On Connections and Disconnections

Creating results greater than the sum of the parts (Synergies) implies that you are making connections.

For part of January, our broadband was down. The disconnection seemed profound at the time. For more than a week, I was more distracted by the disconnect than even the distractions of being connected. I managed to do work by cobbling together time with my laptop at various outlets with WiFi, cafes, the library, until finally home base was back live. So there’s deep gratitude for the connection, but also awareness of just how hooked I am to this world of online connections.

Worried about the disconnect, it seemed overwhelming to give myself over to creating, to the projects that begged for attention. This made me aware of online connection as a kind of addiction.  Here are several lessons that arose from the disconnect:

  • Be aware of, and wary of, your addictions.
  • Learn the backup systems and have several options in place.
  • Call for help sooner.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t connect. You’re probably not missing much anyway.
  • Step out into the real world and do analogue for awhile as a refreshing break.
  • Make your connections in other ways. Remember face to face?

Shortly after our outage, I had the great fortune of taking a yoga session for “the seasoned body” with a master teacher and friend. The reconnections that the class sparked within were amazing. How disconnected I had been from my own body, even though it is the vessel for doing things in this world. Going through the stretches, releases, and alignments, I suddenly felt like I’d rediscovered a connection, a vein of creative flow.  The body disconnect was not even something that I noticed!

As my friends and mentors, Judith and Jim say, “Because it’s all in the connection.” That’s their email signature, and a profound statement of the soft sell marketing approach that is also their signature.

As I write this on the newly designed blog (the old theme seemed to have a vulnerability and a page of mine was hacked/hijacked), I am happily connected and also reaching out to make connections. It’s better than being disconnected.  But that said, it seems like the last lesson needs to be: Make the occasional conscious  decision to disconnect so that you can give yourself over to the creative projects and manifesting the gifts and greatness that are the living embodiment of “Living Your Legacy!”

Linchpin’s Message: Own Your Genius and Live It

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

So asks Seth Godin in his latest bestseller, Linchpin. I could go on and on about it. In fact, I have pages of notes, quotes, and inspirations. His latest is an impassioned plea for all of us to recognize our genius and use it — specifically in the workplace.  There’s a lot in here that dovetails with the message of “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness,” of living your legacy and sharing your gifts with the world.

Seth Godin is speaking directly to the hearts of millions of dispirited working folk who walk around half alive most of the time because they thought their whole self was not welcome at work.

But stirring things up the way he does can be scary when so much in the work world is becoming commodified. (That old race to the bottom, lowest-cost goods and services achieved by finding the cheapest labor.) But some people and businesses manage to sidestep that commodification.

The story we’ve all assumed is that customers want the cheapest stuff. But maybe there’s a crack in that facade.  Don’t we see at least a few who are wanting something extraordinary in their customer experience as well? Some customers even seem willing to pay for that something “extra,” the unique and human, the creative, the “art.”

Seth Godin highlights that something extra as “emotional labor,” (from the work of Arlie Hochschild) and points out that this “emotional labor” may be the one thing that we are most suited to  provide. We are potentially geniuses, due in no small part to the emotional labor, the connections we make, the tenor of our interchanges when we allow our brilliant selves to shine. Yes, we have to come out of hiding and invisibility.

The “emotional labor” that we put into what we create becomes the basis of the art of our lives and work, the basis of the new maps of the territory that are so needed, the much-needed emotional connection in the exchanges of our work lives. Sounds good.

BUT for the Resistance. The heart of the book, the longest chapter, and the one Seth Godin actually “begs” his readers to read, is “The Resistance,” running 49 pages. Why do we regularly and systematically fall back to the old, seemingly “safe” habits of invisibility, of not standing out? He attributes this problem to what he terms “the lizard brain,” that has seen to our survival as a species for hundreds of thousands of years.

And this is exactly what we don’t need to do now. The lizard brain is leading people down the wrong path — the path of busywork, of doing what doesn’t matter, and not producing much of anything that does matter because we are so intent on keeping our heads down and staying invisible.

Seth Godin has trained himself to ignore the “lizard brain” and “ship.”  “Shipping,” in this context, is getting the work out there. I’ve been in business for myself for a decade now.  It’s moderately easier to “ship” as a solo — Getting the client work done and out there. It’s also somewhat easier to stand out as a solo and harder to hide. It’s much easier to take Seth Godin’s message to heart, because as solos, we are our own team. We have to create the gifts and the art, the indispensability as we serve our people, our “Tribes,” a term I’ve embraced from Seth Godin’s previous book of the same name.

