Welcome to August!
We gather on SATURDAY 5 AUGUST 2023!
Below are the details for your calendar …
Read past these details for the inspirations that underscore the potency of these times.

This is currently the least-celebrated and least-known of the markers around the wheel of the year. It’s our chance to gather in an intimate late summer circle, honor all those who grow and harvest our food, and feed the soul with unique Song-of-Self sustenance. This comes from deep within you. Together and in the circle, we call forth and fortify this profound nourishment.
Please reserve this date and time for replenishing self-nourishment,
creative inspirations, and experiencing a safe space to play in fields of deep rest and surrender.
Details for Your Calendar — now on Saturday!
5 AUGUST 2023
12 noon MT – 1:30 pm
(90 minutes)
Via Zoom
Time in your world?
Check here:
Link to Sign Up via PayPal for ALL the remaining 2023 Seasonal Gatherings:
Please go to the following link if you choose to register for the 4 remaining 2023 circles, (including Lughnasadh)
… it’s $105.
The per circle cost is a few pennies more than the suggested single circle cost in 2022.
Please use this link to register for the remaining 4 gatherings for 2023:
If you want to propose something else as sacred exchange, please reach out to me.
You can also send payment to me via Zelle.
Please see the P.S. for details about signing up in sacred exchange for this Lughnasadh/Lammas gathering by itself.
At this potent moment, absolutely everything is moving.
What I’ve noticed and experienced:
Surrendering to the flow, an inner feminine practice, greatly reduces drag and resistance.
By getting ourselves “out of the way,” we can actually experience this swimming-in the-mystery …
as a blossoming and unfurling of great magnitude.
(As it happens, the practices that we share during these Seasonal Circles completely support each of us “getting out of our own way,” and into the flowing river of the One Life.)
Welcome to the full super moon (closest to the Earth) in Aquarius at 9 degrees Tuesday 8-1-23.
(Plus August has a second full moon, blue moon, super moon –even closer to the Earth — at the end of this month.)
Plus …
Welcome to a potent Venus retrograde in Leo.
For a total of 40 days — from 23 July, through all of August and a couple of days into September —
Venus traverses an underworld journey to remake herself.
Venus’ initiatory journey invites each one of us to feel into our heart’s desires deeply, then actively connect with what is called for so that we can thrive in our new becoming…
Because we are all becoming new, like it or not.
As suggested above, consciously surrendering allows Life to move through us — because it’s going to anyway.
We may as well cooperate and allow for a smoother flow.
(And also, as it happens, the practices that we share during these Seasonal Circles completely support each of us in coming into deep resonance with our hearts’ truest desires … all while flowing with the river of the One Life.)
I’m not an astrologer, yet the potent archetypal energies and frequencies are running so high in support of massive cosmic shifts that we are being called into — that I want to call out
some of the ways that our gatherings offer powerful practices to see us through the turbulence of our times
(and the re-making of our BEings…).
> The Seasonal Circle itself is a sacred safe space, supportive and amplifying your own inner connections.
> Centering practices, meditations, vision journeys all take you to inner spaces.
> Here you can explore a deeper level of surrender in tandem with your own inner wisdom.
> Making your journey notes through the prompting questions allows you to harvest your own inner frequency flows.
> Your notes reveal what is yours to receive in divine timing.
> (Plus you are held in the angelic Belvaspata field… see the P.P.S. on this.)
Amidst the high-rising whitewater of the collective, the magical way forward is through and within.
That’s what we do together — with the Seasonal Circle amplifying all the potency!
I hope you will join us, either live on Zoom or asynchronously, in your own divine timing and present-moment-of-now.
It would be hugely helpful & deeply appreciated — if you choose to join and are able — to register before midnight on Friday —
or no later than 9 AM MT on Saturday, 8-5-23.
I plan that our follow-up message, with recording and notes, will go out shortly after our gathering.
Love and blessings,
P.S. Sign up for this one by itself … Lughnasadh/Lammas Aug 5 gathering
Link to Sign Up via PayPal & In Sacred Exchange for Lughnasadh Gathering:
Please go to this link with your from-the-heart sacred exchange.
$28 is suggested for 2023, if that is doable without hardship. …
Or more or less as works for you.
If you want to propose something else as sacred exchange, please reach out to me.
You can also send payment to me via Zelle.
P.P.S. You are held in the priceless and magical alchemical Belvaspata field of angelic-supported radiant wholeness — before, during, and for 6 months after our circle …
The Belvaspata Song of Self Practice is what supports me in holding the circle as sacred — what happens ahead of the gathering & in the background.
The radiant angelic heart-wholeness practice of Belvaspata not only supports us all in holding the circle space, but it’s a practice I renew every day. You are held in my daily Belvaspata maintenance practice for an additional 6 months (for each event…)
The Belvaspata field, as it intersects with your field, offers you layers of support … available as you open to receive these gifts of ongoing presence, grace, blessings — all toward your unique Song of Self of your being coming into its fullest flowering.
(We can also talk about 1-on-1 Belvaspata sessions. Send me an email to set up a time to talk about it.)
Bobbye Middendorf
Inner Wisdom Keeper
Spoken Word Alchemist * Dream Mentor
Vision Midwife * Yin Arising Catalyst
Mystic. Healer. Creator. Poet. Dreamer.
BEACON…for CoCreators Dreaming in the New Earth Reality
Where All Life Flourishes
Meditation … Opening the Portal to Possibilities
I love staying in touch!
It’s an honor to be connected with you.
You can sign up to receive free meditations, messages, &occasional invitations here: