So what’s with this new paradigm versus old paradigm business conversation?
Arguably business is the one institution on the planet with the power to change things for the better. How can you and I help business live up to its highest potential and shift things for the better?
My friend, colleague and mentor, Tim Kelley, is convening a series of video conversations about the changes that will lead us toward positive practices and results that emerge from ‎New Paradigm Business. He invites all of us to play, because each and every voice contributes to the change that’s possible when we all collaborate.
Tim says, “Business is the key to creating a better society for all, but the current paradigm won’t get us there.”
Please join me in this crucial conversation convened by Tim Kelley.
It will also include an upcoming series of interviews with New Paradigm Business Leaders. All at no cost.
Everyone is invited to play!
Because this shift is at the heart of our purpose — why so many of us are on the planet right now. Together, we CAN make a bigger difference! Together we will be exploring the old paradigm of business (What isn’t working) as well as the building blocks and initial vision for co-creating this new paradigm of business.
If you are at all curious as to what is possible, if you wonder what it means for your team, your organization and (ultimately) for our shared world, you won’t want to miss this no-cost educational video series. For more details and to sign up to be notified of each new short video, you can explore and sign up at this link:
I’m playing full-out to support this shift, and gathering circles of people ready, willing, and able to give birth to various aspects of this new, emerging paradigm. We can only make change happen at this magnitude by partnering and working together.
Won’t you please join me and listen in?! It’s an easy first step if you are curious about what it might look like to do your part in bringing about this new paradigm in business.
Wishing you all the courage you need to BE the change you wish to see in the world,