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

The publisher I worked for (before my foray into the entrepreneurial life) published some books from Seth Godin’s original book packaging company, eventually some by Seth Godin himself.  This decade-old connection reminds me that we in corporate businesses and entrepreneurial ventures alike have been holding our collective breaths, waiting for permission to show up fully.  We’ve been hiding out. Someone has pulled back the curtain on Oz. And it’s time to stop hiding.

Revel in the gifts of insight, the art, the perspectives that Seth Godin shares in his most personal book to date. The message ties back beautifully to one of his blog posts, “You Matter.”  Read it. It’s powerful. I mentioned this post in my blog earlier too.

The sign of a great book: Like a jazz combo, lots of improv and riffs flow from the central starting point.  That’s a big part of the gift that Seth Godin has made to us at the beginning of this new decade.  In his own blog and those of his circle and tribe, the ideas continue to flow, to be refined, discussed. We experience the concepts in motion, with people taking action, mobilizing around the insights to bring them off the page and into the office, taking things further.  It’s his gift, and it’s a big one. Get the artifact  — the book Linchpin — and enjoy the gifts. Don’t forget to continue the conversation.

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

( If you click, you will be taken to the book’s Amazon page where I, as an affiliate, will get a small referral percentage if you purchase.)

More full disclosure: I was among the early recipients of the book to review in exchange for a donation to the Acumen fund.  Admittedly,  I’m late in “shipping” this commentary/riff/review.  But I hope that won’t stop you from exploring the gift that Seth Godin is offering. It’s high time we bring our whole selves to our work, and truly give our gifts and own our greatness.

Writers: Smart Start Tips for 2010

Writers, what’s on your list for 2010?  Is this the year you will complete the book, start the novel or memoir, really put your writing self “out there?”

Beware of trying to do everything at once—or biting off a big project only to see it fizzle before it ignites!  Many experts recommend that you make changes slowly and work to make positive habits a permanent part of your life.

Try this!
Select your top writing or other creative project.  Commit to make small but consistent progress toward a mini-goal.  Consider a doable “page a day” to build momentum on your book. (Many days, you’ll continue beyond a page!) If you want to, use the comments here at Write Synergies Copywriting to report on your progress.

You’ll experience permanent shifts by creating new habits in your writing process.  By creating do-able positive new habits, over a period of 2-3 months, you’ll see progress.  Think of these as baby steps to reach that mini-milestone you’ve identified.

Yes, you do need the big vision goal as the powerhouse and ultimate destination. But tied to that, you need daily do-able actions. These can be most effective when you take a “process” approach. As Dan Millman once said, “A little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing.” With writing, this is more than just a truism.

When you have solidified those habits and made progress toward your milestone, pick the next item to address or create a new mini goal in an area you are already working on.  (A blog? A regular ezine? Fiction as well as nonfiction?)

Then repeat the process of introducing simple, do-able steps that will help you make the changes (and your progress toward completion) a permanent and ongoing part of your life.  You are installing and creating new long-term writing habits that naturally lead to your desired results.

By developing new habits that inch you toward your writing goals, you are on the path to be able to share your gifts and greatness.  This is the journey we are on together, “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness.” Safe travels!

Owning Your Greatness in 2010

Owning Your Greatness in 2010:

The Write Synergies Path to Manifest Your Creative Vision

For Conscious Creators, more so than for most, aligning your heart — the inner fire and desire — with what you intend to create and manifest in the world, is absolutely crucial.   Without this inner alignment, all the outer marketing tools create anemic results at best.

At worst, they fall flat, and drag you farther from your goal because you are literally “losing heart.”

To start 2010, is there some way to bring that inner heart-knowledge into alignment with what you intend to create in your business, book, or creative project?

One powerful process to manifest your creation and your vision is to follow your inner yearning. Listen to it. Get into a dialogue with your inner yearning.  I’ve discovered that one of the most effective ways of tapping that inner yearning and building the dialogue is using a gentle writing and journaling process.

I call it, “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness.”  A guide to this process is my gift to you for signing up in the box at the top of the right column. But what does this “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness” really mean?

Write Synergies is all about generating results greater than the sum of the parts using writing.  This can be both a process of uncovering information as well as generating finished results.

