Celebrate National Bookstore Day on Nov. 7

Bibliophiles and bookstore lovers (and publishers and authors): Mark your calendars for Nov. 7 to celebrate all the bookstores you love! (Especially the independents!) Publishers Weekly, the publishing trade magazine, is sponsoring the national day to honor bookstores and all the benefits they provide. Check out the article from my old pal, Ron Shank, now PW’s publisher,  at: http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6696364.html?nid=2286&rid=##CustomerId##&source=link

Life as Kaleidoscope

Life as Kaleidoscope: Beauty in Motion

Remember those magical tubes filled with beads and bits of glass with mirrors that multiplied the images?  As a kid, you probably looked through a cardboard tube with plastic bits, but there are high-end kaleidoscopes with brass tubes and gems.  It doesn’t matter really what the outer materials are, because the magic is in the constantly shifting array of patterns and beauty.  It’s all ephemeral. No view through the eyepiece is ever quite the same. No patterns repeat.

Isn’t life a lot like the kaleidoscope?  Some days it feels like the patterns are changing so fast, it’s as if a giant is shaking the whole thing and no pattern  is allowed to coalesce.  Certainly some people repeat nightmare images and patterns.  But to  get really present and conscious, it is possible to see the beauty.  Sometimes it’s just one small beautiful thing: sunlight glinting on the water, the dappled pattern of leaves in sun and shadow, sand under the toes, the perfume of a perfect rose.  Even among all the confusion and constant change, can’t you find some beauty too?  Close your eyes; breathe in deeply and exhale. Repeat for several breaths, then open your eyes.  See with these new eyes, renewed by your breath.

For one day, for one hour of one day, for one minute of one hour, focus your lens and your vision on all the beauty that is in your world: The pooch or kitty, the plant, the song, the lasagna, the mountain.  Try focusing on the shifting beautiful gifts within your sights.  Part of the beauty is in the constantly shifting patterns, just like the kaleidoscope.  But when you pull back and see your whole life’s patterns, you’ll see the synergies that grow from considering all that is beautiful in the shifting bits of precious images that are your life.  Acknowledge the beauty of your kaleidoscopic life.

For extra credit, look inside yourself to see the beauty there too.

Resources to Create a World that Works for All

Berrett Koehler Publishers (affectionately known as BK) carries out its vision of “a community creating a world that works for all” by actively and transparently partnering with its authors, stakeholders, vendors, and shareholders.  As someone who has been in and around the book publishing industry for nearly 30 years, I can tell you with assurance: These guys are the real deal.

Given the situation as it stands, “a world that works for all”  recognizes that we need to change — personal change, business and institutional change, as well as societal change.  The publisher has resources to focus on leveraging change from each of these arenas. You pick the area with the greatest resonance for you.

BK Life titles address the personal transformations required; BK Business titles address institutional/corporate issues; and BK Currents titles focus on the largest, societal, and systemic issues.

BK Publishers are the folks who brought you John Perkins’ bestseller, Confessions of An Economic Hit Man, Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog, Repacking Your Bags, leadership classics like Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley (bringing quantum physics to business leadership!), Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute, A Complaint is a Gift, and Beverly Kaye’s half-million copy bestseller, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em.

Newer  titles that I find particularly intriguing include: The Introverted Leader, Glow, Lift, and Framing the Future.

Click ForeWord Magazine to see my review of BK’s Breakdown, Breakthrough by Kathy Caprino. 

You, as a friend of mine,  can access over 800 resources from the BK publishing archives.  By ordering your BK titles through the link here, you will automatically get a 20 percent discount on any BK publication that you order.

PLUS, you can take advantage of a summer special for just a few more hours!  They are concluding their summer sale, so order through August 31 to receive an extra 20 percent discount  by entering “summersale09” during checkout on the BK website — for a total discount of 40 percent.

Act Now: Through Monday, August 31, 2009, all books, e-books, whitepapers, audio books, DVDs, and digital toolkits are an additional 20% off when you use the SUMMERSALE09 e-coupon during the check-out process. Click here: Berrett Koehler

Remember at checkout, use this e-Coupon code = SUMMERSALE09

To see the wealth of ways to “Create a world that works for all,” (and save money too) connect to Berrett-Koehler publishers or use the following  link:


Let’s all step into being leaders

We are all leaders, and our leadership is needed — now more than ever. Seth Godin said it in Tribes. And so did John Quincy Adams: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you’re a leader.” Step up today, stand in owning your greatness and leading your tribe.

