Happy February!
Wanted to share the love. I wrote a guest post with friend and colleague, Nat Couropmitree of Nat Couropmitree – Allow Love In. (You can read my post at Allow Love In, Feb 12 Guest Post)
I had a great time bringing forth the energetic interconnections that invite us to say (as a daily mantra): ‪#‎AllTheTimeLoveAndIAreOne‬

You have many choices and ways to share the Great Work you are here to do. I love supporting people to apprentice to their own wisdom and then bring it forth. At its essence, we are called to bring #SpiritIntoForm. It’s what I’ve done every time I show up with people and teams. Let’s talk if this guest post of mine resonates! http://allowlovein.com/bringing-love-into-form/