Greetings from the Dark of the Year


We are called to be the bringers of light, the ones we have
been waiting for, the light bearers, the light workers. Your
light shining in the times of the dark makes a difference.

As the dark of the year descends, throughout delicious December,
know that it is time for dream-renewal on every level. Stretching
into the sacred container of December’s dream time, I invite you
to explore your connections with your own light and amplify
the wattage of the pure light of divine love in connections and
partnership with your sacred siblings.

If you would love some inspiring support, wisdom, and a
circle of light/like-hearted others, if you would love a new
way for you and your business to complete your year with
grace and delight, please say yes to yourself!

See if this sacred bundle of Solstice gifts from 21
wisdom-energy-keepers speaks to your soul, and if so,
please sign up. I am among 21 givers of gifts in this
collection initiated by Success Shaman, Brenda MacIntyre.

I am tickled to be part of this illustrious group.
My contribution and your gift from me:
You might have heard me talk about the Waterfall
of Divine Virtues, on Facebook or in a meeting/attunement/

If you are intrigued, this is your chance to get
from me some special poems and guided meditations
into the waterfall of the divine.

Specifically the 21 Days of Solstice Gifts…
You can sign up for your gifts — a variety of
wisdom packaged for your delight — over here:

You will receive messages through Dec 21, and
prior gifts are available for download after you sign

Sending you love and light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet and Priestess of Pure Potentiality

Connect to your Inner Divine for Invitations that Shine

What if

… your message, copy and invitations to play with you (in your work, your services, your  books, events, contributions, transformative gifts, and blessings)  emerge from your sacred center and tap into your divine essence?  What if …  you send into the world your words from your soul clothed in the heart of love?

You know what happens? That message from the heart gives your people a taste of the Presence they receive when they join you in the circle/party/event or engage with you via your book or course or service. And all people — including YOUR people — are starving for that level of connection, of seeing and being seen.

What if you could give people an experience of someone like Panache Desai, and embodied that level of Divine Connection in the words of your invitation? Then think of what can happen when that also comes through in their experience of the event?

What if you experienced yourself and your words as the blessing that they are? Would that not be delicious?



The Mirror and the Reflection

“Be the mirror for others that you wish to see yourself reflected in.”

—Bobbye Middendorf

Too many of us have grown up with our Selves being reflected back to us as if we were looking in a funhouse mirror for most of our lives. Such distorted views of ourselves then became how we experienced our gifts and contributions, how we saw ourselves out in the world. All this is just amping up the sense of inadequacies, shame, and other toxic emotions.

What if there were a sacred mirror that showed you how you really are? What if you could become that mirror for those around you? What if you reflected back to those in your circle or community the deep truth of their beauty and gifts?

By reflecting back to others who they are on a soul level, you are strengthening your own presence. You become the mirror in which others can see themselves truly for the gifts and beauty they have (and yearn) to share. Your mirroring invites them to share from that most sacred and connected places within themselves.

Then for you, as the sacred believing mirror for others: what if you found a place, (or several) where you are welcome to step into the center of the circle and see yourself as you truly are? What if the funhouse mirror distortions of your early family (or town or school or church)  were cleared and there you are: Reflected back to yourself in the eyes and hearts of love and grace and wisdom within the circle.

And so, choose to become the mirror in the likes of which you yearn to be seen. For in so doing, you will be seen for the gifts and grace you provide in your reflections.

What miracles will emerge when you are seeing and being seen through the eyes of soul?

Shine Your Divine Light

Earlier this week, in the throes of the negative nastiness and polarities now at play on our national stage, I felt called to create a message to hold a different perspective. As you have a chance, I’d love it if you feel called to watch, like, and share it.


Love and Light,

Bobbye Middendorf
Poet of Pure Potentiality

P.S. It’s your choice to
explore how YOUR Divine Light
does make a difference so you
can shine brighter!
I’d love it if you feel called
to like and share.










Winter Solstice 2011 Poem

The lights from many traditions twinkle together at the Winter Solstice. This poem honors the 2011 Winter Solstice and festivals of Light while acknowledging what we share in common.






 Honoring Winter Solstice 2011

Dusk starts folding in shortly after lunch.
Sun’s Southerly arc
Creates spaciousness in early twilight sky.
A single planet arises above Eastern horizon.
Brightness blooms before darkness descends.

From under a welter of initiatives and mountains of missives
Day’s end and cavernous silence
Swiftly inserted as our salvation
Inviting imagination to play.

Ungainly illusions and expectations knock about
Loud as bumper cars on a fenced track.
Seasonality shored up by carnival barkers spitting
Holiday spirit on sale tags increasingly shrill, urgent, alarming.

Breathe the early night air and embrace
freedom in the dark thrill of silence.
Let peace descend as night laps at the edge of Earth’s carpet.
And when all is darkest night
Consider your mission is simple: to shine.
Other dots illuminate the landscape.
Holidays of Light from every tradition mingle —
Uncertain how far that goodwill extends.
And yet the common foundation for the billions of brilliances —
an underscore, an uncommon heritage of souls.

We are the ones called, called to Light, called to illuminate.
We are the ones answering the call.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We are the voices at hand to speak up.
We are the bowl vibrating with resonant waves of love on the wind.
We are the candle shimmering to brighten the darkest corner.
We are the book — the sacred tomes — and each soul a story,
And each story, a connection,
And each connection reverberating…

“We are the ones!”

Launching spots to multi-

We are the ones.

Shine, my friends.
Shine on, blessed
Illuminati of the Divine Heart Center.


Bobbye Middendorf
18 December 2011
Photo courtesy Middendorf-Salovaara


Make holy every moment
Acknowledge the sacred in every place, every

All the atoms in the universe make up the
Breathing body of God.

Some travel and pilgrimage to far lands…
Seeking… Seeking… Seeking

I say, “Go inside.”
It is your own infinite voyage of discovery

The diamonds and sacred crystals
Patiently await your attention.

Wake up!
Go inside!
Uncover your treasure!
Bring it forth!

Chant this like your personal mantra—
A reminder that all you dream of is present
When you awaken to your Inner Presence

As Source.

—Bobbye Middendorf
Your Vision Midwife and Creation Coach

Snow Is Earth’s Crystal Medicine

With all the weather-related stories blizzarding the media, I was entranced by this perfectly timed insight from a Toltec teacher visiting Maine.  I acknowledge with gratitude the source. The following comes via Joanna Pinney Buell at
And her post advising “Don’t-let-overwhelm-stop-you-from-showing-up”

“Weather is not an impediment. It is a blessing. The snow is beautiful, sparkling crystal medicine for you and the earth.”
Dabadi Thaayrohyadi
January 30, 2011 in Blue Hill, in Maine