2024 — Grow Inner Wisdom for a Flourishing You

Join the Sacred Circle (twice more) as 2024 Ends —
Birth Your New Emergence & Return to Your Center to Integrate the Wild Changes

In the field of January’s Full Moon, Casa del Corazón.

Explore together around Mama Gaia’s Wheel of the Year in an intimate community of creators!
Experience an extraordinary opportunity to CoEvolve — deepening into the greater truth of your BEing — as together we CoCreate within a shared safe and sacred space.

“The time of co-creation has begun … it’s already initiating you into a new way of being. 2024 is an initiation into co-creative power … where we work from the inside out … That process of creating the future from the inside out is what defines the power of this year.”

~~ Marcia Wade, StarSisterAstrology.com

Yes, Marcia, and thank you for your wisdom

Beloved, the Quest we travel together around the wheel of the year 2024 is giving the space-time for our #InsideOutWay to be nurtured as the sacred soil of soul from which grows the seed of flourishing that’s been gestating from your depths within.

Beloved, What if … ?
  • What happens if you deepen into your own inner sanctuary?
  • Where else could you go if you were held within a powerful entrainment field of intimate community?
  • Are you curious about how you might evolve within a circle of visionaries and creators, throughout 2024?
  • How are your inner #CreationFields calling you to play anew with what’s ready to be born?
  • What new “Flourishing YOU” might take root, emerge, blossom?

Tracking the wheel of the year honors Mother Earth’s cycles of growth, harvest, and rest. This is but one fractal facet of the Infinite’s organic blueprint (model) for growing into your own greater frequency of wholeness from the original seeds planted within you. (And they’re simultaneously in eternal flow all around you!)

For 2024, you’ll receive support to root into replenished soil of soul for a year of growing your greatest BEcoming and nurturing your unique #HeartSong seeds from your essence of Joy.

This is our exploration for 2024!
These circles for creators and evolutionaries have developed into potent portals for exploring inner landscapes, #HeartFields, and igniting each one’s #HeartFireMagic.

I invite you to engage deeply with 2024, a year overflowing with amplified Divine Feminine awareness, power, and abundance. AND … She is dancing with a potent expression of a True Divine Masculine, now available to all — in ways we’ve never experienced before!
(Yin Arising is beyond rising. She is here and dancing with a partner as fresh and new as She is!) 

Journey through these unfurling seasonal celebrations while exploring, deepening into, cultivating, and celebrating YOU — Flourishing.
(See below for list to Save-The-Dates!)

There are many messages and nuances that are revealing themselves as I write this. With the Earth’s seasonal cycle as starting point for the practices and inquiries, you will ripple into ever-expanding readiness, wholeness, vitality, and creativity from your core.

You are the sacred sanctuary in which your own Holy Wholeness gestates and from which the ever-evolving YOU emerges. Engaging with the wisdom of Earth’s seasonal cycles amplifies into your embodiment.

Come to play, replenish, and explore your inner sanctuary within an intimate community of creators.

Let us together treasure one another’s company and amplify each one’s gems and jewels to come into materialization on this quest along the arc of the year. 

I welcome you as our Portal of Pure Potentiality swings wide on Saturday, February 3, and continues 7 more times in 2024, concluding with Winter Solstice. Together we initiate ourselves into the unified field of frequencies and energies across this threshold of possibilities that calls itself 2024.

2024 continues to unfold with the great festival of SAMHAIN, known as the time of thinning veils between realms. We celebrate in sacred circle on SATURDAY, 2 NOVEMBER 2024
— at 12 Noon pm – 1:30pm US Mountain Daylight Time.

For those who have experienced the shifts that unfold in our gatherings, I promise there are even larger cosmic plate tectonics archetypally “moving us into place,” so to speak.

A flourishing #NewEarth comes forward into view (She’s already here! We are now called to awaken into Her!!) as we flourish as proxies on Her behalf. New powers and potencies are available, where very often “What is yours will come to you,”  — magically so within these sacred seasonal circles.

Details for 2024’s Seventh Gathering

SAMHAIN (also marking the seasons of Day of the Dead, Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day) continues our unfolding journey around the wheel of 2024 on 
We gather at 12 Noon PM MDT for 90 minutes.
12-Noon MDT – 1:30 pm

Via Zoom
(Link to come after your PayPal registration.)
To check time in your world…

Replay message with prompting questions
(everything you need to immerse in the gathering
within your own divine timing!
comes your way shortly after each event.

