You are evolving. Your work is evolving. You may find yourself in a verdant field of “I don’t know.”
Are you comfortable with being immersed in the field of “I don’t know…” ?
You can, you know…
For if you consider, How can you be anyplace else but where you are exactly supposed to be?… from that place, what else might be possible? What pure potentiality might be trying to peek through the veils?
What if your “I don’t know…” can become a potent and useful message — and place — to lean into?
If this is the case, I invite you to join us on a journey and exploration, this dynamic conversation between two evolving trailblazers.
In partnership with the soul of “Write Synergies Circle with Yin Arising,” (the current iteration of this adventure that some call business), I show up as mentor-catalyst, poet, collagist, and inner wisdom guide. At its radiant heart-center, I give voice to the emergent Yin Arising.
Evolutionaries and visionaries, writers and creators, healers and sensitive, intuitive, empathic souls discover access to their own Sanctuary (inner and outer) when co-creating on the discovery-journey with me.
These shared “Adventures and Experiments in Sacred Exchange†provide visioning for what is beyond old paradigm business and outdated models. For intrepid inner explorers, for radiant souls who want to play, such sensitive, intuitive, empathic beings find deep value in our collaborations. From this co-creative space, visionary creations and awakened consciousness evolve.Â
Deep-rooted grounding and presencing practices emerge to hold the space within this sanctuary for souls, stories, synergies, and sovereignty.
The unseen. The invisible world. The Qi field. The Force.
If you are searching for your own Pole Star outside, stop. You are looking where it will never be found.
Sunset, West Placitas, by Bobbye Middendorf
Do you deal with what is invisible? Powerful, foundational, yet invisible? The formless and energetic precede form, yet are also within the form. We’ve been taught to hunt far and wide in the outer world for hidden treasure. You are one who guides your people to find it within.
Let me ask: If you do this kind of work for and with others, who helps you hold the space for your own deeper dives? The deeper you go, the more challenging it can be to do for yourself and by yourself. You can’t hear what you can’t hear, nor see what you can’t see.
None of us are supposed to travel on this energetic upleveling journey alone.
The energetic shifts in our world are palpable, at least to those of us with heightened sensitivity and cultivated presence of deep empathy. The seemingly irreconcilable polarities are being played out with startling regularity, with the space between the poles seeming to exponentially expand, the time between polarizing events now ever shorter.
What has looked like the “way we do things†is breaking down. It’s easy to want to follow a model, especially when things are breaking down. And that’s exactly the time that the model no longer works, especially if you are looking to rebirth a world that works for all.
From this confusion and crumbling, I want to help wise women like you to connect — and stay connected — to your own North Star, your own inner blueprint — the one that is urging you forward. It’s the core essence of your Great Work, the new story that you are compelled to give birth to in our complex and convoluted world.
The emerging new paradigm in business is calling all of us to show up and partner with it and all the disparate parts in a wholly different way. It calls us to live in a way that regenerates ourselves (in body, mind, and spirit). I sense that this is part of what you are doing, or aiming to do. The work calls to be done in a different way, and in so doing, we become apprentices to this new work, this new way of working, and to ourselves as the Co-Creator.
It, the work, shapes us as instruments for its highest expression and most potent unfolding. That’s not how things have been done in the past. We are walking at the leading edge of new ways of working, including this partnering collaboration and co-creation, all of which is coming forth in unimagined ways.
And the new story that you want to shape and share also includes embracing your people while raising them up– your Divine Audience, your soul tribe. These are the people who will appreciate and resonate with the “honing†that has been done on you through your lifetime(s).
[A Sidebar: Today’s #Quest2016 with Jeffrey Davis’ Tracking Wonder Community features Jennifer Louden with this question to unfurl your 2016:
Your Quest2016 Prompt today:
What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?  Â
What’s the story your just-right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?
I regularly inquire into these two stories, even creating Venn Diagrams to visually map the overlaps.
Your Shero’s Journey
We are hospicing an entire way of life, we who are the midwives of new visions, Way-Showers to many who are taking up the Shero’s Journey (a concept I learned initially from Tamora Pierce and then also via Jen Louden).
