Publishers’ University!

Highlights of Publishers’ University in NYC May 26-28, 2009.

It’s time for the annual Publishers’ University–next week!  What happened to May?!  It’s sponsored by the Independent Book Publishers Association.  I’m leading two panels this year:  The Publishers’ Repair Kit and Converting Promotion into Book Sales.  We have attracted amazing speakers again.  I will also be up bright and early to share my expertise at the pre-breakfast round tables, “Ask the Experts.”  I love the chance to connect with colleagues in the book publishing business, to meet exciting new publishers who are passionate about what they have to say, and to help convene these panels where we all contribute to each others’ learning and success.

If you have been thinking about publishing and want some grounding in the fundamentals and good business practices for *every* aspect of book publishing, then you should consider IBPA’s Publishers’ University a required stop on your highway to success.  You can learn more at  From that home page for the association, click on the icon for Publishers’ University.  If you can’t make it to New York, you can order recordings of any or all of the sessions.

LOHAS Trends 2009: Top 10 from NMI

Are your people the LOHAS people?  If your perfect audience (reader/customer/client) is committed to spirituality, wholeness, health, sustainability, going green, then check out the Top LOHAS Trends for 2009.  You’ll tap into the current directions and interests of this leading edge of conscious creators.  LOHAS stands for  Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability.
I’ve followed the “LOHAS” trend since before it had a name –for nearly 20 years now!  LOHAS describes roughly the same people that sociologist Paul Ray as defined “Cultural Creatives” in the book of the same name. Some of you may find this LOHAS trends link a valuable resource as you develop information products, businesses, ventures, and services that will appeal to this market.  While not everyone is a LOHAS person, in many ways, these are the people who are leading the way in the business and lifestyle paradigm shift that we are experiencing right now.

What are some of these LOHAS trends in a nutshell?  The research firm Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) keeps tabs on the people in this sustainability (LOHAS) category.  NMI  highlights:

  1. Small steps. Big changes. (small daily practical changes)
  2. From Isolation to Affiliation. (creating community)
  3. Being Here. Now.  (stop multitasking and embrace metaphysics)
  4. LOHAS 360 (personal AND planetary sustainability)
  5. Clean Sweep (nontoxic)
  6. Not so Alternative (what was alternative is moving mainstream)
  7. Root Causes (getting to the underlying whys)
  8. Beauty Shop (comes from the inside–timeless, transparent, authentic)
  9. Energy 2.0 (conserving energy, both personal and planetary)
  10. Heirlooms (buy less and better quality)

Details at:

Are these synergies for you?

Interested in results greater than the sum of the parts?  Then maybe Write Synergies Copywriting is a resource for you.  You’re a person comfortable playing in the world of words.  When you see “synergies,” you aren’t intimidated. You’re fascinated.  You’re excited about the possibilities.  You see tantalizing opportunities.  You want to connect the dots for that bigger picture–and bigger results for your projects.

Words, writing, telling the authentic story of yourself and your project is crucial to making the connections with your perfect audience of clients/customers/readers.  If you are ready for owning and expressing your authenticity and your greatness, then consider Write Synergies Copywriting as an oasis and Bobbye Middendorf as your coach and marketing partner.

Write Synergies Copywriting will help you draw together all the disparate threads that make up your creative project so that you express your fullness, the joyful whole of who you are and what you are about.  You’ll express the heart and soul of this amazing creation (book, project, venture) that you’ve poured your creative passions into.  Maybe you’re entering here at a door marked “copywriting,” but that’s just one room in a house big enough to encompass your authenticity and give voice to the heart of your creative endeavor.

The American Heritage Dictionary says synergy comes from the Greek.  “From Greek sunergi, cooperation, from sunergos, working together. sun-, syn- + ergon, work;”  See it here.

If you resonate with synergies like these, then consider: Is it time to work together?

Thanks to Jon @ Ninja Blog

Jon and the team at Ninja Blog Setup helped me set this  blog up months and months ago.  They  did their part, but I seemed to fall into a hole. For a while.

I’m coming out of the hole now.  Finally.  And I want to share with you this whole process.  It’s not always pretty or what we think it “ought” to be.  But it is what it is.  There’s no better place to see how time flows on than by watching your blog and its posts, and whether they are happening or not.  So that’s why there’s this odd collection of early blog test posts that were inserted as part of the WordPress blog installation and setup by Jon and his team.  Then there’s a big blank spot.  I acknowledge, I didn’t follow up in quite as timely a fashion as I’d intended.

To give credit where credit is due, I can heartily recommend the Ninja Blog setup services if you are needing assistance  in setting up the basics of your own hosted WordPress Blog.

Thanks Jon!

Visit him here: