Celebrate: An Invitation to Blessing

11-11 at 11 AM — Receive a Blessing

We open the portal to Befriending the Unknown and immerse in a time for “Tending the Inner Garden.”

Bobbye Middendorf Photography
All the time, Love and I are One.

In celebration, Beloved!

Please join live (or receive the recording) in this no-cost blessing celebration and ceremony for amplifying the unique song of your essence, sourced from within and expressing outwards to reshape your reality.

In my experience, this is the greatest gift we can give to support the emergent new reality. We shape it through our BEing, through expressing our essence, through amplifying our unique Song of Essence, what the Seer Almine calls the “Song of Self.”

11-11 Blessing Ceremony

You are invited into deeper alignment with your inner being and to amplify your unique “Song of Self” during this potent time. I convene and hold the sacred space in partnership with the Infinite and with the field of Belvaspata, the source of this “Song of Self” practice. You are invited to relax and receive. You are invited to celebrate your BEing as an expansive resource in co-creating your own new reality.

This space-opening ceremony is the portal to a longer engagement, and this may — or may not — be your time to engage at that next level.

The headwinds may have lessened — just slightly — on our journey into Befriending the Unknown. However, even the President-Elect noted that we are “at an Inflection Point.”

What this means is that the outer sphere now publicly recognizes this pivot point. It’s the place we’ve been playing and cultivating deep underground for quite some time. The new-reality-co-creation project — that all life flourishes — is the heart of my journey in partnership with Yin Arising, as collectively we learn what it means and how to Befriend the Unknown.

Many of us have been working underground and as background support for this time and this emergence. We are co-creating this invisible and invincible infrastructure of new reality in partnership with the forces of Yin Arising and others in invisible realms. This joyous play of our fullest expression in emergence is more timely than ever. Maintaining our focus is even more crucial.

The WayMakers, Evolutionaries, Change Catalysts, and Conscious Creators — you and I — are here at this inflection point to open the field of invisible potentiality even further.

And it starts with each of us opening to RECEIVE: To receive the blessings and gifts that emerge as we align with and magnify the unique essence of our song. As each songline comes into its fullest expression and radiant alignment with the flows of the One Life, we become the living alchemy of this sacred moment that opens the way for new realities.

Are you ready, willing, and able to receive? Then say yes to you.
If you are reading this and want to join in, you can contact me by sending me an email at
If you want to understand more about the longer journey, Befriending the Unknown: Deepening Journey to Tend Your Inner Garden, you can read more at this link.

Further Backstory on 11-11

Nine years ago, at a retreat on the Big Island that encompassed 11-11-11, I allowed myself to be witnessed by an intimate circle of beloveds in claiming and owning the title “divine priestess” for the first time I recall in this lifetime.

Nine years on, and it still isn’t how I typically show myself … And yet I now publicly admit to “partnering in co-creation with Infinite Mother,” and claim “Yin Arising” as the overarching umbrella of my body of work. So, yes, this date offers a pivotal marker for me of more profoundly claiming my role and my power.

Since then, evolution has happened, of course. Evolutionaries gotta evolve. And so the journey and expression continues and expands. Thank you for walking with me along this evolutionary edge.

Author: Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, partners with evolutionaries as mystic-catalyst, healer, and poet -- evoking experiences of hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy. Spoken Word Alchemy opens portals for Yin Arising via mentoring; she offers inner wisdom guidance and word altars. With WayMakers, this award-winning wordsmith regenerates their clarity and expansive expression to live life as a work of art.

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