Light-Bringers, Path-Seers, Wisdom-Sharers: We are unveiling the new in a way that shares its foundational roots with ancient, long-forgotten paths.
Put your dreams and visions to work, for now is the time. We are being asked to collaborate and co-create in resonant and regenerative community. Are you ready to articulate the song deep in your heart? To tell the new story?
Let us together bring forth from the heart of co-creation YOUR truest inherent value to be of service in creating a world that works for all beings and all life.
Happy Solstice, following the path of the return of the light. Merry Christmas, where the Light of Divine Love is reborn within your soul. Happy New Year as the path unfolds under your feet for another trip around the sun.
In whatever ways you celebrate at this sacred time, I wish you many blessings as you journey.
Kali’s days, in the festival of the Great Mother, Durga Puja, Navratri, are optimal times for clearing. Like Pele’s fierce fiery burning and purification in traditions of Hawai’i, what is available right now is a palpable energy of release. (Here’s the calendar from Kashi Ashram, giving dates for Pujas dedicated to the different Mothers.)
If it no longer serves your highest expression and the highest good for all life, now is a time for letting go. It is releasing the old story so that the burning ground can become the seedbed for the new and emerging stories that we are collectively birthing.
In honor of Pele and Kali, I share this image honoring Volcano, on the Big Island, a memento from my visit in 2011.
Wearing the Fierce Mother: Volcano for Pele and Kali
That 11-11-11 portal was another time of monumental energetic shifts on the planet. From what I’ve been hearing, even more potent shifts are in process for all of us, those who are awake, as well as those who are awakening.
You and I were born for these times. We are the instruments for change forged and honed in the fires of the present moment. The billions of small circles of light, who we are now, illuminate and give shape to an emerging new paradigm.
We are in the lineages of the Mother — across the globe, across space and time, across lifetimes and Universes. The Divine Feminine awakens in men and in women, as the council fires are being reconnected.
We are being invited to Walk the Talk of the emerging Divine Feminine Spirit, in business and elsewhere, as a New Paradigm awakens and comes into being. As us. Through us. With our partnership and conscious intent for regeneration for body, mind, and spirit, across the generations, it emerges in person and networked across the globe, filaments of love connecting the like-hearted everywhere.
We are the co-creators of regenerative projects, unfolding with spacious structures in the rooted and organic rich soil of the tears and blood of generations of silenced, dismissed, destroyed. We arise!
We are invoking the wisdom in the sacred resonance of Silence, herself a face of the Mother.
Timing is everything, and yes, here we are. We are awakened and awakening on this planet right now in a project of awakening together — the likes of which have never before been experienced. So many circles of many-flavored Divine Feminine Wisdom! I am grateful to know you, sisters and brothers connected in our Heart Essence.
Yes, we are the ones who don’t quite know what to make of our fierce gifts, so diverse, so deep, so embodied that words cannot capture the blossoming and luminous radiance never seen before. And because all was not in place before, because it has never been welcome, our conundrum at this time is to offer fearlessly, fully surrendered, with vulnerability and within the perfection of our imperfections — and yes, in sacred exchange.
It is you and me. Together our project is to walk clear-eyed with patience and serenity through the dissolution, then surrender to our becoming numinous, beyond what anyone thought was possible in the human form.
Blessings of the Mother for all who are born of a mother. Together we are awakening the fires of radical transformation.
Has your young genius been lost somewhere along the way?
As this Equinox season unfolds, I invite you to inquire into your own young inner genius, her health, her presence in your life, how she showed up then, and how to invite her back to play, and in particular to enrich the entire fabric of your Great Work that is emerging, that is being called forth from within you.
The following challenge, started earlier in the summer, has continued to tickle my fancy behind the scenes as multiple dimensions and deep levels of change are currently playing out for me.
With acknowledgements to Jeffrey Davis of Tracking Wonder for this summertime #DareToExcel Challenge. This is #3 for #Daredevils and other conscious co-creators.