Owning Your Greatness means just what it says. We each have gifts to give.  Those gifts are our greatness, often living quietly hidden for years.  After a time, the inner yearning to express those gifts becomes palpable, not to say painful.  When the pain or divine discontent gets great enough, that means it’s time to listen, to really pay attention, and make something happen in bringing your vision to life.

“The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness” is a process that gives you the chance to listen and write your own vision into expression. So many of us hold ourselves back. We haven’t fully stepped into owning our greatness.  Now is the time.  We are called to express our greatness and gifts fully.

Make 2010 the year that you are Owning Your Greatness.

Owning, Living, and Writing Your Greatness in 2010

Happy New Year!

As the darkness and short year-end days
turn the corner to the lighter and brighter,
I hope you will take this time
to experience the peace, joy, and
opportunity of a fresh start.

What does Owning Your Greatness mean in your
life? In your creative projects? In your business?
What are you yearning to envision, create,
and manifest in 2010? What is the biggest
challenge you face in Owning Your Greatness?

Do you come up with more questions than answers?
Answers are great. And so are the questions.
They can be productive in opening the space for
movement, especially if you are able to share
your questions with a like-minded  and Light-minded

I invite you to email me or post your questions.
I want to understand your biggest challenges —
and support you in addressing them so you can
move forward to truly Own Your Greatness
(and the Greatness of your project or venture) in 2010.

Write Synergies Copywriting addresses the
needs of Conscious Creators. For us, more than most,
it’s crucial to align the inner fire, desire, and intent
with the outer manifestations.  Owning Your Greatness
is the inner work.

The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness,
the guidebook available on sign-up in the box at the
top of the right-hand column, offers a gentle
process using writing to tap into the heart of your vision.

Yours are the words that start the journey!
You start by Owning Your Greatness first.
Then all the outer manifestations fall into place.

Bring Heart to Your Marketing and
Soul to Your Business in 2010.

With My Best Wishes for a Shiny Fresh New Year
~ Filled with Love, Light, & Laughter,

Caroline Myss-Mystic with Purpose

Caroline Myss launched the tour for her new book, “Defy Gravity,” with a talk in Chicago at the UIC Forum on Tuesday night, 13 October; her hometown is a nearby suburb. She spoke of the journey she has been on since her first book, and her profound shifts since she shared the mystic journey in “Entering the Castle,” her most recent book about Theresa of Avila.

Now she is stepping into her own as practicing and modern-day mystic. The new book is a call-to-action, a call to mysticism (As she says, “Look alive!”) for all of us and all the planetary natural systems as we face the tumultuous times we are in all together on this planet.

“You are powerful,” she says. Tapping into this oneness with the Divine through prayer is not only the path of the mystic, but is also the path of power, and the pathway out of personal and planetary destruction. As she lives her purpose and deepens her understanding of that purpose with each book, she has once again created an antidote to despair and call to deepening a true connection with spirit.

Defy Gravity has just been published by Hay House.

Soft Sell Marketing!

Today I received a heart warming email from
my friends and colleagues Judith & Jim
(husband and wife Judith Sherven, PhD and
Jim Sniechowski, PhD)

thanking me (and all their affiliate partners)

“. . . joining [them] in making sure that anyone
in [my] list community who wants or needs
training in techniques and strategies, in the
mindset and intention of Soft Sell Marketing ”

…gets an Invitation to attend their Virtual
Conference “Bridging Heart and Marketing III”

AND that’s exactly why I’m featuring this message.

Why this conference?

Because it gives you lots to care about –

*** Selling As Spiritual Service
*** Soul-based Pricing
*** Business as Extended Prayer
*** Buyer-Seller Partnership
*** Building Your Business as You Grow Your Self
*** Through 15 Training Sessions to Help You Expand
Your Success and Open Your Heart to Your Customers
and to Yourself – at the same time!

And, that’s the beautiful invitation that can
change your life forever.
Learn more at:  http://budurl.com/BHM3BJM

Now it’s up to you to trust your intuition
to tell you whether or not it’s right for you
to go to:


And (in a wallet friendly manner) invest in your
spiritually rich business future where you get to

*** Build Your Business
while you
*** Grow Your Self

Because (as Judith & Jim say) It’s All in the Connection.

