Build Momentum — 30 Day Blog Challenge Post 20

Building momentum is an interesting concept on the Write Synergies journey.  We need momentum both in the inner sphere (as in building our inner foundation for our ongoing awakening awareness), AND in the outer sphere, building momentum around creating our creations or ventures or projects.

According to Merriam Webster, momentum is “strength or force gained by motion or through the development of events.” Building that force of forward motion, or momentum, is most often seen as an outer process, and it certainly does come into play as we create the body of work  in the manifest world.

But let’s consider for a moment, the very important role that “building momentum” plays on the inner path.   It is the strength of that inner motion, strengthening the inner part of our work and our selves.  At the same time, that inner forward motion is the key to creating a strong foundation on which we  build the castles of our creations following the Write Synergies Path.

Building a foundation from the momentum of forward motion and strength of the inner journey requires the tools of self reflection, discussed in the writing to awaken self awareness post. Just as the foundation of a house is invisible once the house is built on top of it, so too the foundation built by our inner journey is unseen on the outside.  Yet it is the most critical part of the entire construction.  Without a solid foundation, nothing will stand up. This is why I say, “The inner journey IS the journey.”

This journey begins with a single step, and once taken, the momentum builds, step by step.

By the time we have arrived at 20 posts in a 30-day/post blogging challenge, the small steps of daily blogging has created substantial momentum. Check out the 30 Day Blogging challenge on Twitter at #blog30 and the 7-day mini challenge at #mini7.

Grow the Momentum of Your Creative Project–Blog Challenge Day 7

For conscious creators: thoughts to build the momentum for your creative project and nurture your vision and your creation. Experience the synergies born out of the momentum.

Tailored and edited for a public community,
these thoughts to build the momentum for your creative project
are adapted from a piece I wrote this week to encourage a friend.

So you, my conscious creator friend,
are in a total creative mode at the moment.
Your vision and creation are being nurtured.
You are cutting to the bone of living your purpose and giving your gifts.

Consider you are in a kind of birthing process.
It’s an inner path and inner process, the river you dive into alone.

And yet…

In this deep dive, realize that a lifeline to the surface is just a best safety practice.
Do you have people in your circle, community, or tribe?
If so, let them know, especially if you’ve been out of touch.

Keep your people apprised of the new energy and excitement.
You’re sharing part of your new creative cycle.
Make it a sort of a “stay tuned” message.
Bring them into the excitement.
Let them know something big is in process.

Take your time.
Remember if you rush out with your creative brainchild, there’s a risk:
That it will not be formed enough or strong enough to maintain its momentum.
So NOW, in this pre-birth process, is the moment to take the time you need.
Ask for the support you need — so that the new brainchild can grow to its fullest potential.

Know that followers of your message really love you, your energy, your presence.
Invite your community of friends and colleagues to the pre-party.

Invite and invest  your people into the process.
Request good thoughts, mental, emotional, and spiritual encouragement.
Create safe and sacred space around you, your creation, your community.
It works on the same principle as prayers and energy healing from a distance.
There is no distance. That’s just illusion.
Best of all, this creates a true two-way community —
as you invite people to support you in this exquisite time of creativity.

Strengthen the vessel of you.
Put into practice all the good intentions for all the good new habits. Do it!
The vessel of  you–body, mind, spirit– is your means for delivering the gifts of consciousness into the world.
From the inner path to the outer expression, it is like a birth process.

Ponder the apparent “gap” between the dream-creation you are nurturing —
and the challenge of bringing it whole, strong, healthy, and long-lived into the manifest world.

And ask for the help you need.
The momentum you add will generate still more synergies — a positive spiral.

Follow the 30 Day Blog Challenge on twitter:  #blog30