Partnering with the Power of Nature

To the East, over Lake Michigan a mile or so away, the sky is navy blue, even now. Last night, more than 12 hours ago, the forces of nature — wind, lightning, hail — created a dramatic light show. Great forks of lightning illuminated the sky. The power of nature was palpable as the hail flung itself against the windows.

So grateful, then, to be inside, in our house. Outside, some of the plants in the garden of Shangri-La took some damage. From my office window, I spot a few holes in the plate-sized redbud leaves. The ligularia, not under the protection of a tree, was torn to pieces. Lots of leaves came down in the heavy winds and hail. I’ve taken a sweeping-meditation break to move them into piles to pick up on the next break. All in all, we are grateful for the minimal damage.

The power of nature is dramatic, yet embracing it as a partnership not a war can make for an experience of integrity, wholeness, oneness. The prepositions are important here: with Nature; in Nature; of Nature. And *not* against or over Nature. That’s the misstep.

We as a species are still learning, and there remains much we do not know.  Mysteries remain that the scientific method (sorry to tell you) will not unravel. And yet — these mysteries, this other kind of knowing and knowledge, can be accessed in other ways.

How? Those prepositions are the key. It’s starting with the heart, the compassion for all on the planet and the planet herself, Gaia. We, and all beings, both seen and unseen, are worthy of our places here. And notice that we are here together. We are here together at this time for a purpose. Our mission is to engage within that continuum of relationships in all the many manifestations.

We are moving from the old model of “power over nature” to partners with Nature, learners and students in Nature,  beings of Nature. Yes, we experience AWE in the raw power of nature, while at the same time, consciously engaging with the Earth and her creatures to listen for the lessons we are now able to hear and perhaps even embody.

If tapping into the messages from the animals is the way that best draws you into conversation with nature, I’d like to introduce you to David Wodtke, aka Pine Tree. His focus is on Earth-Service over at: David shares messages from the animals that offer powerful ways to learn from the wisdom of the creatures.

Author: Bobbye

Bobbye Middendorf, MA, partners with evolutionaries as mystic-catalyst, healer, and poet -- evoking experiences of hope, self-grounding, self-trust, resilience, and joy. Spoken Word Alchemy opens portals for Yin Arising via mentoring; she offers inner wisdom guidance and word altars. With WayMakers, this award-winning wordsmith regenerates their clarity and expansive expression to live life as a work of art.

3 thoughts on “Partnering with the Power of Nature”

  1. Bobbye,

    I can’t resist the urge to say the power and the beauty of nature can be equated with women in business! (not that men aren’t powerful and beautiful, too) 🙂

    Oh, how I miss the lightning show performances and the music of thunder!

    So prevalent on the East Coast where I grew up and practically non-existent here in Southern California. Allow me to confess I pray for thunderstorms. And that prayer has only been answered a handful of times in the past 30+ years.

    It’s comforting knowing we’re moving in the direction of partnering with nature and becoming students in nature. It just makes good logical sense.

    I wonder what caused us to veer so far off nature’s path for so many years? Never mind. Don’t answer that. I’m going to venture a guess that selfishness, ignorance, greed, and the almighty dollar were the culprits.

    Fabulous post!

  2. David, Thank you! Yes, we as humans regularly under-appreciate the bio-intelligence built into the natural world. The quiet and stillness needed to access that requires our conscious and consistent attention. Keep up your great work!

  3. Thanks Bobbye! I think everyone feels the healing power of Nature at some time. Even the rocks and plants speak to us softly when we listen intently. Nature is much broader and more intelligent than current conceptions would have us believe.

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