7 Steps to Owning Your Greatness and Gifts and the Contribution You Came Here to Make!
What is it about touching on that sweet pulsing center of who we really are, what we came here to do, and stepping up into our magnificence that turns us into shy and retiring wallflowers? Why do we back pedal — fast — away from our heart’s desire and what we say or think or feel we most want? Why do we retreat double time when a little sliver of a spotlight heads in our direction? “No, I couldn’t possibly put even a little finger into that limelight,” we resolutely claim.
Some say it’s fear of failure. We are reticent about taking our deepest and most precious dreams and passions and art and creations out there into a tough, cold, cruel, and harsh world. We don’t want our hearts broken — yet again — when our creations and messages don’t find a place in the marketplace of ideas and messages screaming for attention.
Others say it’s fear of success. We fear shining the very light that we came here to shine. We fear our brilliance because it might mean a shift in the status quo. Suddenly we are more visible than we ever have been before. And what if there’s positive response? What then? Do we fear success and shining our light because of old programming and shame? Do we have a familiar comfort in the smallness?
No matter the cause, whether fear of success or fear of failure, we so often fail to act on our own behalf. Some advise big steps, giant strides, quantum leaps. Such approaches are seductive and tempting — just make the leap. Such a process may work for some. For others, the very bigness of the endeavor becomes a recipe for staying frozen, for blocking, for sheer terror at the cliff’s edge.
Baby steps are what Julia Cameron advises in this classic collection of her three books, The Complete Artist’s Way: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice. Baby steps can create new habits, literally new neural pathways that can create vast and positive internal shifts. But we have to take the time to put the new habits into practice. Over millennia, the Grand Canyon was cut through by the patient waters of the Colorado River. There’s visible power in that river channel. We are stunned by the breathtaking results. But in our lifetime, we don’t have the kind of time it took to carve out the Grand Canyon.
Perhaps there is a third way. Living on the “third coast” of the Great Lakes and their freshwater foam, in Chicago, roughly the middle of our country, I’m especially fond of alternatives, third ways, the golden mean of Greek philosophy, (and similar notions from Confucius and the Middle Way of Buddhism). Mapping a confident path through the the impatience of taking baby steps and along the cliff edge of quantum leaps, I have developed a seven-step process for owning your gifts and greatness.
The Write Synergies Path to Owning Your Greatness requires a series of back and forths, alternating inner work, then outer work; inner, then outer. The inner journey work builds the foundation. But we live in the physical world. Without action in the outer spheres, little happens and our visions and gifts do not come to fruition. So consider the following seven steps (and the eighth, the bonus and result of following this path). And, although these are process steps, there are sweet results and outcomes by incorporating each one, so stay tuned.
Over the next few days, I will expand on these seven steps.
- Awaken Awareness
- Add Accountability
- Build Momentum
- Create and Implement
- Delight your People–your tribe/circle/audience/community/
- Embrace the heart and soul of your project, creation, and message
- Embody Excellence
Following the path through this process, one piece of the Write Synergies Vision Quest, you’ll arrive at the 8th step–your result, the bonus, outcome, and reason you are here: Living Your Legacy. (I’ve talked about this before a bit. See related post at the link. And watch for more to come.)
Thanks once again to all the wonderful colleagues and conversations at #blog3o.

Thank you for entering into the conversation!
Love this, Bobbye! Very encouraging and do-able sounding. Great post.
Bobbye ~
I would have to give this piece an A+ in the category of profound!
It’s true what you say – afraid of failure, afraid of success, broken hearts, sheer terror, familiar comfort in the smallness. Surely everyone can relate to some or ALL of this.
Looking forward to your expansion of the seven steps and step 8 sounds like the ultimate destination!