“Who are you willing to offend/disappoint/abandon?”
asks Michael Bungay Stanier, [from Sat. 12-6 ‪#‎Quest2015‬ prompt]
In the midst of many activities, I risk both the showing up and the not showing up, then eventually showing up late. Is this more about taking a stand for completion? Is it the risk of sham participation or is it the shame of not fully engaging in a community where my words seem to feel so hollow and small? The community of #Quest2015, convened by, space held by, Jeffrey Davis and the pack over at Tracking Wonder: I mean wow. What stories. What insights. What shining lights into light and into the darkness. What depths this group is going into. Have I disappointed myself, having temporarily abandoned, or rather, lost the thread of participating in the quest?
I have just completed a training on Parts Work for practitioners (inner parts, all parts serve, having regular conversations via Active Imagination). With this new inner “part”-nership awareness emerging, there are shifting relationships among those inner parts.
For me, I am entertaining what conditions will be put in place to be in conscious partnership with a “Pleaser Part.” Offending, disappointing, and abandoning are anathema to that dear part who has worked so hard. So I am inviting my own Pleaser part to consider this. We can decline “opportunities” and situations with kindness, compassion, and grace. We can open the space for more perfect partners to come forth for all parties involved.
We dance anew.