Take a few minutes to remember a time when you were nine – or around that age – when you felt free to be your best.
Feel an exact moment in time and place. Are you outdoors or indoors? How does the air feel? How do you feel in your body? What are you uniquely doing or making? Who are you with and how are you uniquely relating to others?
Looking back with full compassion toward yourself, what 1-3 adjectives would you use to describe your younger self at her or his best?
These are your 3 Young Genius Qualities.
How can you bring some of those young genius qualities forward to this project?
Share: Post written reflections or the three young genius qualities you commit to bring forward.
So what are my three young genius qualities?
Curiosity. Observing/Listening. Dreaming.
An only child, often left to my own devices, summer was for dreaming and reading, drawing, listening into the stream of imaginary friends who stepped out of the pages of books, magic, daring. Imagining myself as Nancy Drew during languid summers, reading, imagining, dreaming, reading some more. Observing the fireflies and butterflies. Tasting sweet concord grapes, stretched out in the grass made crisp by the summer sunshine. Listening to the crickets and then crackling campfires. Walking in the dark under the stars, hours with markers, and once at a dude ranch — Horses! (That one ultimately didn’t go as I dreamed…but I did learn about cleaning a cast iron skillet with sand on our breakfast trail ride.)
And in partnership with that magical genius child, her shadowy wounded child plays around the edges. Still. She holds loss and grief that was too much to bear then, and now, in a powerful time of change, it’s all being offered up for clearing. Love and loss and grief — all reminders of how it once was and how it all changed so suddenly.
What are your young genius qualities?
If you’re someone with curiosity rarely sated, who deeply appreciates the gifts of listening/observing, who still has a dream percolating inside, let’s see if we are growing in a garden together. (You probably also have a passion for words, images, healing/wholeness, following a spiritual path, and are deeply engaged with purpose.)
I am called to focus on the wise women, women who ardently yearn for a secret weapon to see them through Kali’s fire, the chaos of their reinvention, and onto the other side.
Especially if you are a woman in the third act, you find dreams now impossible to ignore. You need your inner partners, the inner genius child and the wounded one, as well as your connection to a source (or sources) of guidance. And outer collaborators are helpful, if you are ready to take a stand for your new and evolving, highly purposeful, change-the-world body of work (even and especially if it’s not yet fully formed).
As thought partner and sounding board for women in the third act, like you, I hold the space and help you recognize yourself as purposeful change agent, sage-hearted messenger, co-creator of a new paradigm world, and conscious collaborator with the emerging future. You’re ready for connecting in with guidance in real-time and within collaborative co-creative new paradigm spaces.
Harvest Season
At the Equinox, and with the upcoming Harvest Full Moon, (and a lunar eclipse!) big things are shaking loose on so many levels. Have you been feeling these shifts?
You know now is the time to harvest your wisdom. It’s the season for the blueprint of your Great Work to emerge. You are in a place of creative ferment, and clarity seems just out of reach. Articulating the pre-verbal birthing of your new program or book or body of work, you seek the sacred emergent words — words you didn’t even know you knew — and a way to organize and package those gifts and brilliance.
From there, what if you could discover a sacred space, listening for the whispers of your Divine Audience just waiting to be called forth into YOUR circle? Your soul tribe is ready to connect and celebrate the birth of your revelatory manifestation and body of work.
Your young inner genius has much to contribute to your body of work. When you consciously partner with your young genius, listen to the wisdom from your wounded one, and tap into real-time, practical source(s) of guidance, you are poised for making the biggest difference. YOU matter. Your divine audience is waiting for you! Your Emerging Future beckons!
Welcome, young genius! Welcome, wise woman! Remember that all parts serve, so let’s have a co-creation party!
and yet you wonder what that change might look like as we co-create a world that  works for everyone, then you are invited to give your change-maker muscles a workout.
My colleague, founder of the True Purpose Institute, Tim Kelley,  will be sharing his proven vision-clarity process for the first time to a group. It’s all about bringing change-makers and collaborators (like us) into a position to truly “Be the change” we are called to be and create the new paradigms that our society is calling for.  I hope you are able to be my guest on the call. (Or, if you can’t join live, please go ahead and sign up, and you will get the recording.)