I hope you feel the inspiration that’s available by traveling this quest through 2024 — together.

To journey across the entire (rest of the) wheel of the year 2024, I invite you to
say YES to Your UNIQUE Flourishing … when you sign up now for the 8 remaining 2 [TWO] Seasonal Circles in 2024.
(Samhain & Winter Solstice)

If you sign up now for the remaining 2024 journey, remember that follow-up replays of the circles come your way shortly after each gathering, in case the planned dates (listed below) aren’t optimal for you.

I hope you will tune in and trust a whispered, “Yes!”
If your “Yes!” comes through, it is your time to nurture yourSelf into your greatest emergence through the rest of the arc of this year.

Whatever response you receive, may your heart feel nourished on all your paths as we move through the final weeks of 2024. Thank you for your willingness to play in my world — in all the ways we have come together over years (eons!)

With big love and bright blessings for a magical journey through 2024!

Save These 2024 Dates!

Sat., 3 February (Imbolc)
Sat., 16 March (ahead of Vernal Equinox)
Sun., 5 May (Bealtaine — AT 4 PM MDT)
Sat., 22 June (Summer Solstice Celebration + Full Moon)
Sat., 3 August (Lughnasadh / Lammas)

Sat., 21 September (Autumn Equinox)

Sat., 2 November  (Samhain)
Sat., 21 December  (Winter Solstice)

P.P.S. If you prefer to join the circle one-at-a-time, the 2024 suggested
<<In Sacred Exchange From The Heart >> is $30.
You are welcome to offer another amount that is do-able for you without hardship– above or below that threshold– to support this emerging sacred temple space.
Link to pay and register only for SAMHAIN & thinning of the veils(Northern Hemisphere)
One-circle-at-a-time in Sacred Exchange from the Heart:


If you feel called to suggest something else as sacred exchange, send me a message with your proposed sacred exchange. (bjmiddendorf at gmail dot com)

What They Experience

“Seeing and hearing you and the other participants in any given Circle has strengthened my inner vision of myself truly participating as a Self in the energetic All… Your invitations, guidance, instruction, and intentional co-creation during any one of the circles has resulted, for me, in receiving insight and affirmation on many levels. I’ve been supported on my path.”
~~ DM, NM

“I show up with an open heart, and allow the experience of being in the inspiring, nourishing river of words …in her meditations and wisdom sharing. My soul always feels sparkly, inspired, and refreshed when I attend. Our time together is fruitful, and rich content is revealed that I can explore and expand on until the next gathering. I feel blessed and grateful for our time together.”
~~ KS, MI

“It always amazes me how you can be so vast (so Infinite) and so grounding simultaneously. Definitely a big part of your unique #HeartFireMagic!”
~~SE, NC

“Working with Bobbye is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. … there are the Aha! moments, which happen pretty much all the time. … they feel breathtaking and deeply personal. Then … that same epiphany has already become so much a part of my new reality that I am not sure if anything really happened. Wasn’t this always a part of me? … after many of these times when nothing much seemed to have happened, I look around and realize that my entire life, my perspective, my set of tools for coping and growing and co-creating, are not at all the same anymore, that they are changed to a degree I wouldn’t have known to even ask for. I am changed and my environment around me has been changed as a result. Dreaming and creating The Impossible Dream is becoming part of my every day.

The incredible thing is that she never tells you what or how to do or think. Not ever. She somehow guides you to that place deep inside you where your own personal answers are. Bobbye with her golden voice, brilliant inner guidance and powerful “tool satchel” is indeed making the world a better place. Bobbye, I don’t have the words to sufficiently express my awe and my gratitude.”

“ … you are sooooo wonderful at what you do… you have such a depth of containment and such a wonderful harmonic voice that soothes and heals the soul.”
~~CW, Ireland

About Bobbye
Sacred Space Holder & Inner Wisdom Keeper

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, Inner Wisdom Keeper & Sacred Space Holder

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, with Goddess-hearted Presence, lives the priestess path. As a beacon, she embodies portals of potentialities, a living bridge for others committed to Yin Arising in exultant devotion to Infinite Mother. Facilitating transformations, Bobbye’s luminous presence weaves healing, spoken and written word alchemy, visual #WordAltars, and partnering alchemies — catalyzing new CoCreation Fields. Her circles and #SacredSpaceHolding spark #HeartFireMagic, within participants, invoking radiant wholeness & boundless creativity as Inner Divine Feminine and Masculine dance together.