Celebrate Equinox with Bobbye and other radiant beings. We gather in our Seasonal Sacred Circle with Mama Gaia in her dynamic balance point! It’s autumnal equinox in the North, vernal equinox in the South.
Resilience. Regeneration. All life flourishing.
If you are willing to entertain these pure potentialities, even amidst all the crises, breakdowns, and de-structuring, then you are invited into this Equinox Seasonal Circle for Creators, WayMakers, and Evolutionaries.
Gather with like-hearted, great-hearted beings in a sacred space-time. All are held safely to amplify inner listening and connect with inner wisdom, to be witnessed into wholeness, and to claim potency and possibility as co-creator …
What it is:
I hold a sacred circle space, just ahead of the Equinox. You put yourself into the center of your own circle of “Self-Care Sunday,†as one of my beloved mentors calls it… (Plus the session will be recorded so you can revisit at any point, AND you can come to it in your own perfect timing, if needed.)
You are invited to #InquireWithin to find your own inner dynamic balance, thus to root yourSelf into your own inner landscape for co-creating a new reality. We are called to nothing less than this!
If you know me, have attended one of my seasonal virtual circles before, and you want to reserve time in your schedule:
Details for your calendar:
Sunday, 20 September at 1 PM Mountain DAYLIGHT Time (US)
(Noon Pacific, 2 PM Central, 3 PM Eastern, 8 PM Ireland/British Summer Time )
We will meet on Zoom for 90 minutes. The event will be recorded. The first hour will include at least one centering and/or meditative visualization, plus multiple writing prompts and time to listen to and record YOUR insights and inner wisdom through your writing (or drawing or whatever is your mode of creation). The last (approximately) half hour will be a time to share into our circle, to witness and be witnessed, if you choose.
This seasonal circle is offered on a pay-from-your heart model — explained at this link.
We show up together …
* In conscious partnership with nature, with Mama Gaia, and with cosmic, archetypal forces
* For honoring and appreciating cycles, both macro and micro.
* To dive deeply within, to #NoticeWhatYouNotice, to inquire into and explore where that inquiry takes you.
* As we collectively s-l-o-w w-a-a-y down to finally give that still small voice the spaciousness she needs to be truly heard.
If you resonate, if you feel called, please know that YOUR flavor of expression is welcome:
Write. Doodle. Draw. Paint. Collage. Stitch. Improv with music, toning, sound, movement … You choose the form of your expression! Or make notes during the session so you can take fresh insights back to your studio practice …
It is time. If you are in my circles, know this: we are the ones.
Beloved conscious co-creator, evolutionary edge-walker, trailblazing change catalyst, and WayMaking alchemist: This is you. This is us. This is the time.
Now is our time to gather strength together by inquiring within — together, in a shared and sacred container. We explore the fluidity of balance, nothing static about it, and find that sourcing from within offers the greatest hope, possibility, and stability. Here’s how we do it.
We engage the seeming conundrum of the both-and — exploring depths within AND simultaneously being held in a sacred group container for sharing, strengthening, finding resonance with like-hearted others.
Sunday, 20 September at 1 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Time in your world? Check here. )
via Zoom for 90 minutes, with link sent after you register from-the-heart via PayPal.
> If you choose upliftment …
> If you choose to be a cause, not an effect …
> If you choose to contribute to the radical reality
where all life flourishes …
> If you choose to BE the blessing in support of that reality unfolding…
Choose these! + Strengthen your inner listening & inner wisdom connection! + Immerse within our shared sacred space-time! + Practice inside-out co-creation! + Experience palpable support and witnessing!
These seasonal sacred circles gather like-hearted beings and other allies. Together, we stand as a potent pivot point of co-creation — choosing …
Resilience. Regeneration. All life flourishing.
I invite you to inquire within. Are you called to say yes to you? Tune into your own inner wisdom. You are so welcome into the shared space of this Equinox Seasonal Circle to explore flourishing through dynamic fluid balance.
With love and appreciation,
P.S. Wishing you the blessings of dynamic and fluid balance on your journey — whether or not this is your time to enter the sacred circle.
Bobbye “… has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.†— MD, Ontario
About Bobbye Middendorf, MA
Bobbye serves and supports intuitive, empathic visionaries, evolutionaries, and conscious creators as Spoken Word Alchemist, Yin Arising Mentor, Inner Wisdom Guide, as well as healer, creator, poet, and sacred space holder. Her work expands inner spaciousness and entrains these change catalysts into their inner wisdom field. They root into self-trust that results in co-creating a new reality for all life to flourish.