation and to inquire into this Creator’s Vision Quest Immersion, please contact me by leaving a message on my FB page.

With love and appreciation,
~ Bobbye








Purpose and Regeneration: Keys to the New Story

The Regenerative Possibilities of Purpose:

Build Invisible Infrastructures for Birthing Humanity’s New Story

Connecting to higher purpose, a linchpin of regeneration, encompasses both definitions of regenerative: “To regenerate is to ‘create anew, give new life, new energy, to revitalize’. In a spiritual sense, it means to undergo a conversion or rebirth.”

Stone circle mandala grounds the new, emerging story of Regeneration + Purpose.
Stone circle mandala grounds the new, emerging story of Regeneration + Purpose.

For me, taking responsibility wasn’t the problem. If anything, I take too much responsibility for things that aren’t mine. For example, “First, do no harm,” although meant for doctors, has been one of my guiding principles. Yet in our culture, great harm has been done, and continues to be, on many levels. We are all complicit in this harm, just by being living members of society.

In everyday life, as well-intentioned and sustainable as I tried to be, (recycling, subscribing to a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm, composting, biking or walking where possible), it still seemed puny. “Sustainable” is the commonly-assumed concept, yet it’s inadequate to the challenges we face. We need an upleveled understanding. Our world calls us forth, calls forth regeneration.

On another level, through a Qi Gong practice, I began consciously connecting with the Qi Field, a field of shared consciousness, intent, and life force energy. In service to this greater perspective of “wholeness” and interconnectivity of all life, it felt like a much more regenerative place, albeit working at an invisible energetic level.

Weaving these together, a mantra emerged. I regularly share it with clients and on teams: “Both-And.” It encompasses doing the most you can to leave the planet a better place, as best you can, in the outer world. At the same time, it invites a conscious cultivation of energy and pure intent for wholeness in service to all life thriving. Both are needed. While neither one alone is sufficient, I realized that even together, something was still missing.

Fire and water, air and earth: All are needed, working together in synchronicity for the good of the greater whole.

Sunset crossing the Mississippi River by train to Fort Madison, IA
Sunset crossing the Mississippi River by train to Fort Madison, IA


Purpose Enlivens and Completes Both-And

The missing link that uplevels and reweaves new synergies is the concept of “living your higher purpose,” or, as it’s phrased in the subtitle to Tim Kelley’s bestseller, True Purpose, “…Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make.”

Since 2011, I’ve volunteered on collaborating co-creative teams behind-the-scenes at the True Purpose® Institute, the organization founded by Tim Kelley to share this body of purpose work. Starting in 2011, the organization started developing a collaborative ownership structure while co-creative teams worked on marketing and developing new courses.

Reorganizing into co-creative collaboration created the business anew after several years of a more traditional hierarchical structure. Now its presence in the world manifests purposeful, new paradigm practices.

In this, the organization takes on the qualities of a living organism. It’s growing through interconnections and symbiosis while periodically updating its purpose statements in partnership with the greater True Purpose® community. As it lives into the definition of regenerate, to ‘create anew, give new life, new energy, to revitalize,’ it embodies high purposeful expression.

Beyond that, at the heart of this True Purpose® process, is training people to consciously connect in with their own source of guidance. From someplace within or outside them, depending on the individual’s belief system, they tap into the invisible realms of either the psyche or the spiritual world.

Experimentally holding the possibility that something — universal or personal, inside or greater-than-you — knows your purpose and can tell you, is a hallmark of the True Purpose® process. It can be a personal or psychological inner part of you, for example, your soul. It can be a universal source that knows the purpose of us all. (e.g., God, Buddha, Universe) Or it can be outside and particular to you, like your guardian angel or wise ancestors.

Thousands of people over the past decade have used this process and connected with a source of guidance that knows their purpose. Making such a connection and being able to find and live “why you are here,” can be experienced as akin to “undergo[ing] a conversion or rebirth,” the spiritual frame of regeneration.


From here, what more is possible?

What if you were able to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are, we all are, profound healers on some level? That you came here for a higher purpose? That you can actually discover and live it? (Not everyone chooses to, of course!)

This path of higher purpose invites you to tune in energetically to realms of wisdom, including apprenticing to wisdom that you have a unique access to. It invites you to bring this wisdom whole and complete into practical partnerships of regenerative co-creation.

Purpose can generate powerful and practical results. Beyond today’s results, the True Purpose® process outlines a proven way to continually and ongoingly uplevel and regenerate ourselves and our businesses, relationships, organizations, and messages.

It is our sacred opportunity to bring body, mind, spirit, heart, and soul, into regenerative and conscious dialogue with profound wisdom from a source of guidance we trust. Purpose, approached in this way, magnifies interconnections and regenerates all life. It supports all weavers of the energy threads between the Qi Field and your own garden, business, and life.


I’m curious. What is your regenerative go-to when it’s time to replenish your body, mind, and spirit? Where do you go to regenerate your work, your world?


Tim Kelley, founder and leader, initiated a collaboratively co-created enterprise for the True Purpose® Institute in 2011 after several years of a more traditional business structure. (More details about the Institute at http://TruePurposeInstitute.com). In a major shift from the Founder-Leader-Owner-led hierarchical model, he assembled an “owner team.” The team works together using the process of a “Collaborative Operating System,” (more details about this specific methodology at http://thecos.com). They also use Tim’s methodology called True Purpose® to build an organization that lives into its own highest (and evolving) purpose. Tim, meanwhile, is called beyond the company he founded, to support large organizations, systems, and countries to find the higher purpose of these institutions. (Details about Tim Kelley here: http://newparadigmgloballeader.com)




Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.
Bobbye Middendorf, Poet of Pure Potentiality, is your visionary (yet grounded) guide, a combination sounding-board and wordsmith.

About Bobbye Middendorf

She’s ambassadress of #SpiritIntoForm, co-creating with Love, Spirit, Purpose, & Guidance to bring #LoveIntoForm with words, images, & purposeful projects. A lifelong conscious collaborator, Bobbye has volunteered as collaborative partner with the True Purpose® Institute since 2011 and is training as a True Purpose® coach.

Healing and co-creating along the Purpose path, she’s mentor, sounding board, and collaborator with Regenerators, those ready to wake up, show up, and follow through on the guidance they’re receiving for co-creating a world that works for all life.

She guides her divine audience to “shine your light in words with purpose.” She leads them to master the art of life & livelihood by nourishing the creative soul & reconnecting with the sacred flow.

Read more at http://www.writesynergies.com, and connect with Bobbye at Write Synergies Circle.