Your First Steps into Internet Marketing

As some of you know, I have been re-imagining my business and adding the tools and processes of internet marketing to strengthen my efforts at tribe-building and getting the word out.  Lots of new things are in process in this fledgling Write Synergies world I’m creating, so look for more announcements soon.

One place where I’m developing my expertise — a really a critical piece of the ongoing communication infrastructure — is this thing called internet marketing.  The thing is, there’s lots of hoopla out there, plenty of scams, and also some really good teachers and coaches who make a LOT of assumptions about what you already know.

Many of us who are interested in using these tools don’t even realize what we don’t know, and so jump into those learning situations and find we’re in over our head.  It’s all painted as “so easy.”

Well, it’s not rocket science, but it does take a certain attitude and most certainly it requires a step-by-step approach starting with the VERY basics.  We need guides who acknowledge the true  newbie nature of many of us who want to add internet marketing to our bag of tricks.

I have been in their circle and working with/learning from Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski for more than a year.  I am impressed anew every time they do their teaching magic.  For this course, Judith and Jim have teamed up with Tom Justin to create First Step Internet Marketing. It is a true step-by-step learning experience that I refer to often in my own process of business building.

The Best Deal
They have a special that’s wrapping up by the end of the day on Sunday.

Their course is only available through August 9th
at their Stimulus Incentive price of only $147.

That’s right – only $147!


That’s 6 step-by-step sessions emailed to you weekly, so you don’t get overwhelmed.  Plus, they have some added and immediately useful bonuses.
(I could go on a rant about bonuses for courses that are overwhelming and unrelated, but I’ll save that to another time.)

So, if you are able to act now, you will get this hands-on course
for only $147 — before they raise it back to
very nearly their pre-Stimulus price in honor of
the growing signs of recovery.

Still a Good Deal
Starting August 10th their special course price
will be $100 more — $247.  (And this too is still a very good value for the detailed step-by-step info you get.)

If you are able to check it out and make a decision before the end of the day on Sunday, you will save $100.

Get their course now by going to


AND there’s no risk to you! Judith, Jim, and Tom
are so certain that you will be totally delighted
with their course that they provide a
60-day satisfaction guarantee!

So get more information and get signed up for the
course right now –


Full transparency: The link identifies me as the source of your interest, and I receive a referral fee if  you choose to order.

To your tribe-building success!

Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
Bringing heart to your marketing…
And perfect clients in your door

Key Words Help Online Prospects Find You

Key Word Basics

Who are your people?  When you are presenting your services via online marketing, what words might potential customers type into a search engine like Google for the problem you solve, the issue you address, or your book or web site that answers their questions?  Identifying key search terms specifically targeting your niche will help you attract the people who are looking for the answers, solutions, and issues for which your books and resources address the need.

In search engines, key words are the search terms that people type in to find the information they need or the problem them want to solve. If you have a book or other info product, ideally you will have one or more key words related to your book’s subject matter in the title, making the book findable to the people who will be searching online for this information or resource.

For example, Dan Poynter’s Self-Publishing Manual is a book title that is key word and search engine friendly.

What follows is a list of resources that report on how many searches are conducted for various words and phrases in key word searches. Some of these tools break out search counts by search engine.  The most general search terms will have millions of searches.  Ideally you want to focus with specificity within your niche.  There are experts and strategies for sharpening your key word strategy, but these tools will get you started.

Spacky is a free and basic key word search tool. It pulls in data about searches from several different search engines.

KWmap is a site where you can see search results visually in a kind of mind-map string of terms that flow from your central (or seed) term.  Then the terms are listed alphabetically. Often by starting with the most general term, you will be able to identify the specific string of key words that most closely match your topic.

At Spyfoo, you can also get a reading on the popularity of search terms by seeing how much it costs to buy them on a pay-per-click basis.

Wordtracker has a free key word search tool, but they also sell by subscription. (Obviously you can more deeply analyze the data using their fee-based version.) WordTracker’s free key word search tool is: http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/

In addition, Wordtracker offers free how-to articles from experts and info at http://www.wordtracker.com/academy.  They also offer books for sale by some of their expert contributors.

http://www.wordtracker.com/academy/keyword-research   is a round-up of several articles specifically about keyword research.

