Apprenticing to your Great Work

The unseen. The invisible world. The Qi field. The Force.

If you are searching for your own Pole Star outside, stop. You are looking where it will never be found.

Sunset, West Placitas, by Bobbye Middendorf
Sunset, West Placitas, by Bobbye Middendorf

Do you deal with what is invisible? Powerful, foundational, yet invisible? The formless and energetic precede form, yet are also within the form. We’ve been taught to hunt far and wide in the outer world for hidden treasure. You are one who guides your people to find it within.

Let me ask: If you do this kind of work for and with others, who helps you hold the space for your own deeper dives?  The deeper you go, the more challenging it can be to do for yourself and by yourself. You can’t hear what you can’t hear, nor see what you can’t see.

None of us are supposed to travel on this energetic upleveling journey alone.

The energetic shifts in our world are palpable, at least to those of us with heightened sensitivity and cultivated presence of deep empathy. The seemingly irreconcilable polarities are being played out with startling regularity, with the space between the poles seeming to exponentially expand, the time between polarizing events now ever shorter.

What has looked like the “way we do things” is breaking down. It’s easy to want to follow a model, especially when things are breaking down. And that’s exactly the time that the model no longer works, especially if you are looking to rebirth a world that works for all.

From this confusion and crumbling, I want to help wise women like you to connect — and stay connected — to your own North Star, your own inner blueprint — the one that is urging you forward. It’s the core essence of your Great Work, the new story that you are compelled to give birth to in our complex and convoluted world.

The emerging new paradigm in business is calling all of us to show up and partner with it and all the disparate parts in a wholly different way. It calls us to live in a way that regenerates ourselves (in body, mind, and spirit). I sense that this is part of what you are doing, or aiming to do. The work calls to be done in a different way, and in so doing, we become apprentices to this new work, this new way of working, and to ourselves as the Co-Creator.

It, the work, shapes us as instruments for its highest expression and most potent unfolding. That’s not how things have been done in the past. We are walking at the leading edge of new ways of working, including this partnering collaboration and co-creation, all of which is coming forth in unimagined ways.

And the new story that you want to shape and share also includes embracing your people while raising them up– your Divine Audience, your soul tribe. These are the people who will appreciate and resonate with the “honing” that has been done on you through your lifetime(s).

[A Sidebar: Today’s #Quest2016 with Jeffrey Davis’ Tracking Wonder Community features Jennifer Louden with this question to unfurl your 2016:

Your Quest2016 Prompt today:

What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?   

What’s the story your just-right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?

Where do your two stories overlap? #2Stories

For more details on #Quest2016:]

I regularly inquire into these two stories, even creating Venn Diagrams to visually map the overlaps.

Your Shero’s Journey

We are hospicing an entire way of life,  we who are the midwives of new visions, Way-Showers to many who are taking up the Shero’s Journey (a concept I learned initially from Tamora Pierce and then also via Jen Louden).

Light-Bringers, Path-Seers, Wisdom-Sharers: We are unveiling the new in a way that shares its foundational roots with ancient, long-forgotten paths.

Put your dreams and visions to work, for now is the time. We are being asked to collaborate and co-create in resonant and regenerative community. Are you ready to articulate the song deep in your heart? To tell the new story?

Let us together bring forth from the heart of co-creation YOUR truest inherent value to be of service in creating a world that works for all beings and all life.

Happy Solstice, following the path of the return of the light. Merry Christmas, where the Light of Divine Love is reborn within your soul. Happy New Year as the path unfolds under your feet for another trip around the sun.

In whatever ways you celebrate at this sacred time, I wish you many blessings as you journey.