Veils thinned, & time for deep-nurturing of our roots in the dark, we gather. Centering, grounding, inquiring within via sacred journaling, tender sharing in a circle of radiant witnessing:
Let us pivot the ancient traumas of the wise ones into luminous wholeness that births the new reality we are co-creating.
You are invited …
My Beloved,
We are called into the dark of the year to refresh, replenish, regenerate, and stir the roots of our being with the deep sustenance of divine feminine presence. Yin Arising is not only rising, this feminine principle is living anew in all beings and coming forth.
Metaphysically, the entire cosmos is transforming from old paradigm outside-in models and practices. Yes, you’re seeing them breaking down beneath your feet. And moving TO — Inside-Out. Make way for the Goddess.
What it is:
I hold a sacred circle space, amidst massive outer de-structuring and the transformations we’ve longed for, yet didn’t expect. You?
You are invited to put yourself into the center of your own circle of “Self-Care Sunday,†as one of my beloved mentors calls it… (Plus the session will be recorded so you can revisit at any point, AND you can come to it in your own perfect timing, if needed.)
You are invited to #InquireWithin to access your own inner depths, so to root yourSelf into your own inner landscape for co-creating a new reality. We are called to nothing less than this!
In Sunday’s (Nov. 1) Sacred Circle of self-nurture + journaling- your-perceptions as you attune to your inner wisdom, we experience spaciousness for stretching roots into the depths and fertile darkness. We activate profound self-nourishment, and cultivate from within the new reality that is being birthed through us, as us, and beyond us.
For Your Calendar
1-2:30 MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME … Sunday 1 November 2020
*via Zoom and recorded
If you know me, have attended one of my seasonal virtual circles before, and you want to reserve time in your schedule:
Details for your calendar:
Sunday, 1 November at 1 PM Mountain STANDARD Time (US)
What time in your world? Check here: https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
We will meet on Zoom for apprx 90 minutes. The event will be recorded. The first hour will include at least one centering and/or meditative visualization, plus multiple writing prompts and time to listen to and record YOUR insights and inner wisdom through your writing (or drawing or whatever is your mode of creation). The last (approximately) half hour will be a time to share into our circle, to witness and be witnessed, if you choose.
This seasonal circle is offered in sacred exchange on a pay-from-your heart model — explained at this link.
Please join me for Seasonal Samhain (All Saints) Gathering, offered in sacred exchange as pay-from-the-heart.
In addition!
October’s second full moon, a Blue Moon, will be on 31 October, All Hallow’s Eve. Lean into Mama Moon’s elegant support!
This entire “season” of immersing in the rich sacred feminine dark of the year is acknowledged in different traditions — Samhain from the Celtic tradition, Dia De Los Muertos in the Hispanic tradition, a cross-quarter holy day in the Wicca tradition, and the Catholics weigh in with All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, a “holy day of obligation,” and the following All Souls’ Day for those deemed not saintly enough…
I invite you into this cozy and self-supportive time out of time sacred circle gathering. Together we honor and mark this seasonal node of many names in multiple traditions.
Seasonally (in the Northern Hemisphere), we enter the dark octuple of the year between now and the Winter Solstice.
We gather in celebration of our living roots that stir in fertile and nurturing darkness, while reconnecting with Mama Gaia who is in her own reset and time of replenishment.
It’s a sacred space for you to bring forward awareness, appreciation, attunement, and activation to your inside-out Ways.
We go deep first– and fast– with a centering, then there are prompts that offer you grounding and access points into your own depths of wisdom ready to come forth. For about an hour, you deepen into the radiant wisdom of your being as you #InquireWithin, then the last half hour (approximately) is time and space to share insights, and the fractals of our sacred interconnections.
If you feel a tug of resonance and interest, mark your calendar for Sunday, 1 Nov 2020 at 1 PM MST til apprx 2:30 PM. (NOTE: time changes in US and Canada early AM on this day.)
For detailed explanation about our sacred exchange, which is Pay-from-the-Heart, you can read more at this link. ♥ https://writesynergiescopywriting.com/2020/09/10/what-is-pay-from-the-heart/
I love you and honor you so much! Your presence is a treasure to me and in my life.
Whether this particular circle calls to you, know that you are forever loved and held in a tender embrace of your own radiant wholeness.
If this event speaks to you, please say yes to you! Feel from your own “within” as to what is the sacred exchange that feels most appropriate. The PayPal link is below for your registration.
Confirmation from me and Zoom link will be sent soon after you complete the PayPal process.(But it’s artisanal, not automated, so there’s a person doing things to make that message happen.)
To register:
With love and appreciation,
P.S. What another has experienced:
Bobbye “… has an unusual ability to hold space by carefully tending to the creation of a safe and deep container, through the patience and holding of her deep listening and through her caring wisdom. The result is that one sees oneself and one’s situation more clearly, more fully, and with more compassion.†— MD, Ontario
About Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, stands as pillar of radiant essence in Infinite Mother’s Field. Her work shapes itself as Spoken Word Alchemist, Yin Arising Mentor, WayMaker for WayMakers, mystic & catalyst for evolutionaries, inner wisdom guide, award-winning wordsmith, artist, poet, and healer.
For multi-gifted radiant beings, she creates sacred spaces to discover and then access, explore, activate, cultivate, express, and unleash each one’s unique HeartFire of creation. This HeartFire, articulated through life, livelihood, and radiant creations, grounds the process for co-creating unique new realities.
Seasonally she offers virtual sacred journaling inquiry & self-nurturing circles. Other group experiences include the WayMaker Initiation Circle and Befriending the Unknown: WayMaker Practices for Sailing Uncharted Seas.