It seems especially timely for the state our world is in. We are being called to our highest expression — together!
Because, you see, creating a new vision is a radical act ….
of change agents and change makers. It is far easier to complain about the old paradigm than to create a new one. What currently exists has served to bring us to this point, and it must continue to operate until the new paradigm is sufficiently developed to perform all the necessary functions of society. Making current reality wrong hinders transformation. What is needed is a crystal clear, detailed picture of the transformed world you are working to create.
One of the leading visionaries in the business of transforming  business is my mentor and colleague, Tim Kelley, founder of The True Purpose Institute.  While vision is a best practice in organization development, it’s not always done well. Vision is also of critical importance to change  agents:
One of the key problems in how we are going about the process of changing the world is the lack of a clear vision of what that changed world will look like. Join us at the September Gathering call when we welcome back Tim Kelley to lead us in discussing this crucial topic.
Tim is an acclaimed speaker and author of True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make. He has inspired audiences worldwide with his message of hope and empowerment. Tim has helped many leaders clarify their vision, including international corporations like ING and individual leaders in business and government who are working to transform society. He has transformed entire organizations by working with their executive teams to bring passion and inspiration throughout the work force. Tim has never spoken to public groups before about this vision clarity process.  You won’t want to miss it!
Things you will learn:
The two different types of visions that are applicable to change agents and change-oriented organizations
Specific methods for creating powerful visions
Best practices for wording vision statements
What to do with vision statements (they usually just sit on a shelf and gather dust)
The things you will learn on this call will be applicable to your work on yourself as a change agent, your work with individual clients, and work you do with teams and organizations.  Even if you already do work professionally with vision statements, we guarantee that you will learn something new on this call!
Just fill in your contact and email address in the fields on the right-hand side of the page. You will receive the call-in details as well as a post-call link to listen again, or if you can’t make the call live.
In shared vision for a world that works for everyone,
Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality “Shine your light in words.”
P.S. I’ve been an active collaborator with teams that make up The True Purpose Institute for two years. This is a fresh and exciting process that Tim has only used within private client interactions.
P.P.S.  This call series does not have a cost attached, although there is a way to “pay it forward,” if you choose.  If you use the link included in this email, and choose later to purchase a course or training from The True Purpose Institute, I may receive a small thank-you referral  fee.
So what’s with this new paradigm versus old paradigm business conversation?
Arguably business is the one institution on the planet with the power to change things for the better. How can you and I help business live up to its highest potential and shift things for the better?
My friend, colleague and mentor, Tim Kelley, is convening a series of video conversations about the changes that will lead us toward positive practices and results that emerge from ‎New Paradigm Business. He invites all of us to play, because each and every voice contributes to the change that’s possible when we all collaborate.
Tim says, “Business is the key to creating a better society for all, but the current paradigm won’t get us there.”
Please join me in this crucial conversation convened by Tim Kelley.
It will also include an upcoming series of interviews with New Paradigm Business Leaders. All at no cost.
Everyone is invited to play!
Because this shift is at the heart of our purpose — why so many of us are on the planet right now. Together, we CAN make a bigger difference! Together we will be exploring the old paradigm of business (What isn’t working) as well as the building blocks and initial vision for co-creating this new paradigm of business.
If you are at all curious as to what is possible, if you wonder what it means for your team, your organization and (ultimately) for our shared world, you won’t want to miss this no-cost educational video series. For more details and to sign up to be notified of each new short video, you can explore and sign up at this link:
I’m playing full-out to support this shift, and gathering circles of people ready, willing, and able to give birth to various aspects of this new, emerging paradigm. We can only make change happen at this magnitude by partnering and working together.
Won’t you please join me and listen in?! It’s an easy first step if you are curious about what it might look like to do your part in bringing about this new paradigm in business.
Wishing you all the courage you need to BE the change you wish to see in the world,