You’ll also find their free ebook guide to key word research at: http://www.wordtracker.com/academy/keyword-research-guide.

Purpose & Synchronicity

“The ultimate test comes when you try living from your new purpose.”

–True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make by Tim Kelley

Enjoy the sheer delight of randomness, but a mindful and intentional randomness that somehow reinforces the process of owning your greatness as you work to live your purpose! Falling into the digital rabbit hole today, connecting with the wisdom of old friends, still trying to make all the digital media connections.  Following my friend’s instructions (below), I came up with the quote (above).

Instructions from my friend Elke Siller Macartney from InspirationU  (http://www.inspirationu.com)

“Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence AS YOUR STATUS. Then POST these instructions in a comment on your status.
* Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST book.”

We find meaning in the random uncovering of what is there waiting for us.  Following the above instructions, a kind of    bibliomancy–divination by means of a book, esp. [but not in this case] the Bible, opened at random to some verse or passage, which is then interpreted.” [from dictionary.com]— I have happened upon something that is meaningful.  But is it meaningful because the book was the nearest one?   Yet consider that the reader found meaning in the 5th sentence on a particular random page.  Such coming up with something meaningful speaks of larger purposes and synchronicities and synergies where we all find meanings greater than the sum of the parts through random walks through the nearest book.  Bravo to bibliomancy!

The Paradigm Shift in Soft Sell Marketing

Enter a dialogue to create a new model of business that reflects your authenticity, connection, community with Judith and Jim at http://bridgingheartandmarketing.com/blog/soft-sell-marketing-as-a-deep-paradigm-shift/

Like it or not, the business paradigm shift is here.  You can always see how far business as usual takes you, although right now I’d characterize that as a  head-in-the-sand approach.

Or you can enter a dialogue to create a new model of business that reflects your authenticity, connection, community.  You can stand up, express your gifts, and own your greatness as part of the Soft Sell Marketing trend.  Judith and Jim are opening the dialogue for Soft Sell Marketers to come together to see how we might consciously co-create this paradigm shift.  See their blog post at:


Marketing Made Easy Blueprint

I’ve known and worked with James Roche for almost two years now, and I’m really impressed with the way he is able to present complex marketing ideas in step-by-step, practical fashion.  So I was thrilled to see that he’s come up with a way for people to have a sampling of how he works PLUS access to a cost-effective program that he’s calling the Marketing Made Easy Blueprint!  It condenses all his coaching experience into a home study package.

Have you ever wondered why some people are making an extra
$1,000 or $10,000 a month in extra income while attracting
more clients, generating passive revenue with information
products and doing what they love . . . in any economy?”

The answer is all laid out for you, step-by-step, in James
Roche’s Marketing Made Easy Blueprint . . .

. . . and I HIGHLY recommend it!

James is giving away a free sample with his Special Report
called “The Shift: How to Quit Struggling, Make a Difference
and Join the New Rich.”

Click here for the free report!

Here’s why I think you should check this out . . .

You can discover how to earn a multiple 6-figure income (and
beyond) while making a difference in the lives of people all
around the world.

Imagine if you had a rare blueprint in your hands right now
that shows you the EXACT step-by-step path to the freedom and
lifestyle you desire.

What would you do with the money, freedom and fulfillment it
brings you?
How many lives can you change?

Well, you can get a free sample of what’s possible with
James’s NEW Special Report:

You’ll be shocked and delighted to learn that you already
possess the first half of the golden key that can set you
free . . . you can take the knowledge in your head and turn it into
a fortune.

. . . All you need now is the blueprint that shows you exactly how
to take your knowledge and turn it into info products that
sell quickly and easily.

Do you realize what this means?

You can become free because you’ll have all the money you need
to do whatever you want. AND you’ll leave a positive impact
for lives of many, many other people because you now have the
power to share your life purpose with the whole world.

In James’ “Marketing Made Easy Blueprint,” he reveals all the
shortcut strategies and techniques that he’s fine-tuned over
the past 4 years working one-on-one with his clients.

This program is the summation of ALL his secret formulas and
techniques that will make attracting more clients and creating
information products fast, fun and easy.

Check it out:

Here’s To Your Success!

P.S. – No one else explains the step-by-step marketing secrets
to greater wealth as well as James, so if you’ve ever wanted
to grow your profits fast and create a dream business, this is
one free report you don’t want to miss.