Synergies for the hopelessly right-brained–Blog Challenge Day 2

It’s Day 2 of Connie Ragan Green’s Blog Challenge! (Find it on Twitter  at  #blog30).

Note to self: figure out the automatic publishing timer on WordPress.
This is the sort of thing that I figure left brain thinkers can do without a problem.

And it’s pre-income-tax weekend. For us, there’s a head start. College Financial Aid requirements mean getting our act together sooner rather than later. Still, what’s in my face this weekend, as a solo-preneur self-employed type, is getting the package of first quarter biz details summarized and over to the accountant, Victoria Zimelis, CPA. Hands down, the money  I spend on having someone who actually knows about taxes to take care of the forms is “priceless” as the commercial says.

There are benefits to giving the left side of the brain a bit of a workout every now and then — In this case, at least quarterly.

For writers, it’s generally considered that language is a left brain function, so maybe I’m not as hopeless as I initially thought.

So, what are your writing exercises for right-brain workouts versus left-brain workouts? Share your insights!

Owning Your Greatness in 2010

Owning Your Greatness in 2010:

The Write Synergies Path to Manifest Your Creative Vision

For Conscious Creators, more so than for most, aligning your heart — the inner fire and desire — with what you intend to create and manifest in the world, is absolutely crucial.   Without this inner alignment, all the outer marketing tools create anemic results at best.

At worst, they fall flat, and drag you farther from your goal because you are literally “losing heart.”

To start 2010, is there some way to bring that inner heart-knowledge into alignment with what you intend to create in your business, book, or creative project?

One powerful process to manifest your creation and your vision is to follow your inner yearning. Listen to it. Get into a dialogue with your inner yearning.  I’ve discovered that one of the most effective ways of tapping that inner yearning and building the dialogue is using a gentle writing and journaling process.

I call it, “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness.”  A guide to this process is my gift to you for signing up in the box at the top of the right column. But what does this “The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness” really mean?

Write Synergies is all about generating results greater than the sum of the parts using writing.  This can be both a process of uncovering information as well as generating finished results.

Owning Your Greatness means just what it says. We each have gifts to give.  Those gifts are our greatness, often living quietly hidden for years.  After a time, the inner yearning to express those gifts becomes palpable, not to say painful.  When the pain or divine discontent gets great enough, that means it’s time to listen, to really pay attention, and make something happen in bringing your vision to life.

“The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness” is a process that gives you the chance to listen and write your own vision into expression. So many of us hold ourselves back. We haven’t fully stepped into owning our greatness.  Now is the time.  We are called to express our greatness and gifts fully.

Make 2010 the year that you are Owning Your Greatness.

Owning, Living, and Writing Your Greatness in 2010

Happy New Year!

As the darkness and short year-end days
turn the corner to the lighter and brighter,
I hope you will take this time
to experience the peace, joy, and
opportunity of a fresh start.

What does Owning Your Greatness mean in your
life? In your creative projects? In your business?
What are you yearning to envision, create,
and manifest in 2010? What is the biggest
challenge you face in Owning Your Greatness?

Do you come up with more questions than answers?
Answers are great. And so are the questions.
They can be productive in opening the space for
movement, especially if you are able to share
your questions with a like-minded  and Light-minded

I invite you to email me or post your questions.
I want to understand your biggest challenges —
and support you in addressing them so you can
move forward to truly Own Your Greatness
(and the Greatness of your project or venture) in 2010.

Write Synergies Copywriting addresses the
needs of Conscious Creators. For us, more than most,
it’s crucial to align the inner fire, desire, and intent
with the outer manifestations.  Owning Your Greatness
is the inner work.

The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness,
the guidebook available on sign-up in the box at the
top of the right-hand column, offers a gentle
process using writing to tap into the heart of your vision.

Yours are the words that start the journey!
You start by Owning Your Greatness first.
Then all the outer manifestations fall into place.

Bring Heart to Your Marketing and
Soul to Your Business in 2010.

With My Best Wishes for a Shiny Fresh New Year
~ Filled with Love, Light, & Laughter,