PLUS: You’ll be able to
join me as I head into the Success Spotlight
just over halfway through the conference.
Since I attended the live Bridging Heart and Marketing last September,
I have uncovered new possibilities for my business
all thanks to Judith and Jim and the companions
and mentors I connected with.

If you sign up with the link below, I will receive a referral fee.


“Bridging Heart and Marketing III” is really
an awesome Soft Sell Marketing Academy
which gives you the Perfect Preparation for a lifetime
of marketing and selling — not only what you provide
or plan to provide now  but anything and everything
you’ll develop as you grow your business!

AND you have three options
for how to get in on this practical 15-session can-do
Soft Sell Training Panorama!

If you want to check it out right now, just go to:



Sivers (of CD Baby) reported on this band’s tribe-building experiment http://sivers.org/livecd .  In the post titled “Emphasize meaning over price = More paid sales,” he calls for others to try it and report on their  results.  While this is focused on bands, I’d say, the more Conscious Creators who try it, the better.

All Conscious Creators — including visionary writers, authors, publishers, speakers, healers, and caregivers, as well as visual and musical artists —   might glean some new marketing mojo by experimenting with this method of “connecting to the heart of your fans” for creating powerful resonance, building relationships, and building the greater community.  It might be your social media experiment in generosity. And generosity can feed and grow in myriad ways.

As the Write Synergies Guru, I have to say that building community around generosity and authenticity are the keys to generating results greater than the sum of the parts, so ramp up those synergies!

My thanks to Terry Madl, Renaissance Man Extraordinaire, of Strange Attractor Press, for bringing this link  to my attention.

Technophobes Love Web Site Creation Workshop

To give credit where credit is due, I’m long past due in thanking Christina Hills for giving me the impetus to come out of the closet and actually start creating my online presence.  I took her Website Creation Workshop (WSCW) last spring, and that empowered me take some baby steps.  If you want to take control of your web presence, check this out:


Now, one of the remarkable benefits offered by this generous and patient teacher is that past students can retake the class. So, I’m going to be there when Web Site Creation Workshop starts up again next week. If you haven’t experienced Christina’s magical step-by-step and practical hands-on teaching style, you will be absolutely delighted.  She’s closing  registration on Friday afternoon (5pm Eastern time!).

Technophobes love Christina and WSCW. Anyone who is frustrated with trying to get something done through a webmaster will find a welcome and refreshing relief.  Many even “fire” their webmasters.  If you’re wondering if there’s an easier way to make yourself  visible online, I recommend you check it out and sign up if it speaks to you.  Cut to the chase with this  shortcut!   http://cli.gs/rEhMQG

While Christina has been in final preparation for
this workshop, she has been giving out some great
stuff on her blog.

Webinar Replay – How WordPress Can Be Used in Your Biz

Answers to the Top 53 Questions on WordPress

Funny Video: What? Julia Child is Cooking Up Websites?

Funny Video: Julia Child is Back Cooking Up a Blog Post!

How I Made My First WordPress Website in 15 Minutes

For what it would take you to hire a webmaster one time,
to build only one website for you, Christina will empower
you to build as many websites as you want for your business
or personal passion.

So go now and get registered for the 8 module training.

I’ll see you in the course!


Answers to WordPress Questions — Tonight!

Open Q&A Webinar "Radio" Show Tonight

There's a free webinar on WordPress happening tonight!

It's an "Open Q&A" webinar to answer any remaining
questions you may have about using WordPress as your
The link here is for tonight's webinar:


And on this call, Christina Hills,
my teacher and mentor for hands-on WordPress training, will answer any
remaining questions you have about taking the Website
Creation Workshop.  

-----------Webinar Info------------------------
Date: Thursday, September 17th
Time: 8:00pm Eastern/ 5:00pm Pacific
Duration: 70-90 minutes

Get the Phone Number and webinar info here:

(Note you can listen on your computer, or the phone)

Christina got the idea to do this from the funny Linus and Lucy
cartoon of the "Peanuts" that she posted on her blog a couple
of days ago:


Well, she promises that her "radio show" won't be quite as
goofy as that clip, but it should be a lot of fun.

I want you to feel confident in making your decision to
join her in the 8 module workshop that starts next Tuesday.
(As an alum of the course, I'll be there too!)

Today and tomorrow is the last day to get registered for
the workshop.
(here is the registration link for the FULL  8 module course

http://WebsiteCreationWorkshop.com/cmd.php?af=976734 )


Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
[Click below to register for the full workshop.]